
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · Urbain
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27 Chs

Crown Prince VS Oliver Miles

Lucas has arrived and so do Oliver Miles. "Your Highness, the fencing game will be held in the Royal hall…" said one of the Royal butlers as soon as Lucas went out from the car. "Thank you but I would like to visit the King in his chamber to have a look on his health condition." Informed Ren and the royal butler bowed to him. "Alright Your Highness." Said the royal butler.

While Lucas was on his way to the King's chamber, he noticed a figure was standing in front of the King's door. "Hey, who are you?" asked Lucas as he went near him. Turns out, it was Oliver Miles. "Oliver?" asked Lucas "you aren't supposed to be here." Said Lucas as he went near him. "You are forbid to be in this hallway unless you're a royal family or the royal servants that serves the King." Stated Lucas with his hands in his pockets.

Both of them were standing in front of the King's chamber. "Sorry, Dr. Lucas, I was looking for a toilet and didn't know about it." said Oliver as he scratched at the back of his head. "If you're looking for a toilet, it's on the second floor on your ride side. Then, to go to the Royal Hall, it's on the first floor and just walked straight ahead you'll find a big door. That's the Royal Hall." explained Lucas and Oliver just nodded. "Alright then. Thank you so much Dr. Lucas." Bowed Oliver and left the hallway. Then, right after Oliver left, Lucas entered the King's chamber.

Meanwhile, Lily was already waiting at the Royal Hall. It was a closed, private game can only attend by the Royals and Sir Luis was invited too, including his wife and his daughter, Lady Sofia. *she was invited too?* thought Lily who was sitting next to the Queen and saw Lady Sofia entered the hall with her parents.

"I'm guessing someone must have invited them…" said the Queen and Lily nodded in understand. Both Sir Luis and Madam Rose bowed before they took their sit. While the two of them were watching over the Luis family, a familiar voice came towards them.

"Pardon me for being late, Your Majesty."

Both of them turned to their right and saw Lucas. "Oh Lucas, you're here!" said Lily happily. "You're not late Lucas, we're just too early~" said Her Majesty. After his greetings, he took a sit next to Lily. "Did you visited the King?" asked Lily and Lucas nodded. "How was he Lucas? Is he getting any better? He had a chemotherapy yesterday that's why he is still in bed…" said Her Majesty.

"I just did a general check up on him… don't worry Your Majesty, I'll have my friend who is a specialist doctor to have a thoroughly check up on him." answered Ren and the Queen nodded. "Thank you very much, Lucas." Smiled Her Majesty hoping that her husband will be healthy and rule to kingdom together with her son, Ren again.

"The guests are here and why Nicholas aren't here yet?" asked Her Majesty. "Your Majesty," called Lily. "I met Ren this morning and he has some urgent matters that needs to be done… but don't worry, he'll be here soon…" answered Lily with a smile. A few minutes later, both Ren and Oliver are making their grand entrance at the Royal Hall. Both of them are in white fencing attire. As soon as Ren entered the Royal hall, he saw Lily was sitting next to his mother and Lucas. He saw her tiny wave and smiled towards her.

Lily who noticed that, she literally smiled and made a 'fighting' gesture cutely. Ren let out his small chuckle seeing how cute she is. As for Oliver, he was there too, watching both of them in jealousy. "So what would the prize be if one of us won?" asked Oliver suddenly. "I'm pretty sure we have yet to discuss on this Your Highness." Said Oliver as he was preparing himself for the game.

"Well," said Ren while putting on his gloves. "If you win, I'll give you some cash as the reward. Just mention how much you want and I'll give you. And don't be near Lily, ever again. But if I lose, I know you work with someone and they ask you to get some information from me." said Ren and that made Oliver surprised at his statement. *how the heck he knows?!* thought Ren. "I'll give you some information that he wants." Added Ren and snickered.

"But, if I win," said Ren as he paused for a while. "I'll expose you." Added Ren in a serious manner. "Deal?" asked Ren as he hold out his hand.

Oliver who was holding out his anger, held out his hands and shake hands with Ren. Once they're done getting ready, both of them put their mask on and standing in their own position while holding their sword. The mask with a blue line is Ren while the mask with red line is Oliver.

Once they're done standing in their position, the referee came in the centre to give his instruction.

"On guard… ready, fence!" said the referee and both of them begin to fence.

At first, Oliver was the first to start attacking Ren with his sword while Ren was just making his defence not trying to attack. And that's his common tactic which only Lucas know as both of them used to have their own class and game ever since they were a kid. Not to mention, Oliver's movements are good too. Obviously, he was not an amateur in fencing. His footwork, the way he tried to make an attack, it was quite professional.

A few more seconds before the first bout ends, Oliver made his last attack. He touched his sabre towards Ren's chest. Once both of them back into their position and saluted each other, the referee announced Oliver won the first bout. In three minutes, Oliver made lots of attack compared to Ren. Lily who was watching over them feels sad knowing that Ren lost the first round. "Don't worry, it's just the first round. We still have two more round." Said Lucas and Lily nodded. Then, while Ren was taking his short break, he noticed that Lily was typing something on her hand phone. Once she looked up, she held up her hand phone. She just made a banner using an app in her phone. Ren was trying to read what she has written on the banner and it really made him smile.

"You can do it Ren! I'm with you!"

"Cute." Muttered Ren with a smile plastered on his face. Then, the referee blows his whistle, their short break is over and both Oliver and Ren are back into their position again.

"On guard, ready… fence!" said the referee and the second bout has started. This time, Ren was not behaving like earlier making a defence. Now, he's the one making attack towards Oliver. His footwork skills, and the way he was trying to make an attack towards Oliver was better than him. Most of the audience could see that Oliver was having a hard time trying to defend himself from being touch by his sword.

*damn he's way better than me.* thought Oliver as he was trying to make an attack. But too bad, before those three minutes in the second round almost ends, Ren was making his last attack as he touched his sabre towards his right hands.

*damn!* thought Oliver in furious.

"Yes!" cheered Lily happily as she hi fived with Lucas. As for Her Majesty, she smiled proudly seeing her son. "That's his tactic. Defend at first, attack in the second and last round." Said Lucas. "How do you know?" asked Lily. "We played fencing together before so yeah, he always did that to me and made me lost the game." Said Lucas and that made Lily chuckled.

A few minutes later, the break ends and they begin to start their last round.

*please please let Ren win* prayed Lily as she watched both Ren and Oliver in their last round. For the last round, Ren is being more aggressive than the previous. His attack was sharp, his footwork was incredible. Lily was amazed by how he tried to avoid Oliver's sabre from his upper body. Even though he was wearing a mask, but Lily still found that he looked handsome.

"oohh!" said Lucas and Lily as they watched how Oliver was trying to attack Ren's chest but he avoid it. "Just a little bit more Nicholas and Oliver would get a point." Said Her Majesty as she too, was nervous watching her son.

Then, a few seconds more to three minutes and Ren just need one more point to win. "Come on Nicholas come on." Muttered Lucas. Then, with one swift movement, Ren managed to attack Oliver by touching his sabre towards his shoulder. "YES!" cheered both Lucas and Lily happily. "Your Majesty, he won!" said Lily happily. However, Sir Luis was sitting feeling unsatisfied with the result.

Once the referee announced the winner, Ren took off his mask and bowed. As for Oliver, he took off his mask and throw it to the side in furious. "DAMN IT." said Oliver as he gritted his teeth. Meanwhile, Lily who sitting next to the Queen and Lucas, once she saw Ren took off his mask, she straight away ran towards him.

Ren noticed that Lily was running towards him and therefore, he extended his arms and let Lily be in his embrace. "Congratulations!" said Lily happily while in his embrace. As for Lady Sofia, she was watching both of them in jealousy. "That was supposed to be me." Mumbled Lady Sofia in jealousy as she rolled her eyes feeling annoyed.

While all of them were congratulating the Crown Prince, a Royal Servant entered the Royal Hall with a scream.

"AHHHHHH" shouted her.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" cried the Royal servant as she kneeled down in front of the Queen with tears streaming down her cheeks. All of the people in the Royal Hall was too surprised by it. she was one of the servants that serves the King.

"Kyra, what's wrong? What happened?" asked The Queen in worried.

"Your Majesty, I-I was about to bring His Majesty some dinner but when I tried to wake him up, he was not m-moving at all." Said Kyra while sobbing. "H-His m-majesty is not breathing at all! His Majesty is dead!" shouted Kyra while sobbing.

"Ren who was holding Lily in his embrace, he broke their hug and walked towards his mother and Kyra.

"Kyra, I order you to repeat what you've said just now." Said Ren.

"Y-Your Highness, H-his Majesty is dead…" cried Kyra.

*No. it can't be.* thought Lily as she heard what Kyra just said.