
Chapter 74 Panic attack

The black Ferrari stopped in front of the large mansion as bodyguards rushed to open the door of the car. Tiger and Klaus stepped out of the car. They weren't smiling at all because they knew they had just done the most terrible thing of the year, they had failed a mission and Nicholas would surely have them for snacks.

Both duos walked past the huge bodyguards in front of the entrance of the large door as they opened it. They knew that they had to report to Nicholas first before doing anything else. He is probably waiting impatiently and he expects good results because he gave them enough time.

Their presence as they walked into the house left all eyes turning to them. It was as if everyone knew what Nicholas had sent them for and they were all waiting to welcome the abducted home. Everyone had that confused look on their faces as Bennett suddenly came out, feeding everyone's curiosity.

"You're back, where is Master Nicholas's lady?" Bennett asked with curiosity and concern.

Klaus's eyes strolled to Tiger as they both stared at each other having a conversation with their eyes.

Klaus— what that fuck? How did they find out?

Tiger— I don't know, just shut the old man up.

"Move aside Bennett". Only those words said by Klaus made everyone realize that they both weren't in the mood to talk. It won't be pleasant if they actually passed it out on anyone.

They both walked into the elevator as everyone quickly returned to their professionalism. If those two haven't brought back the dark man's lady then they all know the devastating outcome. Nicholas's temper. It will be disastrous.

The elevator door opened to the extremely chilly hallway. The cold hallway was enough to cause a panic attack because anyone could smell the dark man just by walking into the hallway. They could already imagine his face and his words. He would definitely go crazy this time.

The closer they got to the dark man's chambers, the colder the air became. Their steps were slower than usual. They eventually got in front of the door and it opened automatically as the deep, intense stare from those dark eyes took their breaths.


Did he sit there all day waiting for us?

"Where is she?" His deep voice echoed in the large room. 

They were speechless but they had long accepted their fates. If they were going to be bullied for life then so be it. It was inevitable now. Their both heads were bent as they spoke.

"She wasn't home?" Klaus blurted and Tiger closed his eyes because he knew what was going to happen next. Nicholas's mood swings these days have been bloody. Everyone avoided him lately because he was capable of murdering anyone which made him tense.

"Arrgggh, you two fools, do I fucking have to do every damn thing myself?" Nicholas stood up as he grabbed his phone from his bed and dialed. The person at the other line quickly picked up.

"Get me zhavia McKay's location right now".

"Yes sir". The response was Swift as Nicholas started walking out of the room.

Tiger and Klaus were as shocked as ever. He didn't kill them, he didn't even threaten or bully them— even if they know that he will still do that later. But leaving in this way? Nicholas would definitely cause problems. 

They only looked at each other with that concerned look on their faces. They know for sure that whatever Nicholas was up to, they will always be the ones to clean up the traces.

Tiger sat down on the couch behind him as he relaxed his head backward.

"We wait?" Klaus asked as he sat too.

"Yep". Tiger replied nonchalantly.