
The Crown's Obsession

[Mature content 18+. No rape] "Your bed is cold," spoke a voice in the room that had her eyes go wide in fear. Nervously, she turned around, gulping softly to see a shadow on her bed as if someone laid down there. The man who had been lying down sat up emerging out from the shadows where he had been waiting for her. "What are you doing here?" she asked when his feet touched the ground and he pushed himself up to start walking towards her. His handsome features looked darker than usual because of the lack of light in the room. "I came to meet you," he tilted his head, "Where did you go?" "I went out for a walk," came the quick reply that had him smile, a smile that scared her the most. She took a step back when he came close to her. It didn't stop him from cornering her, and her back hit the wall behind her. He raised his hand towards her face, and she closed her eyes, scared. She shuddered when his fingers trail down from her temple and her jaw and neck. Her blonde hair was left open. "In the middle of the night?" she didn't answer him knowing he could decipher her lies through her words. He stepped closer that had her turn her face away from him and his words vibrated on the skin of her neck, "Did you go to meet him, my sweet girl?"

ash_knight17 · Fantaisie
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868 Chs

Sinned blood- Part 2

Music Recommendation: Gasoline by Halsey


Madeline had locked herself in the room, sitting on the floor and in front of the glass pieces which she had broken out of purpose. Since the time she had seen the glass pieces raise, she was trying to see if she could fix something after breaking it. Using both her hands, she now controlled them in midair. 

By what she had heard so far, she was not a human nor was she a fallen angel. She didn't know what powers a dark angel held apart from killing people mercilessly for their deeds. But she wanted to know if she could do something useful, something that didn't lead to destruction. The glass pieces started to move closer to each other, moving to settle one after another, and after a few more seconds, she saw the glass return to its previous state. A smile grew on her lips, and Madeline couldn't tell how happy she was, to see she had done something with her ability.