

As the years pass harlord grow up now he is an adult he has a stable job a house one day After returning from work harlord toke the glasses that his grandfather left him he started reading his favirote light novel SOLO LEVELING before he know it was night alredy he looks UP and nothing happend he asked him self why his grandfather warend him about thoes glasses but he thout that he IS grandfather must imagined things in his daying bed so he does not give it too much attention he sleeps but what hé didn'nt know that his grandfather was right they were curesed at 3 am the glasses shine red as they write number 1/3

in thé morning harlord fonds number 1/3 writeen in his shoulder hé didn'nt give it too much attention as it dessperd esaly with water in thé next 2 nights

harlord keept reading at night with his glasses

the same happend like the first Time 1/3 2/3 and 3/3 in thé forth night hé got a message but not in his phone no it IS from the glasses it showed a red screen it Saïd Welcome to the game do you accepte thé first quest