
Chapter 128 Rational.

Her eyes were on him, and so were his. He wondered what she thought. She had been so quiet since he complimented on the cloth she wore. Did he say the wrong thing? Had he triggered something? 

The room was dead silent as they sat. No one dared say something as he sat. Immediately he took his seat, and the chefs came out one after another, explaining the meal he personally prepared and zhavia watched the display in front of her as her eyes trailed to the man that seemed to be enjoying them talking about the meals.

She had never seen this part of him before. He looked like a lord that was placed highly amongst other beings. The aura he possessed at the moment spelled out pride and grace. His eyes were fixed on the man that spoke to him and nothing else. The look on his face when he is focused was just out of this world. Her nipples hardened to the view in front of her.

Never in her life had she ever been this curious about a person. This man had found ways to make her feel so involved with his personality. Suddenly, she wants to know everything about him. She wants to know what made him smile and what made him happy. Somehow, she wanted to be the person to bring out all these emotions in him. She wants to explore this man in his full glory.

She couldn't take her eyes off him. She didn't want to. She wanted to see every expression on his face and didn't want to miss any moment of it. He had suddenly become the only exciting thing in her life she was looking forward to exploring. She watched him and him alone. She didn't even care about anything the chefs said, the view of the man in front of her was too enticing.

She began to observe his features from her angle and a smile sprung up to her face without her even realizing it. Her eyes went from his midnight black color hair to his perfectly shaped eyebrow, and then to his eyes. The moment she looked into those eyes, she got stuck and didn't even know how to stop herself. From afar, they were black, but when you look closely, they were a rare shade of green, and when he stands in the dark, they are twilight fog.

Her eyes were still on him and didn't realize when the chefs finished talking. He released a sigh of satisfaction when they finished talking and her heart started racing profusely for the man in front of her. He was driving her mad.

Her hands started sweating like she had done something bad. She was literally trembling on the inside. It had been so long since she felt this way. Suddenly, that feeling was back. The feeling to feeling every emotion that the air passed to her. The feeling to imagine what the future held just by looking at the person in front of her. The feeling to spread her arms and run to the sunset. Yes, the feeling to scream to the wind and say 'fuck the whole universe' with her middle finger thrown upwards. The feeling to do whatever she wanted without giving a damn. This man in front of her made her feel this way. He brought out this side of her without even trying hard. And there she was thinking that she was invincible.

He felt the stare but didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so he tried as hard as he could not to reciprocate that blissful feeling— that could be the hardest thing he had ever had to do in his entire life.

His heart raced as he thought of why she was looking at him. He knows for a fact that she felt the same way he feels about her for him. He knows that she had been trying to figure out what she felt and had been trying to think with her head and not her heart. If there's anything he knows about her, that would be him knowing that she is a rational thinker and would never do anything that was going to be a complication in the future. 

He didn't blame her, he could never blame her. She looked like she had been through a lot to be this way. Right now he was just walking on eggshells around her. He didn't want to bring back previous pain and conflict, he just wanted to be there for her, he wanted to be her breakthrough, her breathing space. 

The maids came over and carried out their jobs professionally. There was no mistake at all but something was missing. Bennett wasn't there.

Where is he?

They dished every meal she pointed and he watched her with love in his eyes. His attention and focus were on her and nothing else. The only person he wanted to see and think of was zhavia McKay— the woman right in front of him.

In a split second, she picked up the fork and knife beside her plate and started cutting the unimaginably soft stake. He watched her chew slowly and calmly, enjoying the sweet flavor of the meal.

The assistant chefs approached the table with the wine on the tray. There were smiles on their faces as they brought out the wine and poured it into the expensive glasses professionally. They had never seen their boss in a mood like this before. He was in a good mood. There was no expression on his face but, his gestures were peaceful.

He took the glass in his grip and swirled it gently as he placed it on his lips and took a sip of it, allowing his tongue to savor the taste. There was still no expression on his face.

"Hmm..... I find this wine enticing". He finally spoke breaking the awkwardness growing slowly. "Its sour taste makes it even more unique, do you agree?"

Her eyes left the meal to his face as she suddenly realized that he was talking to her. She had broken the stare before because he did something to her just with the color of his eyes. It was as if there was a myth attached to the color of his eyes.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, two men walked in. A tall extremely handsome guy in ash color sweatpants and sweatshirt, and the other in a black suit in the grip of the breathtaking hot guy walking towards them. She recognized the average-looking man. He is the housekeeper that she bullied the other day.

Nicholas didn't even bother to look. He smelled tiger the moment he stepped out of the elevator— yes, his nostrils are that sensitive.


He's around?

I thought he went to France with Alejandro.

Great timing, shit head.

The intimidating daredevil walked in slow strides. He was in no hurry to say hi to Nicholas. He already knew that Nicholas hated that he was there at the moment. This old man brought out the wild and rebellious side of him that never thought before doing anything.

"Good morning, sorry I'm late". His eyes were on Nicholas as he spoke. He didn't dare look at zhavia. He already saw the murderous look in Nicholas's eyes. His dark man was going to kill him if he dared to look at his goddess. "I was having a little talk with Benett". His eyes trailed back to Bennett as Bennett gulped in his own saliva.

Zhavia continued slicing her stake with her fork as ate slowly. Her thoughts were on the green eyes staring at his meal but her.  He looked annoyed but composed because he was trying to impress her. 

"Alejandro?....." Nicholas asked with a raised brow. "He seems busy, unlike you".

"Oh, he will be down in a few minutes". His eyes strolled to zhavia.

"Greetings, Miss McKay, I haven't really gotten the time to welcome you to the family".

Zhavia's eyes left her meal and strolled to his face with a raised brow.

"I don't care about that". She said plainly with no expression on her face.

Tiger smiled as the words left her lips. This woman was no different from Nicholas. Her character and her charisma and the aura she possessed were like that of the dark man. He was impressed, pleased, and curious all at once. No wonder he couldn't give up on her. Where would he ever find a person like this again?

Bennett's head was still bent to the floor as he trembled beside Tiger. He knew what this man was capable of. Tiger herdes is not someone to joke around with. For just as Nicholas is a cruel being, he is second in command. He is a heartless man and takes pleasure in the torture of others.

In the same minute,

The elevator door opened to an intimidating daredevil that walked with no expression on his face. Klaus stepped out. He was in a black sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Finally, the room was complete and Nicholas felt relaxed. Somehow, this was his complete family.

He sat in pride.