
The Crimson-Eyed Ruler

The Abandoned world is a world without God's protection. The various creatures living there don’t have good relationships with one another. The stronger creatures could have whatever they want while the weaker creatures only had whatever was left. Each creature had its own language and couldn’t understand each other. They only communicated through strength instead of words. The prophecy states that only the true ruler, a girl with crimson eyes, could understand the languages of all creatures and become the bridge that unites all of the creatures. But, despite having crimson eyes, it’s been said that one of them would turn golden when she unleashed her full power. One day, a girl woke up not remembering anything at all. The only things that she vaguely remembers are her knowledge of various mythical creatures and her strange connection to a ‘faceless’ male elf. One ‘brilliant’ decision led her to accidentally opening the wrong door and got sucked into the Abandoned world. A sketchy ‘system’ told her that she transmigrated into the body of a girl called “Adora” and inherited the original’s knowledge and power. In order to leave the Abandoned world that she entered by mistake, she has to get the approval of all of the leaders of each creature in the Abandoned world to create a portal back to the other world. She knew it would be challenging, but... Why do some creatures of the world call her the true ruler of the world? Why do some treat her as God while some plot to kill her? She also finds herself unable to ignore that annoying male elf who keeps getting on her nerves. “ERGH! All I want is to get their approvals to return to the other world, but why do I keep getting tangled up in all of this mess.” --- PS: -The mythical creatures in the story don’t act the same way as the folklore as it’s been tweaked with my imagination. -1v1 romance, but she will have *cough* a few admirers. -The official ML won’t appear until after a few chapters. -This is my first ever novel so bear with me if there are mistakes in the story or if the pacing is weird:))

UnmotivatedChild · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Who am I?

"THROW HIM IN THE PORTAL AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN'T SHOW UP IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER EVER AGAIN!" the man shouted and didn't spare a single glance at the boy.

After the person had been thrown into the portal, the tense atmosphere slowly subsided. The man then turned back and went out of the room. Sighs of relief could be heard from the people remaining in the room.

The corridor was silent as no one dared to make any sound after receiving the icy glare from their superior. The man continued walking down the corridor while unconsciously rubbing the bracelet on his wrist. He didn't pay any attention to his subordinates greeting him.


The echoes from someone shouting could be heard from outside the room. A girl woke up with her brows furrowed tightly with pain. She felt like someone was constantly pounding her head, as though they are making 'Ding Ding' candy out of her head.

To ease her headache, she took slow rhythmic breaths by breathing in and out for five seconds. After the pain lessened to a bearable level, she finally looked around her surroundings. Her gaze was unfocused as she didn't recognize where she was at all.

She tried recalling what she did before falling asleep, but she couldn't remember anything. It felt like she was a newly born baby who hadn't experienced life yet.

She noticed that she was in a big mythical creature-themed room. The room was big enough to fit 10 people her size in it. There were books and sketches of creatures scattered all around the floor and the king-sized bed.

The bedsheet was red with dragon pictures imprinted on it. There were various paintings of different creatures hung on the pastel purple walls all around the room. Even the table lamp beside the bed was in a shape of an elf holding a light bulb.

"What a nerd," Adora thought after looking at the state of the room.

She picked up the book near her feet. The book was filled with sketches and neat handwriting of information regarding a creature called 'Brownie'. It contained all kinds of information such as where Brownies live, what they usually do, their personalities, etc.

She put down the book and wore the slippers with Kappa character pictures on them that were placed by her bed. She walked around the room, picking up the books and sketches of other creatures such as dwarves, banshees, vampires, and others. She looked through everything, trying to see whether it will trigger her memories or not.

While looking through them, she felt a sudden ache, like someone was squeezing her brain. She started sweating and fell to the floor when the pain became unbearable. While she was in pain, a sudden rush of memories began flooding in her head.

She saw a girl that seemed to be herself humming and painting an image of a dragon on her canvas.

The memory then changed to her lying on her bed and learning a foreign language. She looked silly, trying to have a conversation with herself using the language.

It stopped and changed to another scene of her showing off her sketches to a blurry figure of a man who had blonde hair like her. The man was talking to her, but she couldn't listen nor see what the man sounded or looked like. Then it stopped.

She stared at the ground, confused, and her headache gradually subsided. After a while, she got up and slowly walked to the wall to observe the paintings. From the memory that appeared in her head just now, the paintings were all supposedly painted by her.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm this talented!" she praised herself while admiring how real the dragon in the painting looked. "I must be an artist to be able to paint these creatures to life like this HEHE!"

She observed all of the different paintings one by one. She started to vaguely remember the creatures in the paintings, such as their name and personality.

Suddenly, she stopped and stared at the unfinished painting on the easel. Then, unbeknownst to her, she started tearing up as she clenched her chest, trying to stop her rapid heartbeat. She tried to calm herself down from the rush of sadness swirling within her.

"What the hell is happening to me...?"

"Who...Who are you?" she whispered while staring at the unfinished painting, her fingertips tracing the outline of the creature.

The unfinished painting only contained the basic outline of a creature. She could only tell that it's a faceless male elf. Nothing more, nothing less.

She kept staring at the painting, trying to see whether it will trigger any memories like just now. But nothing happened even after minutes of trying to recall anything as she stared at every single detail on the canvas. She couldn't remember a single thing about the male elf in the painting. It's like that portion of her memory was permanently erased, unlike the rest.

Eventually, she gave up thinking about that unfinished painting as she felt that she would never remember anything about that male elf. Well, at least for now.

She continued scanning the room, trying to see if there's any clue about her identity. Then, something suddenly caught her eyes.

There was a bright red glow coming from the dressing table. The ruby gemstone on the necklace was glowing brightly.

She scrutinized the necklace and rubbed it a few times to see whether a genie or something will show up. But to her disappointment, nothing happened at all. She couldn't find any abnormalities on it other than the fact that it's glowing.

Although the necklace didn't trigger any memories within her, something in her mind seemed to tell her to wear the necklace. So, without thinking twice, she put the necklace on. She looked around, hoping that she could unravel any hidden secrets. But again, nothing happened. The necklace stopped glowing too.

Everything was the same as before, making her couldn't help but think that she hallucinated about the gemstone glowing.

Since it did nothing to her, she decided to keep the necklace on as it was very much to her liking. She wanted to go look in the mirror to see how she looked with the necklace on when suddenly, she heard loud sounds like footsteps from outside her room.

She immediately went to the door to find someone that could answer the millions of questions she had about everything that was going on.

"ERGH! Who locked this damned door?" she kept trying to turn the doorknob but still couldn't open the door.

She tried shouting and banging on the door to get someone's attention, but no one came. She could hear the sound of the footsteps getting softer as the people outside walked further away from the door.


She looked around and saw that there was another door that led to the balcony. To her surprise, the door wasn't locked. She went out and popped out her head from the balcony to see whether there was any way for her to leave the room safely.

She noticed that the balcony below her room was bigger than her room's balcony, making it enough for her to jump down safely. So, she jumped without hesitation and entered the room below.

The room was unoccupied. It was empty and only dust in sight. However, she was confused to see that the room had 2 doors. One door was red, and the other was black.

After considering both options, she decided to open the red door first to see what's on the other side. The moment she opened the door, she felt a strong force sucking her in.

A loud bang echoed around the room as the red door closed. She was no longer in the room, making the room empty again the same way how it was discovered initially.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed while falling from God knows how high above the ground.

Her eyes were tightly shut as she couldn't feel her facial muscles. She swore that she could feel her soul slowly leaving her body as she descended. She didn't understand what was happening, all she did was open the red door, and now she's free-falling?!?!

'Wasn't red a lucky colour? How is this situation in any way, lucky? Am I supposed to be lucky to die?'


A small figure wearing an eye-catching neon yellow suit magically appeared in the middle of the forest out of nowhere. The contrast between the dark atmosphere and the neon yellow made it look like a ball of light in the middle of the dark forest.

"Cheh, what made them think that I wanted to continue staying with them?" the small creature said as he stomped on the ground. "If I was going to leave anyway, I should be the one making the decision and leave on my own two feet and not the 2 ungrateful good for nothing ambushing me in my sleep!"

Suddenly, he could hear someone screaming above him. So, he looked up only to see what looked like a falling 'giant bird'. He dazed for a while at such a weird sight and missed the timing to move away.


Miss unlucky's brain.exe has stopped working.

She silently prayed while awaiting her oncoming death when she finally landed.




She landed on something small and squishy. However, she still felt the excruciating pain from the collision with whatever she landed on. The pain caused her to lose her consciousness.

Before she lost her consciousness, she could hear 2 different voices screaming at her.


The pain that came from accidentally touching the fire shocked her awake. She noticed that there was a small tacky neon yellow jacket barely covering her body. She was in the middle of the dark forest alone with the fire burning brightly beside her.

All of a sudden, she noticed the gemstone necklace around her head glowing again like before. However, this time not only did it glow, but she also heard a mysterious voice somewhat from a middle-aged man nagging in her head.

"Adora sweety, are you alright?? Why did you open the portal on your own? You should have stayed in your room."

"HUH? SWEETY?! Who are you? Do you know me? Where am I now? How am I even still alive after what happened?!" she was agitated and let out all the questions in her head in one breath, clinging to the only 'person' she could talk to.

The mysterious voice sounded disappointed and said, "Ah… You don't remember me...?"

"Am I supposed to? I only have a few pieces of fragmented memories right now…Could you PLEASE tell me what is going on right now?" Adora was desperate and slightly raised her voice at the end. Her voice echoed throughout the silent forest.

She received no reply, and the stifling silence went on for a while. Adora frowned as she looked at the glowing gemstone necklace. Then, the mysterious voice sounded in her head again.

"You...your..soul had been transmigrated into your current body after your death in your original world. After the transmigration, your original memories were erased. The fragmented memories you have now belong to the original owner of the body.

Right now... Your identity is a mythical creature nerd called 'Adora Bell'. You were supposed to be living in the world you were in before you opened the portal to the 'Abandoned' world. So you must return to the previous world. This world is too dangerous for you.

As to why you didn't suffer any severe injuries, it's due to *cough* good luck."

Adora Bell: confused_face.jpg

This marks my 1st step in my journey of novel writing KYAAA><

The story will go a bit slow for now as it's the introduction.

But I hope that you guys will bear with me hehe.

The first few chapters will have slower updates as I'm still working on my writing speed, but my goal is to update at least 1 chapter per day.

Any feedback do comment or find me at my Ig: @unmotivatedchild

For now ciaoozzz, till the next chapter >W<

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