
Chapter 135 Unspoken words

Rugger sat down in the large study as his hands trembled. He had never spoken one on one to Nicholas before. He had heard stories about his cruelty and his heartless doings. He had even seen Meredith tremble when she doesn't know his next move. This man is the most powerful in the universe and can go away with any crime he does. Yes, he is that powerful.

He started thinking of what to say when he was going to come. He couldn't even think straight anymore. His entire body shivered in the thoughts of what Nicholas was capable of when he was pissed or even visited without any important thing to say.

Immediately the door opened, he felt his soul creep out of his body. He started praying— what Bennett asked him to do earlier. If this was going to be his last day on earth, the least he could do was make his ways right. He felt goosebumps all over his body. He wasn't even sure he was breathing at the moment because his entire body responded to the sound of the shoe that clapped on the floor. He wasn't looking but he knew that he was there. The dark man was there. And as a matter of fact, he stood in the same room with him.

At that moment, he stood up. His head bent down. He acknowledged him. He feared for he knows that this person is worse than his boss. He is capable of doing anything and does not feel remorseful about it. People like him are not even relevant to him.

Nicholas was there. His eyes surveyed the man that stood in the room with him and watched him bend his head. He wasn't in the best mood. He just sent the woman he took years to accomplish away all because of some empire. His hands were in the pocket of his pants as he walked passed Rugger to the seat behind the desk.

"You've got just one minute to describe your purpose". He didn't even waste another second as he sat before he started talking. He wanted to leave this place and as soon as possible.

Rugger's heart started racing again. He wasn't sure he could breathe anymore. His body vibrated nonstop. As a matter of fact, his entire body system wasn't even functioning properly anymore because he started losing consciousness slowly. He knew that he couldn't say anything at this point because he wasn't thinking straight and any little slip-up or misuse of words could lead to Nicholas beheading him on the spot. He couldn't even open his mouth. Words became a foreign language to him.

"Ah, um, i-i-i, um, w-was".

The dark man raised his brow to the gibberish the man in front of him uttered. He didn't find it funny. He found it annoying. To think that he left the most important thing in his life to this idiot that had clearly wasted his time.

"Your time is up". He stood up, arranging his clothes. His chin was lifted high in pride. His face was expressionless. His dark eyes surveyed the man in front of him in an intimidating way. "Do you know how valuable time is for me?"

"I-i-it's j-ju....".

"The consequence of interrupting my speech when I'm speaking is that you will lose your tongue". Rugger swallowed his own words. His entire body became numb to those words. Hie head was spinning. He didn't dare utter another word.

The anger was evident in his tone. He had been pissed from the moment he decided to send her back. The man standing right in front of him was just quite unfortunate to show up at that time because the dark man was beyond angry.

"By coming into my place of dwell unannounced for an unknown reason, you are an intruder. And every intruder has his punishment awaiting him".

In a split second, he started walking around the table and towards the door. His eyes were dark and his face expressionless. He didn't even look back at rugger anymore. His steps were far from slow. The bodyguards that filled the entire room still stood there waiting for the dark man to give orders.

Immediately he was at the entrance of the door, he paused for a few seconds and uttered those unspoken words. "Do with him whatever you please". In the blink of an eye, he was out of the room.


Zhavia couldn't help herself. She felt the tears penetrating but she blinked them back inside.

Not here zhavia.

She couldn't feel anything. It was as if a part of her left with him when he left her with them. All her life she had never experienced this time of voidness in her chest before. Yes, she had been through different painful breakups but she had never felt emptiness this deep before.

What are you saying zhavia?

You should be happy.

He finally let you go.

Her eyes were on the road. The drive was silent. Tiger and Klaus sat in front of the car and didn't say a damn word. They saw something unimaginable earlier and it still baffled them because no one believed it— even Bennett.

The Nicholas they knew is a heartless being, and everyone knew that he was capable of all terrifying things. But falling in love?

Is that even possible?

When they saw him kiss her forehead with that emotion that flickered for just seconds, everyone became speechless. They were beyond shocked. They didn't even realize that they all had dropped jaws until he left the room. It was a rare sight.

She kept staring out the window of the moving car, looking at all the things she didn't get to see for a week. It had been a while since she saw the world outside his mansion. His estate was just another world entirely. It was breathtaking.

What still baffles her is the fact that she fell in love with him I'm just a few days after meeting him. It was as if the entire world depended on him to function properly. She had just left him a few minutes ago but she wanted him so bad. If she had a chance to go back to him and tell him that she didn't want to leave his side, she would gladly do it. 

Her entire body vibrated. She was breaking down slowly. The more the car moved from the estate, the more she felt like she was drifting away from him. Who was she kidding when she thought she couldn't leave without him? Not now. Not now that he had already made her fall helplessly in love with him. 

After a few hours of a long drive, they arrived at her estate. It was a clear case of Deja Vu. Klaus had a smile on his face likewise Tiger. They both remembered how this place brought them closer to each other and now they're madly in love. This wasn't the best time to show happiness but they couldn't help it.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the main mansion of zhavia McKay. Her estate was large but not as large as the dark man's. Klaus stepped out observing the environment he stood in— this had become a habit Nicholas had influenced them with. They always check their environment when they arrive at a place.

Tiger, on the other hand, stepped out and opened the door for her as she stepped out too. It had been two whole weeks since she was abducted by him and this place had become strange to her. It didn't smell or feel like home anymore— maybe it was the fact that she hadn't been here in a while. She probably would get warmed up to it in a few minutes.

Her eyes surveyed the entire building but her thoughts were with him. She wanted to be in his arms not away from him. Tiger and Klaus stood with her, looking at the view in front of them also— no brags but when it comes to taste, zhavia McKay is top-notch. She knows how to live well.

"Shall we?" Klaus's voice was low. He finally blurted after they had stared at the mansion for a few minutes. Her mind was clouded and she couldn't even think about anything without him involved in it. She nodded, and they started walking into the mansion.

All she wanted to do was cry her heart out. She didn't realize how vulnerable she had become after just two weeks of staying with him. She couldn't even recognize her own self anymore. Was it the fact that he showed her so much care that she didn't know she needed it? Or the fact that she needed a companion and didn't realize it until he came opening that door?

Her thoughts were scattered all over the place that she didn't even notice Sofia that was jumping up and down the stairs in excitement.

In the blink of an eye, she was in front of her, and in a split second, she was pulled into her arms, crying like a helpless child.
