
Chapter 73 Smoke of shame

Meredith tried her best to compose herself as she thought about Rogers's report. When she had imagined Nicholas being attracted to a woman she never thought of zhavia McKay. Of all the women he could possibly be with zhavia was the last person that came to her mind.

Every single person knows about her misfortune and how she never stayed in any relationship she had been in. Most people say she is cursed and others say she has a bad omen. 

Meredith stood up as she paced around the room slowly. After Andrea left earlier she had been thinking of what she said. She thought of the promises, she thought of their relationship as she release a sigh. She was exhausted and tired of condoling Nicholas's stubbornness. She was fed up with Nicholas giving her a hard time all in the name of his stupid eagle. Her son should be by her side, he should always make her happy, he should always please her, not the other way around.

A woman like zhavia McKay isn't what she needs in her family, she wants a well-cultured and principled woman that puts family first not a heartless business typhoon like him. She wants a woman that can nurse a child and be the Mother she never was. How could two proud, high-headed people be together? Who is supposed to succumb to the other?

Meredith was wrapped around these thoughts as she grabbed the glass on the table and poured liquor into it. She had never had this sudden urge to lit a cigarette in her entire life but she wouldn't mind it right now. She wouldn't mind drinking and forgetting this worry she felt. She wouldn't mind getting wasted and forgetting her problems.

She needed to fix it. Somehow she needed to do something. She can't just sit around drinking out her problems, she needed to take action. She dropped the glass back on the table as a thought sipped into her mind.

She picked up her phone and dialed.

"Find Nicholas now". Her voice was fierce and commanding. She was in no mood to sit and complain anymore. She has had enough. Andrea was right, she needed to take action a little more, instead of blabbing more and more empty promises.

When a spark is seen, it is better to stop it before it turns into a burning fury and spreads an unstoppable smoke of shame. She noticed the intense spark between zhavia and Nicholas that night but she had ignored it. Now, that spark is heading to a flame and she has to turn it off.

She will make sure that nothing ever happens between the both of them. She will take control of this situation as she had always taken care of every other situation. She is Meredith Alviero Ross.

"I'll get the crew ready ma'am". The voice at the other end of the line spoke. It was a deep voice and anyone could tell that there was a lot of humor attached to his response.

