
The cruel king and the fox

In the 18th, there was a cruel king who loved killing mythological creatures. One day, in his usual hunt in the enchanted forest, he found a pink haired woman that claimed to not be one of the creature that the King use to hunt.

LittleFox11 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Chapter 5

One evening, while returning from a meeting with his generals, Raphael spotted a figure in the distance. It looked familiar… like the creature from the enchanted forest. Curious, he followed it discreetly, staying hidden in the shadows.

Ciel, meanwhile, was on her way back to the forest after collecting herbs for medicine. She hadn't noticed the King following her.

She was walking innocently in the enchanted forest towards her own little cottage. She was humming a song, her pink and fluffy hair floating in the wind.

Ciel was holding close to the herbs she just collected, as she arrived in front of a little wooden portal, leading to an enchanted flower field where her cottage was.

Watching from the shadows, Raphael observed Ciel as she walked through the forest. He was captivated by her carefree demeanor, her innocent smile. But he reminded himself that she was a dangerous creature.

When she stopped in front of the wooden portal, he moved closer, creeping up behind her. He could see her delicate features, the soft glow of her skin. She was beautiful… in a strange, otherworldly sort of way.

Without warning, he stepped out from the shadows, revealing himself.

"So you're not as harmless as you seem, are you?"

Ciel jumps, almost dropping the herbs on the ground. She turns herself to face the King, a frown appearing on her face.

"What are you doing here?"

She was really surprised, wondering how he could have made his way through the enchanted forest without a problem knowing that every enchanted creature hated him.

Raphael stood tall and imposing, his cold gaze locked onto Ciel. He was unfazed by her sudden anger, seemingly unbothered by the fact that he was surrounded by creatures who despised him.

"Just passing through," he replied nonchalantly, taking a step closer to her. "Nice place you have here…"

His eyes roamed over the enchanted forest, taking in the sight of the glowing flowers and the ethereal glow of the trees. Despite himself, he felt a twinge of admiration for this magical realm.

She sighs, passing a hand through her hair. "Indeed."

Her gaze falls back on him, trying to analyze him and understand his intentions.

"But you would probably feel better in the luxury of your castle with all the mythical creatures' corpses that you call your 'prizes'."

At her words, a flash of anger crossed King Raphael's face. He hated being reminded of his trophies, especially by a creature he considered inferior.

"Do not presume to know me, fairy," he snapped, his voice icy. "My interests lie beyond the confines of my castle."

He stepped closer still, until he was mere inches away from her. She'd feel a shiver run down her spine as he breathed in deeply, taking in her unique aroma once again.

"As for your precious forest… it might not remain untouched for long."

A pang of anger appears in her chest as she hears his words.

"What did you just say?"

She leans closer too, showing him that she is not afraid of him, even if it wasn't really true. There is now way that Ciel, one of the guardian spirits of the forest, let a mere mortal like him destroy that wonderful realm.

Raphael stared down at the tiny fairy, a smirk playing on his lips. He enjoyed seeing her react, and enjoyed the power dynamic between them.

"Just this," he said, his voice dangerously low. "Your precious forest might soon be under my rule."

He leaned in even closer, until their noses were nearly touching. He could smell the sweetness of her perfume, mingled with the faint scent of fear.

"Do not test my patience, fairy. You are but a blip in the grand scheme of things."

"I am not a fairy, you ignorant."

Ciel tried to keep her voice calm but failed, her anger making her voice sound deeper.

"To rule over this realm, you have to kill me and the six other guardians."

Raphael chuckled softly, brushing aside her threat with a wave of his hand. He leaned back, studying her closely.

"Is that a challenge?"

His eyes narrowed, sparks of challenge igniting in their depths. He'd never met anyone who dared defy him so brazenly. Perhaps this encounter wouldn't be so boring after all.

"Very well," he growled, reaching for his sword. "Let's see what you're truly capable of."

Ciel takes a step back, placing the herbs in the pocket of her dress.

"Don't be ridiculous. You're not at your advantage here."

Raphael sneered, his grip tightening around the hilt of his sword. He was used to people cowering before him, not challenging him.

"If you're not going to fight, then I'll just have to assume you're scared," he taunted, stepping closer. "Are you afraid, little fairy?"

He brandished his sword, the metal gleaming ominously in the moonlight. "Or perhaps you're just not as brave as you claim?"

"I'm just warning you." Answer Ciel as she glances at his sword.

"You don't know this place like we do. I am a guardian of this enchanted forest."

The pink haired woman discreetly passed her hand under her dress, her fingers grazing the skin of her thigh.

The King scoffed, his confidence undeterred by her warnings. He swung his sword in a wide arc, creating a shower of sparkles.

"Then prove it!" he shouted, his voice echoing throughout the forest. "Show me why you think you can stop me!"

His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he waited for her to make the first move.

Ciel simply moved to the side to avoid the King's sword. She grabs the little dagger that was laying under her dress and plants him in the shoulder.

"We are supposed to be pacifist and you know that. But don't use it to your advantage because, if needed, we will kill you."

Then, she transforms into her pink fox form and runs away as fast as possible, knowing the enchanted forest is like her pocket.

Stung by the sharp pain in his shoulder, Raphael watched as the fox disappeared into the darkness of the forest. He cursed loudly, the sound echoing through the trees.

"That was quite a trick," he grumbled, examining the wound. "But I'll be back, little fairy. Mark my words."

He sheathed his sword and began to walk back towards his castle, vowing to return and conquer the enchanted forest.