
Chapter 109 Powerless


"why would I do that?"

The fact that she was willing to have this conversation with him just made him feel at ease. There was this feeling that came with responsibility. Protection. 

The only thing he wanted to do at this point was to protect her and prevent her from any harm. The doctor said the only way to cure her loneliness was to be with her, was to be there for her, was to give her his whole attention. If that is going to be her cure, then he will gladly do it— after all, he desires to be with her and this health issue is going to be a big help to him. It's not as if he wanted this or he is happy about it but the fact that it is going to be the thing to bring them together, even more, makes him happy.

"You and I know that you are capable of doing anything just to make me stay closer to you" 

He smiled mischievously.

"So we finally agree on one thing then?"

He had her just where he wanted her. Looking at her now, he could see how innocent she was. How soft and tender she looked. Or maybe it was the cloth she wore— how perfectly his clothes shielded her and covered her. She looked like an egg roll. He wanted to eat her so bad. She looked really delicious at the moment and was just in front of him.

"I am a woman and I need my privacy".

She finally found that voice that made her powerful. That voice that triggered something in him. That voice that got him crazy over her in the first place. That same voice that activates his senses before he even gets the chance to decline. That voice that tugs at the strings of his heart and makes it dance according to its riddim. The voice of his goddess.

"Oh but your privacy is rest assured, ma petite".

He walked around her observing her all over again in his clothes, claiming her with his eyes. 

"And how is that so?"

She turned around searching for his face and eyes. She wanted to look at him. She wanted to see him look at her with those eyes. She wanted to see all of him. She knew that she had a huge effect on him, she knew she owned him. Her heart raced as the thought came to her head. 

Mine. Her head screamed. Her eyes were on him again in a split second and his eyes captured her. She is in fact the only woman capable of looking into his eyes and still being able to breathe.

"You can have my bed, and this entire district of the room, if that's okay with you".

He pointed out. His voice was low, his eyes were watching her to get a reaction.

She was in disbelief but she tried hard to maintain a very high grim facial expression. She didn't want to show that emotion.

Is he fucking giving me his bed?

Where the hell is he supposed to stay then?

She opened her mouth slightly to say something but she couldn't find the words to say. He raised his brow to her action. There was no way in hell she was going to give another excuse not to stay in his Chambers.

"And where are going to stay then?"

Ahe finally blurted, looking for every single reason to decline his proposal. 

So she cares?

"That shouldn't be a problem, dearie".

She let out a sigh of defeat but wasn't ready to accept it yet.

"I'm afraid I can't deprive you of your own peace and quiet, that would be like depriving a baby of candy".

There was a certain type of smile she had on her face like she was teasing him on purpose. 

"My peace and quiet are guaranteed, zhavia".

He leaned closer to her as he spoke.

"Instead of worrying about irrelevant things, why don't you come to have dinner?"

Her eyes didn't leave his. This man somehow knows how to just make her feel like a baby. Who is she kidding? There is no way she can piss this guy off. Somehow, she was beginning to trust him—does that even make sense? No one, not even one person— except Sofia, had cared for her the way he does. She had lived with him for just a few days but the affection and care he had shown her were Mesmerizing. Yes, he is heartless and cruel, but when it came to her, he is caring and considerate. He is in fact understanding.

Eat dinner?

Eat with him?

"I-i-i.." He smiled.

This was becoming too real for her. It was the second time she was seeing him smile and it was just too much for her to take in. She couldn't even think anymore. Does he know how hot he is when he smiles? In her 26 years of living, she had never seen anyone as hot as him when smiling. She couldn't even recognize herself anymore. Just a smile from this man was driving her insane. "You want to eat dinner with me?"

He saw the look on her face; it was more like an uncertain look.  Her guard was now up. He saw the hesitation, the doubt, but something was missing. The anger that comes afterward. He didn't even wait for her reply because he knew that she was going to come up with another excuse not to eat dinner. He wanted to stay away from her and give her space, but after what the doctor said, he didn't even want to leave her side for one bit.

"I wasn't playing games when I said I am never going to leave your side".

His voice was stern.

"So miss McKay, would you like to have dinner with me?

Her heart started racing faster. Her eyes were still on his. Suddenly that had become her favorite part of his body. His eyes. They called her, they drew her, they imprisoned her. She had come to love the green color because of his eyes.


Her brain was blank. She couldn't find the right words. At this moment, she was in fact a loss for words. She couldn't even manage to blink, she didn't dare. She didn't want to take her eyes off this flaming hot prince in front of her.

He officially asked her to eat with him. He looked at her and nowhere else. She was the only person in the entire world right now. She was the only person he wanted to see in the entire world. Nothing has ever mattered since this woman appeared in front of him. She is his breath. His breaking point. His eyes. His entire world revolved around her. She is his end game, His good dream.

"I guess that's a 'yes' then".

His voice was deep and low. He never talks fast. He loved to take his time to do things, which involves the way he speaks too. His hands tingled to touch her, to hold her, to feel her. He wanted to tell her that there was no pressure involved.

She couldn't say anything, her voice was no longer hers. He took her hand in his. She opened her eyes wide in shock. He wasn't even sure he could control himself as soon as his skin came in contact with hers.

"Come here".

He took her hand in his and the electricity she didn't know she had in her body surfaced. Immediately she felt his hand in hers, she could only feel him, she could only see him, she could only hear him, his heartbeat, his steps, every other thing was blocked out from her head.

His hand was the softest thing she had ever held. It was cold and for the first time in her life, she loved cold. His skin on hers gave her Goosebumps. She couldn't even believe it. She couldn't decline because she wanted this. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted to feel him too.

She walked by his side. She remembered the last time he held her like this. He wasn't this gentle. Right now, the man in front of her was as gentle as a bird's feather. He was very different from what she had imagined him to be.

He leads her to a hallway still in his Chambers. She had never seen a place like this before. It was dark, alluring, cold, and Mysterious. Suddenly, his hand became warm. She was dumbstruck. She didn't even know where he was taking her, but the only thing she was sure of was the fact that she wanted to see what followed this mysterious hallway.

Everything about this man was mysterious and that was one of the things that caught her attention. She liked that he wasn't predictable. 

"Where are you taking me?"

She managed to find her voice. He didn't look back when he answered her, but his voice was like wine. It intoxicated her so much so that she had to close her eyes. Slowly, his voice filled her head. It was like a drug, a drug that she had become addicted to in just a few days.

What had he done to her?

At this point in time, she couldn't even say 'No' to him anymore. Neither could she argue. All she could do was follow him mindlessly as if she didn't have a right to her own body

She was powerless.