
The crowned princess of paradise

Calista Galanis was always passionate about video games and science but she also has a passion for fashion. Being a prodigy also gave her quite a chance to create her own world. A sudden change will cause lots of confusion and thoughts. But only one thing won't be forgotten completely,the desire to continue on living.

Dorixxo · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Despair and Agony

The fresh and cold air were passing by like they only came for just 5 seconds,even though it was still autumn it was still very cold.

The jacket Calista took when leaving her home,was now to be found on Rosé. Rosé wasn't the type to feel cold maybe because she's more used to it than she is used to the heat.

"You know,you didn't need to give me your jacket,I could've just stayed how I was."

"I don't want you to catch a cold or a fever so just listen to what I say and shut up. Okay?" Said Calista with a wide smile on her face,she was quite tired but she didn't let it show on her expression,she just wanted to seem like she is the happiest person on earth.

Arlo wasn't in his best condition too,his jacket was enough to make him not feel the cold breeze for a while,but his condition wasn't good because he really didn't know in what he could help anymore,he just tried to fit in and when Rosé unexpectedly appeared in his life and also in Calista's,his weak point was beginning to show more and more until it consumed him on the inside. He isn't even good at talking to new people,his only deep thought is how is he going to tell Calista that he wants to go separate ways all by himself. The dangers was split into hundreds,the wolves and other wild animals gave him fright only by imagining them but he knew that if he wants to feel appreciated he should separate.

Even if he ends up dead,it was all he could hope for anyways.

"Arlo, you seem lost. Is everything okay? What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing important,it isn't related to you two anyways so why do you care?"

"You're so cruel anyway,so what good is it in even asking you what is wrong when it is more than obvious that you will not be willing to tell me."

"I'm not obligated to tell you everything! You aren't even related to me by blood or something,you are just a stranger I met by accident,if only I let that squirrel bite you till death."

"That is not nice. Wishing that you didn't save someone from death is worse than wishing you didn't met someone."

"I don't care,she acts all happy when she clearly is stressed out by the situation. Let me ask you,what is wrong with you,what are you trying to prove by acting all happy and stress free? Are you thinking we feel all happy, so that you should be too? I feel worse."

"You are right, I'm just a liar,a stranger,I deserve everything you mentioned but please at least be careful how you walk, you are almost steeping on a cat."


On the side of the road, everybody could see a cat that most likely lost itself there. It didn't seem to be a stray as it was very clean and also had a collar with a name. It looked weirdly at the three of them,not knowing if it needs to attack or not.

It eventually jumped in a bush but not before growling at Arlo.

He didn't know how to react to the cats reaction,he would naturally just growl back to scare the cat but this time he felt an energy coming from the cat,a dark energy,was it by any chance,an enemies cat?

But it was almost impossible since no enemy or even friend won't let their cat walk without someone else.

"I think it's a cat from an enemy."

"Don't be ridiculous,why would an enemy send a cat instead of showing up how? What can a cat even do, scratch my eye until I die,stab my eyeballs until they are out of their home? Scratch me to death?"

"I mean,it is possible,you should not risk."

"You are completely insane,are you sure you are even sober,did you drink something last night that we don't know about?"

"You are cruel! It seems like I will be misunderstood forever!"

"This is how it should be because all the things you say sound unbelievable and funny."


"Should we go get some?" Said Calista with a slight craving in her expression,her mouth was almost watering after hearing the word,cookie.

"If you wish,we can go."

"I won't mind some cookies,at least they don't judge."

After getting cookies Calista was devouring them.

"Calista,slow down you are gonna choke if you eat like that,I thought you just wanted samples but you also bought more with money. Are they good,do you like them."

"I love them,have some of this flavour." Announced as she pushes a cookie inside Rosé's mouth.

"I love it!"

"Arlo,do you want some?"


An explosion came from the right side,it sounded like it was a big one.

"What could it be now?"

A huge black figure immediately absorbed the rest of the people who came to eat cookies.

"What the hell, Calista quick hide!" Said Rosé with an expression full of worry,it could very easily be seen even by a person that can't make the difference between worry and other feeling.

"Arlo, Calista follow me!"

Calista just looked at Rosé,instead of going with her,she went directly to the figure trying to fight it. It let out some of it's tentacles,which showed clearly how annoyed it was.

"Are you crazy, going to that creature without even knowing its abilities,I think you live in your own world. Come here!"

"Shut up!"

*Why can't I do that explosion I did before? I was powerful just a moment ago. What if that thing hurts Rosé and Arlo? Please,work! I rub my hands at a faster pace as they began to burn little by little.*

"Ouch!" Exclaimed Calista as her hands were of a bright red now.

"Calista! Be careful!"

The enemy got to her, breath like fire was shown rapidly into her hair,she thought it burned but surprisingly it couldn't burn something without having a certain plan.

It just looked at her with only one thing in mind, killing,but how can the monstrous creature attack without a certain plan.

Suddenly the ground Calista was on was ripped from the rest of it resulting only in tentacles. The tentacle took her.

"Let go! Why the hell can't I do the explosion?"

"Are you dumb? Don't only rely on a single thing,for example,an explosion it won't always come as you want it!" Arlo slowly grabbed a stick and ran towards the monster. One of the tentacles grabbed him too.

"It seems like you are dumber than me, how could you even think a stick will help?! Now how are we gonna get out?"

A fire came from Rosé's direction.

"Now that you are free, let's run!"


As they were running through,a person grabs Calista by her hair.

"What the hell-"

"Don't worry I was just passing by and saw you,I was sent by the king to come and protect you."

"But how? You look about 16-"

"I don't know,I was just sent,I have some special powers. I can help you."

"You must meet the other two."

"I'm Rosé."

"I'm Arlo."

"Then I guess I should introduce myself too, I'm Elias."

"We were running from a monster."

"A black figure? Don't worry about him,he just wants friends but doesn't know how to act so he injuries people without wanting to."

"Now I feel kind of bad that I hit him with fire."

"It's okay,he feels a little to no pain at all. If there was big damage in just a day he'll be alright."

"Good to know. Calista don't you want to go with me somewhere so we can let the teenagers get to know each other better."

"Why the hell-

They're gone."

"So what can I discover about you,pretty boy?" Says as he looks at Arlo.

"What did you just call me?! You know I can beat you up if I want to."

"Don't make me laugh,do you have any powers? You seem powerless and most important,useless."

"Are you trying to pick up a fight with me,I might not be powerful but I can still beat you up in a fight if I really put effort."

"You really are annoying." *Says with an irritation in voice, grabbing him by the back of his Jacket.

"Listen here,if I want I can slice you into tiny pieces and then I'll feed you to wolves, understand? I'm not trying to be your friend,in fact I'm your biggest enemy. I won't kill you only because I don't want to be executed by Calista,if it wasn't for her I would have killed you all in just a blink, including the king's daughter."

"What the hell? How long are you planning to stay here with us?"

"Until the lady decides to go back to the real world, I know about you being from a different universe. It would have been funny if I didn't. Anyways I don't plan to let you go that fast. So I'll just make you play along with my plan

Will you be able to hold this secret?"

"It depends on your behaviour,if you behave like this then maybe I won't accept your offer."

"If I slightly change my behaviour,will you please hold this secret in that black heart of yours?"

"Yeah,this is exactly what I'll do,as for the black heart part,no ones heart is as black as yours."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Without answering Arlo lays down on the ground to rest a little after all this running,he couldn't fully understand the situation,as he was never put to face something like this,it was indeed his first time. He analysed Elias from head to toe looking very intense at him. His face was looking very cool,like the one of a child that just made a mistake and laughs it off. Even though they were both teenagers,he gave off some odd vibes,vibes that he never felt before,they were rushing through his veins, making him feel some sort of discomfort and fright,the fright coming from the fact that even though the opponent was most likely serious, the powers he held were also immense so that he could scare off even a master in fighting. His appearance was young but the battle IQ seemed big. Should he tell Calista? Would she even believe him? As Elias said he's useless but the way he said the words could only result in Arlo doubting himself,he didn't want to seem weak even though deep inside he knew that he will only bring down the group if he doesn't train to gain more muscle and strength.

Training is a must when you can't even lift the stress off your shoulder.

As humans we are craving to find out new ways of doing things but when we actually have to put work in it, almost nobody will put work.

The same thing goes through Arlo's mind,what if he only says he'll work it out but in reality he will just live life how he used to, doing nothing useful and just embarrassing himself.

On the other side the light brown hair that belonged to Elias was very noticeable,he lays down next to Arlo. Placing 2 strands of his hair into Arlo's palm,after he took the hand and placed it on his head.

"I know we are enemies but because you're stressed I'm gonna have to calm you down a little, killing you now won't do any good. I still need you for future purposes. Just play with my hair."

Arlo does as he is told,he didn't have any other plan in mind so he could only follow his order.