
Chapter 91 Your savior

He saw the fear in her eyes. He saw the Confusion, he saw the panic. Was he wrong? Was he accusing her wrongly? Does she not despise him? Did she not try to murder herself? Was it all an accident?

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't try to kill yourself" he was so close to her and she was so close to the edge of the bed. She didn't even realize that.

"I would never take my life just because of an annoying leech". She managed to find her voice.

His eyes were still fixed on her. Just earlier she was lying lifeless, now she is taking all her guts to tell him these. This is the first time he could read her. He could see the fear in her eyes. He could see the desire as she stared back at him.

He closed the gap between them as she tried to move back but fell on the bed. Her thighs were exposed, her white skin glowing under the chandelier, her hair bouncing due to the impact of her body on the bed, and her breast also moved seductively.

She was all he saw. All he could see. All he wanted. His eyes took a slow stroll down her magnificent glowing white skin. He went from her thighs to the sexy way the large cloth hugged her round curved hips, up to her sexy waist curve, and her nipples. 

Her long neck tickled his tongue as he finally knew why vampires were interested in necks, all he wanted to do was suck it and place his mark right there. It would be a perfect spot to mark his claim on her.

His eyes traced up further as he looked at her chin and her extremely red lips. He remembered how soft they were when his mouth met hers in an attempt to save her life. Slowly, he dragged his eyes to hers.

Her nipples hardened to the look he gave her. All she saw were lust-filled eyes. He wanted her and she saw it. It turned her on. Her insides were melting at his look. She wanted him. She itched for him. 

Their eyes were basically devouring each other.

The things he wanted to do to her at the moment turned him on at once. He was hard. He was fucking hard just by looking at her. He knew how hard it was to control himself when he clothed her. He was just at the edge when she laid so soft in his arms, how she held unto him and didn't want to let go.

He wanted to kiss her and tell her everything was going to be okay. He wanted to hold her until she opened her eyes. He wanted to claim her but he couldn't. He didn't want to do all those things when she wasn't awake. He wanted to do it when she was wide awake and conscious.

He wanted to hear her voice calling his name and telling him not to stop when he did all of those things to her. He wanted to make her feel the same things she made him feel. He wanted her to need his touch. He wanted her complete surrender when he fills inside her. He wanted to hear her screams echo in his entire mansion. For fuck's sake he just wanted her.

"I am not a leech, I am your savior". His voice was now low as he spoke. He was now in control, anger forgotten. All he wanted to do was take her right there. 

Her eyes were bored unto his like there was no one else in the world except them. It was as if she needed him to survive as if she needed him to even breathe.

Her hands were shaking, never had she ever shown this side of her to anyone before. She didn't even know this part of her existed. She had never been this vulnerable in her life. He had shown so much part of him that screamed dominance. She had never seen anyone like him. He was unpredictable, expressionless, and screamed of masculinity.

Is it even possible for someone to have so much effect on a person? Is she feeling this way because she hadn't been with a man for so long? 

She quickly broke the stare as his eyes strolled downwards. She slowly adjusted the cloth she wore and sat erect. He didn't even move one bit, his hands were folded to his chest as he observed her trying to compose herself in front of him.

He saw so many emotions flickering in her eyes. He looked into her eyes and he saw it all. She wanted him. She felt the same.

She scoffed. "Saviour you say, if you didn't keep me in your house against my will, maybe I wouldn't have had so many thoughts and lost consciousness". She accused. Her voice was low.

His left brow rose to her words. So that was what happened to her. He misunderstood everything. She didn't try to kill herself, she lost consciousness. He was confused and worried at once. Why does she lose her consciousness so easily?

"You sure know how to turn the tables to your favor don't you?" He only looked at her and nothing else. He didn't even want to look at anything else but her.

"My request still holds, zhavia". Her eyes held unto his again as he spoke. "Be my empress".

Her heart thudded nonstop. She held her breath and didn't even realize it. She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do. There was sincerity etched in his voice. His was grim. He is always grim but this time, there was something different. His tone. It wasn't as if he was ordering her, it was like a plead.

She felt butterflies dance around her tummy as he walked closer to her and lowered himself to her. His green eyes were now visible. She saw it clearly. It was so beautiful and it was the only thing she saw.


Her eyes opened in shock for the first time in her entire life as her lips parted in disbelief.


Klaus looked at him for the first time since the confession. They were both in the elevator and haven't said a word since they got in. He couldn't believe what he did. He didn't even know what happened to him. He panicked and distanced himself from the man of his dreams. 

He saw the sadness, the pain, the disappointment in his eyes. He wanted to hold him. He wanted to apologize to him and tell him that he meant everything he said that day. He wanted to tell him that he couldn't go on anymore without him.

Tiger walked out of the elevator and did not even say a word to Klaus. He didn't want to pressurize him any longer. He didn't want him to feel uncomfortable anymore. He was in pain, he was hurt. All he felt was regret. He was mad at himself for causing this pain to himself. If he hadn't opened up, none of these things would have happened.

If he hadn't opened up, he wouldn't have to live with guilt and regrets. He wouldn't have to avoid Klaus by all means. He wouldn't have been so unfocused. He wouldn't think about him all day and night.

He walked swiftly without even looking back. He wanted to get away as quickly as possible. He didn't even want to think of what he felt anymore. He didn't care if he was breathless just by standing close to him. He just wanted to forget about that night and everything they shared.

He was so engrossed in walking away from that he didn't hear the footsteps behind as he felt the grip on his arm. His scent filled his nose. He wasn't breathing anymore. He didn't even realize when his back hit the wall so hard and his mouth was devoured.

The electricity in the unison of their lips, the aggression, the passion, and all the emotions they felt surfaced once again. He moaned as he slipped his tongue into his mouth, sucking the last bit of control he had, sucking his soul. He couldn't feel anything anymore. As the kiss deepened, he lost his mind. He couldn't take all the emotions all at once. It was all too much for him. He felt his limbs give up on him as his knees buckled. He felt the weakness.

Klaus took all of him. He drove him crazy, with just a kiss, he was already losing himself, his mind, his senses. With just a kiss, he had also stolen his strength. His brain screamed Klaus, his thoughts screamed Klaus, and his heart thudded for Klaus Alejandro. He broke the kiss as he fought to stay on his feet.

His eyes bore unto his. He fought to find his senses still holding onto him as he pushed him softly with the last bit of strength he could find.
