
Chapter 81 Sealed passion

Tiger came out of the car as he ran his hands through his hair pacing back and forth. Klaus came out right after he did. He looked at Tiger and there was an expression on his face. He looked like he was holding back so much and it was about to explode.

"What is going on laus? I get close to you and I can't breathe, I look at you and have naughty thoughts, I close my eyes and all I see is you, I fucking dream about you a-and and i-i think about you all the time, i-i...".

There was so much strain in his voice. Klaus could only stare. He was speechless and then the weirdest thing happened. A smile sprang up to his face. He felt relieved, for a moment there he thought things would turn out differently.

"I feel the same Tyler".

The stunning look in Tiger's eyes was evident. He walked closer until he was close to Klaus. His eyes were fixed on him. The closer he walked to him, the hotter he felt. He felt like his heart was about to explode.

"I can't go on a single day without the thought of you on my mind Tyler, you do something to me and I don't know how you do it".

Tiger couldn't help his smile. They were on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere but the island pouring out their feelings. He walked closer and closer to Klaus until he stood right in front of him. He could already smell him, he wanted to be closer to him. He wanted to be buried in that scent that drove him mad. He wanted to touch him so badly.

"So what the hell are we going to do about it?" He asked even if he knew that things were not going to be the same. They just let their bottled feelings out in the open.

"I don't know but there's just one thing I want to try though". Klaus's voice was low, teasing, and tempting. He knew they both wanted it. He knew they both felt the same way at the moment. He couldn't wait any longer. He wanted this. 


Tiger's mouth wasn't his anymore, and so was his breath. Before he couldn't say anything, Klaus smashed his lips on his mouth taking in that precious taste. His tongue danced rhythmically in his mouth as he lost all his sense of control. He couldn't think anymore. Tiger responded back deepening the kiss. He felt his back hit the car. He didn't bulge, he pulled closer even more. "Fuck". He muttered in between kisses, already out of breath. The impact, the Passion, the madness, and the desperation seeped into him. There was no room for tenderness. It was a rough kiss, all the emotions were out. All the sealed passion, all the desires that had been concealed for so long had been set free. They were basically devouring each other and taking each and everything each person gave.

There was this intense feeling Klaus felt, an electrifying feeling in his abdomen. He shouldn't be feeling this way, he shouldn't be this eager, he wanted more. He wanted him so badly. Tiger grabbed his neck and he felt the tingles as his fingers brushed. He was on the fucking road kissing this man and losing every ounce of control he had. This was a man. He was fucking kissing a man and he didn't give a fuck.

Tiger felt the blood seeping into his head. He was going insane over this kiss. The man he had longed for for so long was right in front of him uncovering all the emotions he didn't know he had. He clung to Klaus's shirt pulling him, even more, closer as Klaus grabbed his waist and a moan escaped his mouth.

He couldn't believe the sound that had just come out of him. Just a kiss from this man was already making him lose control. Tiger felt his legs weaken. The impact of this kiss was paralyzing. No one, no one had made him feel this way. He found himself wanting more as Klaus's hands slid underneath his shirt. He shivered beneath him. 

He wanted more.