
The Crimson Eyed Witch

Shiro Tatsumaki, easily the 2nd best product of the White room was assigned to attend the Advanced Nurturing High School as an experiment to find out how the students from the White room interacted with those from outside the white room. On a bus to the school she is shocked to find out he was also attending the school. This was her chance to interact with the greatest product of the white room but, strangely she couldn't bring herself to do so. She gets assigned to the Class D, where she finds out he was also assigned. Shiro Tatsumaki is my own character. Aside from her I do not own other Characters of Classroom of The Elite. Join the discord here: https://discord.gg/d6wQZabt8f

Rados47 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

What would be my standing in the hierarchy at this school? Will I really be able to make friends? Will they see me as weird? Is my hair alright? What would be their first impression of me?

As I got to the classroom, I looked at the name plate hanging over the door. Class 1D. My new class. I had no idea why I ended up in this class. I was sure I had got 90 in all subjects taken. If anything I should have been sent to A or at least B. I wouldnt lie about how infuriated I was. But, at least I had heard they reshuffled high school students after each year so I still had a chance to graduate from Class A.

To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care whichever class I graduated from. Only if it werent for the fact that my mission in this school was graduate from Class A.

Uurrghh... What a pain in the ass!

I slid open the classroom door and entered my new battlefield. The classroom had only a few members in it at the moment. I take in a deep breath and enter.

There were about 40 desks, a podium for the teacher and a marker board up front. The average classroom.

I looked around for my nameplate and found it at the back row on the 3rd column away from the window. A fairly good spot for someone who didnt want to draw too much attention to themselves.

After a while, more students begun to enter the class. Then he entered. I was seriously surprised.

Eh?! Ayanokoji Kiyotaka? What's he doing here? He should have easily made it to Class 1 A

I begun to think to myself. I made sure not to look at him too much. I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. But as fate would have it, his seat was also at the back row. Next to the window.

I set my head on the table in defeat. I felt like groaning, but that might have given off a bad first impression.

No no no!

I sat up again, slapping myself in my head. It didn't matter if he was here. For now, my first mission was to make friends. To make friends, there were a few things one had to know.

First was to know that there were 3 types of friends. The Hi- Bye friends or commonly known as acquaintances. They were the type of friends you just said hello to because you co existed in the same space. Other than that, you had no relation with them. Then there are the regular friends. These are the guys you can just talk to, relax and have some fun with. Then lastly we've got the True or Soul Friends. Mostly called best friends. The types were you can share your secrets with easily because there was a high level of trust between the individuals.

My most ideal version was the regular friends, if possible i would have liked to get at least one soul friend.

But looking at things, either i had to make contact with the others first, or they would have to make contact with me first. The most sure fire way was me, going to talk to somebody. As i looked around, i saw a girl sitting to my right. She had pink hair tied in twin pig tails.

I was considering approaching her but I could tell from the way her shoulders were hunched and the aura of uncomfortability she was giving off, that she was very shy. Talking to her now would prove a bit difficult so, I decided against it.

I buried my head in my desk again. I was so infuriated. This was going nowhere.

"You, from before...!"

I thought, it was being directed at me so I lifted my head. I was a bit disappointed to see that it was being directed at Ayanokoji. It was that dark haired girl from before. She had long black hair with one braid tied with a pink bow as well as gradient red eyes. She had a stern look on her face as well as a slim but well-endowed body which makes her stand out as being beautiful.

What would someone like her be doing talking to someone like him?

I thought. While Ayanokoji was attractive, he still had this aura surrounding him that said, I want to be lonely. And that poker face of his didnt really make it easier to approach him.

Ayanokoji let out a heavy sigh. The girl put her bag on the desk next to him.

Great. If she was the sociable type, I could make friends with her. Then again, how does she know Ayanokoji. Is she another white room student?

I couldn't help but be curious. I decided to listen to their conversation.

"That's a heavy sigh, even though the school semester hasn't even started yet. I feel like sighing after meeting you again."

The girl said.

So she didnt like his company?

".... So we were in the same class, huh"

He said. I was really interested in their relationship now.

"I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you."

"A sudden self-introduction?"

After that, i ruled out the possibility of her being a white room student. If she didnt know the existence that sat next to her, she was definitely not from that place. No. I couldn't rule it out just yet. She might've been trying to hide the fact that she knew him. I couldn't have been the only student who didn't like Ayanokoji.

"Even if you call it sudden, it's our second time talking to each other. Isnt an introduction fine?"

He asked.

"Do you mind if I reject your greeting?"


I held back the urge to laugh. So even the God Ayanokoji had trouble making friends, huh. So cute. Anyone would have stopped there, but Ayanokoji decided to go the extra mile

"I think it would be awkward if we didnt know each other's names, even though we sit next to each other."

A reasonable argument.

"I think it would be perfectly fine."

This girl was dead set on not making friends with Ayanokoji. I wondered what it was he did to her. Either way, I wasnt going to try my shots at her. She might end up embarrassing me too.

I took out a novel and begun reading it.

"The equipment in this classroom seems to be in order! The classroom looks just like what the rumours say!"

I immediately recognized the voice. I was hoping I was wrong because I did not want to be in the sane class as that person.

Oh heaven's no. If there is a God please dont let him be here. Please God no!

I looked up from my novel and was sorely disappointed at the fact that I was right. Sometimes I wished I was wrong.

It was the boy who argued with the girl in the bus.

Of all the people, why him?

I found myself asking this question.

".....I see. This is certainly bad luck."

The dark haired beauty next to me said. I totally agreed with her. She must have witnessed the scene from earlier in the bus.

The boy went around and sat down at a seat some distance away.

After a while a guy came up in front of the class. He was a young man of average height with dark blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Hey guys! Listen to me for a sec"

He instantly drew everybody's attention towards him.

"I think we should go around the room and introduce our selves. Start to get familiar with each other. I'd like to get to know you guys. Plus the teacher isnt here yet, so we might as well do so."

"Yeah that sounds like fun."

A student agreed

"I agree. I mean how else are we going to get acquainted."

"Yeah, let's go for it."

More and more students agreed. Truly impressive

"I'm glad to hear it. Well, I guess I'll go first then. I'm Yosuke Hirata. But you can just call me Yosuke if you want to. I play every sport imaginable and I'm going to try for the school soccer team for sure. Thanks. Nice to meet you all."

He had a calm cool composure and seemed open to everyone. The way he rallied everyone up with a couple of seconds. He could easily be the class leader at this rate. Maybe I could become friends with him.

"Ok. I guess I'll go next."

The girl who said this, was the one from earlier in the bus. She had short beige-colored hair, gradient crimson eyes, a well-endowed figure and an average height.

"My name's Kikyou Kushida. My goal is to become friends with every person in the entire school. That obviously includes everyone here so if you're going out, please consider inviting me."

Everyone begun applauding. I myself was amazed. She could easily be liked by both boys and girls and would be very popular in the school. So, I couldn't tell why I didnt like her. I had a feeling saying I should be wary of her.

Women's intuition, maybe?

I didnt know why, but I would be careful around her.

"Then, the next one is...."

He looked at a red haired student, and the student replied with a cold glare.

"You guys idiots? I dont wanna introduce myself, just leave me alone."

Not only did he look like a delinquent, he also had the attitude to match. This made me begin to doubt that quote. How does it go again? Dont judge a book by its cover? Yes. That one. He just looked like a troublemaker I would want to avoid, so I made a mental note.

"I cant force you to introduce yourself. But, I dont think it's a bad thing to get along with your classmates. If you thought I was being unpleasant, I'm sorry."

Hirata bowed in apology. Most of the girls who had fallen for Hirata-kun begun to glare at Sudou and openly expressed their dissatisfaction with red hair's behaviour.

"Its just a simple introduction. How hard is that?"

"Yea, yea!"

This was quite the situation he put himself in. Would he abandon his pride to get a fairly good position in the social hierarchy or would he continue to be a douche? This seemed like an easy choice but, telling from the way he set his feet on the desk, his answer was obvious.

"No. I dont want to pretend that we're good friends."

Hmmmm.... So he chose pride over social standing. I didnt know if he was just plain stupid or intentionally ignorant of the sort of effect this would have on him. Anyway, that was his problem. Not mine.

"I'm Ike Kanji. The things I like are girls, and the things i hate are ikemen. I'm looking for a girlfriend at any time, so nice to meet you! Of course, you better be cute or beautiful."

I already didnt like this guy. First of all, I did not appreciate being called a thing. Second of all, where does he go off deciding whether a girl was a beauty or not.

"Wow, cool~. Ike-kun, you're so smooth."

One of the girls' said sarcastically.

"Really, really? Wow, I thought I wasnt bad, but.... hehehe."

Are you dumb?

"Wow, everyone, he's cute. He's recruiting girlfriends."

As the girls saw how flustered he was at this statement, they begun to giggle. I myself held back the urge to do so.

Next was the handsome proud guy from earlier.

"Um, can you introduce yourself?"

Hirata asked.

"Fu~. OK."

Apparently he found it amusing. Because, he grinned as if he were royalty talking to peasants.

He kept his legs on the desk and leaned back on his chair.

"My name is Koenji Rokusuke. Being the only heir of the Koenji conglomerate, I am a man who will be responsible for Japanese society in the near future. Pleased to meet you, ladies."

Apparently he was just talking to us girls.

I could see some girls looking at him with lust and some looking at him with disgust. Those that looked at him with lustful gazes were probably after the money and those that looked at him with disgust probably just didnt like this rude attitude of his. His wealth meant nothing to me so I cared not for him.

"From now on, I will relentlessly punish anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. Be careful in that respect."

"Eh.... Koenji-kun. What do you mean by 'anything that makes me uncomfortable'?"

Hirata saw the need to ask. I was sure everybody in the class with the exception of one or 2 people wished to know as well.

"Exactly as I said. But if I were to give an example, I'd have to say I hate unattractive things. If I saw something ugly, I would do as I said."

What a douchebag

I just realised that Class D had a lot of.... well,.... let's just say, interesting people. There was the delinquent, Hirata, Koenji, Ike, Ayanokoji. I wondered what was up with this collection of people.

As they kept going person by person, I realized I was soon going to be called upon to give an introduction. I didnt want to come of as too charismatic or too dull. Just in between. Enough to be liked by everyone. As the introductions went round, it was Ayanokoji's turn. He looked a bit distracted.

"Uh... me?"

Hirata nodded his head to confirm. Everybody in the class also looked at him, expecting his introduction. Even I was interested.

"Well..... Un, my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. The, er..... theres nothing particular about me, I will do my best to get along with everyone, uh, nice to meet you."

Well that was a total flop. Everybody in class applauded as a way of consoling him. It was so cute how the white room's greatest product couldn't handle a simple task, like introducing himself to a bunch of teenagers.

Next was the girl who sat next to me. But, she openly expressed her unwillingness to cooperate.

"I see no point in doing this, so please move on to the next person."

Everyone quickly lost interest in her and the next person was.... Me.

Ok then. Showtime!

I could feel all eyes on me. I didnt expect to feel this much pressure because people just looked at me. Fortunately, I wasnt scared. The trick to making new friends was being bold. So I stood up, with a smile on my face.

Now wasnt the time to be hesitant, so i brushed aside questions of how i looked right now, then proceeded.

"Hi there. My name's Shiro Tatsumaki. I like to read books and like to make friends. My pleasure to meet you all and I hope we all get along."

I took a bow. Hopefully this introduction wasn't too boring or too exciting. I tried not to sound like a dull bookworm.

"Nice to meet you Tatsumaki-chan. Let's get along."

Hirata said and everybody clapped.

Take that Ayanokoji.

I sat down curtly.

A few minutes after, the school bell rang and a woman wearing a suit walked into the classroom. It was almost as if she had been waiting at the door.

She looked about 30 years old and she had long hair that was tied back into a ponytail. She looked like a strict teacher.

"Ahem, good morning new students. My name is Chabashira Sae and I am in charge of Class D this year. I teach Japanese history. This school doesn't rearrange the classes every year so over the next three years, I hope I get to know all of you. Best regards. Although the entrance ceremony will be one hour from now in the gym, I will now distribute the list of special rules of this school and the matriculation guide."

Eerhh?! What? They won't reshuffle?! How am I supposed to graduate from Class A then?!

From the front, handouts were passed around.

It seemed that this school had it's own rules that set it aside from other high schools. All students were required to live on school campus, and were forbidden from making outside contact. Leaving school grounds was also forbidden.

However, as a precaution to make sure students did not complain about the restrictions, the school had set up facilities to entertain the students. From Karaokes, to theater rooms, cafes and even boutiques, the school had it all. It was almost like a small town. The school alone took more than 600,000 square metres.

I was already aware of all of this as the white room scientists had already informed me. But there was something there I wasnt informed of.

That was the introduction of the S system. Was it a new system? No that didnt matter. I doubted the school would implement a system the very day they had thought of it. If it were new, then they would have planned about it quite a while before this semester begun. The white room scientists would have definitely found some information on this. So why? Why didnt they inform me? Was this some sort of test? Maybe they wanted to observe how I would react to this. Seriously those old boring men dressed in white were such joy kills.

"I will now hand out student ID cards. With this card, you can buy anything from any of the shops and facilities around campus. It works like a credit card. However, be careful of how many points you use. Theres nothing you cant buy at school. If theres something on school grounds, its purchasable."

So this point system they had implemented effectively replaced money, huh.

"Student cards can be used by swiping them on the machines. Using the machines are really easy, so you won't have trouble with them. The points will be automatically credited on the first day of each month. Everyone should already have 100,000 points on their card. Also, 1 point is worth 1 yen. Any more explanation is unnecessary."

The students just let out a shout of disbelief. Why wouldnt they? They just gave a bunch of high schoolers 100,000 yen. I knew this school was funded by the government and all but, 100,000 per month seemed like over kill to me.

"Were you guys surprised by the amount of points given? This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here, who passed the entrance exam, has shown some level of merit and worth. The amount of money is a reflection of your skills. Use without holding back. After graduation, however, all the points will be taken back. Since it's impossible to change these points into cash, theres no point in saving up the points. How the points are used are up to you. Use it on things you like or need. If you feel that you have no use for some of your points, you can always transfer them to someone else. However, bullying other people for points is prohibited. The schools very strict on matters concerning bullying."

Sensei looked around the classroom, expecting some questions.

"It seems like no one has questions. Well then, please lead a good student life."

I had a fair amount of questions but would ask her later. I didnt want to stand out much at the moment.

For now, I had a general idea of this school. There were a lot of restrictions but, there were also some facilities that would make one forget about said restrictions. One of the greatest features was the S system. With the use of points one could purchase anything they wanted without worry, since they would receive 100,000 points at the end of the month.

Still, I wasnt buying it. This school seemed too heavenly for a bunch of high school students even if it were being funded by the government. The points system even contradicted the most attractive feature of the school, the promise of a 100% employment rate.

The school would definitely have a lot of connections to a lot of universities and workplaces, making it easier for the students to get their dream jobs and high schools so.... What was the point in giving students 100,000 yen each month? It wasnt like they were working to earn the money. They would be encouraging students to spend foolishly instead. Was this some sort of trick? I didnt know neither did I have any conclusive proof. So, for now, I was going to lay low and monitor everything. For all I knew I might be wrong. I was hoping I was wrong.

After that, the teacher left the classroom.


The entrance ceremony was a drag. I was certain I wasn't the only one thinking the same thing.

Watching, the principal and students thanking each other, standing after every 5-10 minutes, and so many unnecessary occurrences. It was basically a sleep fest, without much sleep.

I had no idea if this was how elementary, middle and high school entrance ceremonies were like but, if they were all like this, i was happy I'd missed most of them.

Soon enough, it was noon. We had received a tour of the school and decided to split up.

I decided to head back to the dorms. I was pretty exhausted from all the movement today. As I walked back I saw a bundle of pink hair I remembered from the class. It was Sakura-chan and she was going back to the dorms as well.

This might as well be a good chance to make friends.

I decided to approach her. It seemed like she hadn't noticed me even though I had drawn near her. I decided to call out to her.

"Um... Hello?!"

She didnt respond. I figured she didnt hear me so I picked up the pace and tapped her lightly on the shoulders.


She was flustered by my act and started waving her hands crazily. Was she really that shy?

"Wha- oh.... huh?"

Oh my, she really is cute

"Sakura-chan, right?"

I said asked to confirm even though I didn't really need her to answer. I had remembered the names and faces of those who shared theirs.

"Oh... um. Yes. S-sorry but I don't remember yours."

She said. I couldn't help but feel sad and a wee bit disappointed. Possibly offended. I let out a deep heavy sigh, then say

"Seriously?! And here I was thinking I made a good first impression in class."

"Oh.... um. You did, I- I just wasn't paying enough attention is all. I'm sorry!"

Some people might have been offended by that statement.

"Fine! That doesn't matter anyway. My name's Tatsumaki. Tatsumaki Shiro and dont you forget it!"

I put quite a but of energy into that. I had read that the key to approaching shy people was to be outgoing and confident but not forceful. Truly a pain.

"Oh okay. Di....did you want t-to talk about something?"

She asked. So she didnt like to beat about the Bush much, huh? Fine by me.

"Oh nothing really. I just wanted to talk with you."

I say this with what I hope to be a bright smile. She seemed a bit stunned by this then she got all shy again and started waving her hand around frantically.

"Oh... um sorry. Bu-"

She was trying to escape but I wouldnt let her.

"You're so cute and funny."

I giggle after saying. After a while her face begun to turn red.

"Eh? Eeeeehhhhh?! Wha- what are you s-saying all of sudden?!"

She then turns around and crouched and puts her hands over her head. I could tell she was dying from the embarrassment.

Kukuku... how cute

I then reached out my hand to her.

"Hey Sakura chan. Wanna be my friend?"

She lifted her head up and looked at me. I could have sworn her eyes sparkled through her glasses. Wait... those were fake.

So she doesn't need actual glasses? Then what's up with that.

She stared at my hand for quite a bit. Then she finally grabbed it and I helped her up. I could see the hesitant look in her eyes so I said,

"Its ok if you don't want to. I mean we did just meet. So let's get to know each other first."

Sakura-chan's eyes seemed to agree with me.

"So Sakura-chan. What kind of things do you like?"

We then started to talk all the way to the dorms. Ok, I did most of the talking while Sakura basically only answered my questions. It was more like an interview than an actual conversation. I really hoped things worked out well.


After about 10 minutes we both reached the dorms. Well, I guess calling it a hotel would make for a better explanation. If I was spending 3 years out of where i was used to, this place didnt seem so bad.

Sakura-chan and I collected our key cards from the receptionist and informational manuals. Mine said Room 607 and Sakura-chan's was Room 603. So we were on the same floor, huh? Nice.

"Hey, look at that. We'll be on the same floor. And our rooms are really close."

I say, while reading through the manual. We both got into the elevator. I was amazed at how much liberty the school gave us.

"They dont limit the amount of electricity and gas we use, huh.... And they won't subtract points for all of those. This is pretty cool isnt it, Sakura-chan."

"Y-yeah. I guess so."

"B-but dont you think it's... a bit weird that boys and girls.... a-are sleeping in the same dormitory?"

She asked. I was so shocked I just started at her. She actually asked me a question. Her face begun to turn red.

"S-sorry if it's a weird question."

Oh, she got the wrong idea.

"Oh no no. I was just surprised you asked me a question. Yeah, I do think it's a bit odd but, i also don't think theres anything wrong with that."

I had lived with both boys and girls my whole life. Sleeping in the same dorm with different rooms was no problem at all for me. But, I guess for girls like Sakura-chan, she might have had her own worries. Then I return my gaze to the manual.

It was sort of hard to believe that giving students such pampered life styles would be training for the future. If anything, it was like they were begging us to be irresponsible.

The elevator dinged as we got to our floor. So we both parted ways.

"Talk to you later, Sakura-chan."

I waved at her, then she waved back at me.

My room was quite small compared to what I slept in back at the mansion. There was a tv fixed to the wall and a small table set with a few chairs around it. Then there was a kitchen with a refrigerator and my bedroom was behind a door. The room had a simple bed, with a desk and a computer setup.

I collapse on the bed, completely exhausted but strangely excited. Why exactly?

Well, now I had a bit of time to myself. 3 years to be exact. I knew the white room was still in control but I was sure that even they would have some problems monitoring me in this school. They would just have to wait for my report at the end of the time so, for now, I could do whatever I wanted. 3 years of freedom used to feel like a pipe dream. My whole life had been decided for me ever since i was born so 3 years was nothing short of fantastic.

Now, the only problem was the possibility of there being more white room students. This was so frustrating. How was I going to identify the white room students? Was I supposed to identify them? I already knew Ayanokoji was a white room student but, there was also the possibility that he knew I was a white room student as well.

"Uuurggh!!! This. Is. So. Frus!Tra!Ting!"

I scream into my pillow. I then close my eyes and think. If he had information on me, I also had information on him. So it was a win win situation. The other problem was if there were other white room students. I would have to examine the students in Class D to find out if there were any other students.

Then there was also the issue of graduating from class A. But that was a problem for later. I was fairly certain that it was possible for me to move to class A. I just needed to ask Chabashira Sensei.

Other than that, I could say I didnt have much problem. I stretch out my hand as if to touch the light bulb that shone brightly.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Kukuku... get ready because, this is where you fall. I will personally see to it that you get buried. After all, who else would be capable of doing such."

I then start thinking up plans for my future in this school. I knew one thing for sure now. My 3 years were going to be amusing.