
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter 8: Black sheep

The sky slowly being dark. A explosion of light make me close my eyes.

When I open them, I see a black figure in the light.

- "This is your fault. Destroying everything. Killing everyone. Being more darker than the abyss" The figure spoke.

Heinard and I started to staring the figure, in a melancholic way.

- "The angels of the old world wants your death. I am the judge of human's existence, the judge of the all mighty essences. The eternal judge of the all six hundred and sixty six dimensions. You can call me Siner, Seraf".

The man that I've seen in my dream now is here. His appearance remember the death. He is the grim reaper that are ready for taking your soul.

Siner makes a snap of an incalculable speed towards me. He's are in front of me.

- "With your crimson's tear, you has created life and death"

- "Why are you here?" I ask.

- "You are the reason".

- "You can't kill me".

- "I don't want kill you, I just want to show you something, Seraf".

Siner's eyes start to shine.

- "Seraf!" Heinard screams.

I disappear with Siner in a black cloud.

When I open my eyes, I'm sitting on a throne with arms and legs blocked. I can't move them in any way.

- "Look around you, Seraf".

The place.. I've already saw it before.

- "Where are we?"

- "Don't you remember?"

The place is dark and gigantic. Many details in gold. There are six thrones in a circle. At the top of my throne where I am, there are number. I'm in the number one.

- "You know this place very well" Siner staring me.

My mouth is shut.

- "What about you 'Crimson Essence' ".

A interference start in my head. Siner still staring me with his sharp red eyes.

The melody that I've listen in the minus zero room start to sound. The same melancholic and despairing melody.

My head goes down. A little smirk on my face appear.

- "It's been a long time since I heard that name.." A feminine voice start to spoke from my mouth.

- "The rebirth of the eternal truth has begins".

- "Every act you do will be useless. You will always be the black sheep".

- "Don't call me with that name".

I start to laught maniacally unintentionally. The feminine laugh rumbles in the gigantic room.

Siner gets close to me.

- "Raise your head"

Slowly I raised my head.

- "Your face has always remained the same" Siner delicately touch my face.

- "It's been a long time, but now, the end is near"

A white light explosion end the conversation.

- "Seraf! Seraf! Open your eyes" The blurred Heinard's voice call me.

Open my eyes and i see the green Heinard's eyes.

- "Where the man, where is?!"

- "He disappeared" Heinard said.

- "Oh.. Alright".

Heinard helps me by getting up.

- "You've been disappeared with the man. Where have you been with him?"

- "I remember... Six thrones. And Siner.. Called me by the 'Crimson Essence' name"

I take a deep breath.

- "And he said that my face are always same as the past"

- "…" Heinard doesn't say anything.

- "I've destroy anything, I've carried the death, I don't understand many things. What Siner means with 'Crimson Essence'"

I can't understand this situation. It's chaotic and despairing at the same time.

- "Heinard, i need to go".

- "I'll come with you".

- "Why?".

- "I'm alone. I've been in loneliness for one hundred years. I need to see the world again, with someone".

- "You'll facing the death. Maybe you die again".

He smiled at me.

- "Seraf. I will help you to search the cross".

- "How you know about the-".

- "It's not important. I will tell you someday".

- "Alright, Heinard".

- "Thank you, Seraf".

I fell on the ground. I feel pain in my chest. A feminine laugh start from my mouth again. I can't control it. A black aura covers my body like a long black dress. It starts raining.

Heinard looks at me without saying nothing.

- "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" The feminine laugh are loud.

No one can help me. No gods. No demons. No any superior action. I will suffer for eternal.

A body of water is created by the rain. When i try to see myself, I saw a woman face.

My mother's face that are laughing maniacally.

I am in a eternal nightmare. No one can wake me of this nightmare. I fell into a void where I can hear screaming of pain. Where the death are no allowed. Where the life are no allowed. I can't live and I can't die.