
The Creature Inside Me

He felt like his body was on fire. It wasn’t something he wasn’t familiar with but every time it got more and more painful to bear. He held his stomach, curled in under his duvet and held his eyes shut tight. He was crying and biting his pillow to hold in the painful sobs. He was called weak for whining about the pain so he didn’t bother to tell the sister. They had been taking care of him for a very long time. He was a baby when he lost his parents and after that, they had taken care of him. They had taken him to the doctor and concerned with every doctor they could to ask about his condition and the pain he faced every month but nobody knew what was going on with him. His health started declining just when he hit 18. The doctors said he had maximum of 4 years to live which was a very vague estimation but he has already lived 2 years of his 4 years life. He had accepted his fate. He knew he wouldn’t survive long enough to even complete these four years. There was no medicine for his pain because his health sure was deteriorating but not knowing the cause of it made doctors confused as to what medicine to give him for his pain. All he wanted was to know who he was and why was he different from others before sleeping under the layer of mud forever! “Hey, you alright?” He heard a voice. He didn’t know who it was because he was under the duvet. But before he could open his mouth to answer or get the time to remove his duvet, he heard another voice. “Yeah… I’m just going to use the loo.” The other boy answered the previous boy’s question which made him realize that the question wasn’t directed to him but to the boy who was out of his bed for the bathroom. “Just wanna die soon.” He mumbled under his breath, answering the question even though it wasn’t directed to him.

Laiba · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
99 Chs

Drink or Inject!

Irvin was sitting on the stairs of the porch of his house along with Aiden, lost in the thoughts of Zadkiel. He had a lit cigarette in his hand as he was gazing at the night stars.

“Did you find your mate?” Aiden asked him, taking a drag from his cigarette.

“Yeah. I found him.” A smile appeared on Irvin’s face as he was eyeing the sky, thinking at least he and his mate share the same thing… The sky.

“Did you talk to him?” Aiden questioned, happy to see a smile on Irvin’s face. He knew how long his best friend had waited.

“Yeah,” Irvin answered, eyes still locked on the sky and a constant smile on his face.

“Did you mark him?” Aiden further questioned.

“No.” The smile on Irvin’s face vanished as he tore his gaze away from the night sky and looked back at Aiden’s frowned face.

“He doesn’t even know,” Irvin informed him.

“He is a human?” Aiden asked.

“No. That’s the thing. He isn’t human but he still doesn’t know about himself.” Irvin sighed.

“Was he a minor?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“How long he has been in the orphanage?” Aiden turned to Irvin, throwing away the cigarette.

“I don’t know but he was so good at fighting off his feelings. He is an omega. He should have run into my arms but instead, he was the one who was fighting off the feelings. He was even better than me at that. How is it even possible for an omega to fight off the feeling like that?” Irvin was beyond confused and now Aiden was on the same level of confusion.

“Did you tell him?” Aiden inquired.

“No… Just when he thought I knew something about him, he got scared but before I could comfort him, Ava arrived.” Irvin stated, looking down at his lap.

“Maybe, he was brought into the orphanage when he was very young so, nobody told him about who he is. I mean how the sisters or the father would know about it? He is in the dark because he wasn’t informed.” Aiden made an assumption.

“Maybe,” Irvin murmured lost in his thoughts. “So, that means he never turned? But if he never turned, then he must be a minor.” Irvin thought about it. Aiden nodded, considering that.

“But he felt the spark when I touched him. A minor wouldn’t be able to feel it.” Irvin was so confused.

“Some minors can feel the spark. But if he’s not a minor and hasn’t mated yet then he’d die.” Aiden threw another fact on the table.

“That doesn’t happen that quickly. Omega has to be without a mate for six years before their health starts declining and he looked no more than 20.” Irvin stated.

“This isn’t adding up. If he is minor then it justifies why he doesn’t know who he is because he never turned but if he’s not a minor then why hasn’t he turned yet? He would know who he is if he has turned on every full moon.” Aiden was so lost.

“I don’t know. All I know is that he is 19 or 20 and he doesn’t know a thing about himself.” Irvin sighed.

“What if it was just an act? Like what if he wants to reject you as his mate?” Aiden threw another assumption. It was painful to hear for Irvin but it could be a possibility.

“It didn’t look like it, though I’m not sure,” Irvin spoke as he looked at his cigarette that was now fully consumed. He threw it and pressed his foot on it.

“But even if he wants to reject you as his mate, he should say it to break the bond. The bond wouldn’t break like the way he’s acting. The words need to be spoken for it to break.” Aiden patted Irvin’s shoulder to assure him.

“But it would grow weaker now. You do know once the mates find each other, they need to mate to make it stronger or it would go weaker and I haven’t even marked him yet.” Irvin all of a sudden, sounded so weak and sad.

“You’re our Alpha. You can find yourself another partner. Don’t worry.” Aiden tried to cheer him up but Irvin shook his head.

“I never once tried to find another partner in six years. I would never settle with anyone else than my mate. You know that, Aiden.” Irvin murmured, hanging his head low.

“What if he rejects you?” Aiden asked.

“I don’t know,” Irvin mumbled.

Irvin hoped that it wouldn’t be the case.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙ ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

“Dude, I say. Think about it one more time.” Abel spoke as he was pulling on his shirt. Zadkiel was just sitting on his bed.

“Think about what? He’s gone. Even if I jump onto your great plan of escape from this hell, how am I supposed to contact him?” Zadkiel was so frustrated now.

It had been three days since Irvin’s visit to the orphanage but Abel was still very much persistent on making Zadkiel agree to use Irvin to get out of the place. Abel was sure that Irvin was some kind of person with power and he could get Zadkiel out of the hell hole.

Abel had no sick intentions for Irvin. He didn’t want to hurt the guy but he had to do it just to save his friend’s limited life. He had to do something for Zadkiel. Maybe, there was a treatment out there for him because, in his opinion, this orphanage treated Zadkiel like some animal.

“I’m sure, he’ll visit soon. I saw it in his eyes. He was into you, man.” He said while making his bed.

“I can’t play with him like that. How many times do I have to tell you that?” Zadkiel sighed, shaking his head. Three days and it was the same conversation.

“And I can’t see you die in here.” Abel was himself tired of the same conversation.

He sat on Zadkiel’s bed and gave him a pleading look. “Look, I know it’s very cruel to him but you have to do it for survival. You’re dying.” He tried to convince him.

“I can’t play with someone’s feelings just to live. There is no cure for me.” Zadkiel sternly made it clear. Abel sighed. He was just thinking of keeping it quiet for now.

“Alright, c’mon. Breakfast is in 5 minutes.” Abel patted his shoulder, rising to his feet himself.

“You go. I’ll meet you there.” Zadkiel said. Abel gave a nod and left.

When Zadkiel was sure, everyone in the sleeping hall was out for breakfast. He got out of the bed, grabbed the bottle and the syringe from under his pillow and made his way to the bathroom.

He walked into an empty stall, locked himself in and sat on the closed toilet seat. He opened the cap of the syringe and filled the liquid from the small bottle in it.

He took a deep breath, already feeling the pain in his body. Every cell in his body was telling him to stop. To not inject it. It was like he had two brains. One, the one Zadkiel referred to as the rational one, was telling him to inject it because it was for the greater good but the other, the foolish one, was whimpering, begging and pleading him to not do it.

He let out a puff of air, sweat was already forming on his forehead but he was going to do it. He rolled up his sleeve and pointed his syringe to his left arm’s median cubital vein. He hissed at the slight pinch and injected the material inside the vein.

As soon as the tank of the syringe started to empty into his body, his veins started popping out. He could see the whole circulatory system of his arm. He threw the syringe on the floor and whimpered in pain as he fell back, his back was against the tank of the toilet seat.

He shut his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth to hold the sound of the scorching pain inside his mouth. He could feel the brain side he referred to foolish one or the demon one was asleep now.

He broke the needle of the syringe, capped it back and threw it in the bin. He took few seconds to catch his breaths as there was a constant pain in his whole body. It was like as the liquid was flowing in his vascular system, he was feeling the pain. His heart beat was extremely low now as it always happened after taking the injection. His muscles were all contracted. There was a constant flow of sweat from his body and his body was trembling. He was extremely thirsty and his throat felt like he just swallowed a cactus.

He tried to stand on his wobbly legs but stumbled, held himself against the wall and gave his legs time to get used to his weight. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths but they never helped. His vision was also getting blurry as all other senses were affected as well. There was endless buzzing in his ear, he felt like he was drowning.

Somehow he managed to place his hand on the knob of the door. Few slippery attempts of twisting it and finally he succeeded in opening the door. Stumbling, he managed to make it to the sink and held on to it for dear life.

He tried to look at his reflection in the mirror, but like always he could only see a blurry figure. He opened the faucet, hung down his head and drank the water from the running faucet.

It was like water gave him a new life. It was his routine. He would inject the demon controlling liquid and then he’d drink water to control his dizzy, messed up state.

He stood there, holding onto the sink for few more minutes before he straightened. He inhaled a very deep breath, inflating his lungs to their maximum capacity and then did his morning routine, before heading out to the dining hall, with the pain still very fresh in his body but a smile on his face that was enough to fool everyone around.

“You always take more than half an hour and leave yourself only five minutes to eat,” Abel said as Zadkiel sat beside him on the bench. He put his breakfast plate on the table before him.

“More reason for you to stay quiet and let me eat in these five minutes,” Zadkiel spoke as he dug into his pancake. The same breakfast that they were served every day. Pancakes with no topping, a cup of tea and water.

“Don’t take it out on me, bro. You know the rules. Five minutes up and they’re gonna snatch that plate from you whether you’re done or not.” Abel raised his hands in surrender.

“I know and that’s why you need to shut up!” Zadkiel grunted, stuffing his mouth with pancake, bite after bite. As Abel opened his mouth to speak, opposing what Zadkiel just said, a boy with a petite body, dirty blond hair, smooth as silk and grey eyes approached the table. He looked directly at Zadkiel, keeping eye contact with him.

“Father wants to see you in his office.”