

After Edward called Alice, she arrived at my home very quickly and then they discussed my condition.

— So... Her system just rejected the vampire venom?

— Yes.

— But if the transformation couldn't complete then... Why is she still alive?

— Because during the transformation her body healed itself.

— And why it couldn't complete?

— I don't know Alice. Maybe my venom was so weak to her? The last week I not even knew I can turn humans into a vampire.

— Well... You barely can... — said Alice laughing about him — but you're right. We should talk to dad.

— No, never.

— But...

— No Alice! He's going to kill me!

— No! Over my damn corpse! This is his fault Edward, this happened because he didn't give us the information enough about ourselves!

— That's true but... — he suddenly stopped when Alice enters a trance — Alice?

Alice was suddenly lost in her mind so she couldn't hear us at all.

— What happened? — I asked Edward.

—She's having a vision. When she drinks blood her visions intensify like this.

— Elizabeth! — screamed Alice so scared.

— What happens, Alice? I'm right here.

— Alice, take a sit. Tell me what did you saw. — said Edward helping her to take a sit.

— I saw Stephenie, Edward. She was inside a white huge house — Alice answered so much concerned.

— Stephenie who? — I asked.

— Stephenie Meyer, an original vampire. The last one in fact.

— Stephenie Meyer? The writer of Twilight? — I asked.

— The writer of what? — asked Edward.

— Twilight, a vampire story. I read it cause I thought the original vampire was the writer. — answered Alice — No Lizzy, not that Stephenie. Maybe she's a descendant from her.

— And what did Stephenie do inside your vision? — asked Edward.

— She just said a name.

— Which name did she say?

— "Elizabeth." — she answered and then both looked at me.

— Yeah, but it wasn't to be the same Lizzy we know.

— Elizabeth who? — I asked.

— Elizabeth Curwood.

— Yeah but I'm not Elizabeth Curwood, I'm Elizabeth Denker.

— I know but in some way, I'm sure she was talking about you.

— Her visions never wrong Lizzy.

— So... Do you have an idea of why would an original vampire could be looking for you?

— No, not at all. I not even can turn into a vampire!

— Okay, so we definitely must talk to dad. Get dressed Lizzy, we're going to introduce you to our parents tonight.