
The Country Maiden: Fields and Leisure

The female protagonist transmigrated into a wretched, lazy, and gluttonous villainess in a farming family! Her notorious reputation, fostered by her overly pampering mother, alienated the entire family. See how Jinhua cleanses her name, becoming diligent, brave, and the applauded golden girl everyone praises. With a wretched mother, a sick father, a stepsister, four brothers, and a bunch of nephews, all dead broke and needing support, poor and infighting, what to do? No worries, with the System in hand, I have the world! Harmonize the family, build wealth and prosper. The belle of the villages for miles around, Jinhua the beauty! …… Mountain man, what was it you said before? You'd rather die than marry her, and even one more glance would shorten your life? A certain mountain man: No, no, no, wife, you must have heard wrong! I said I'd rather die than not take another glance, and I'd shorten my lifespan just to marry you. Hmph, that's more like it!!

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319 Chs

Chapter 4: Old Granny Zhang Spoils Her Daughter into a Demon, She's Really Helpless!

"Then we'll go with Xiao Tiantian."

An expression of spitting blood suddenly appeared on the interface in Ming Zhu's mind...

She was inundated with a torrent of virtual blood.

Ming Zhu contemplated for a moment before closing the system interface.

It was controlled by thoughts, very convenient to open and close.

From today onward, she, the modern beauty and top student Ming Zhu, had become Wang Yongzhu, a lazy and good-for-nothing village girl from the small Qilidun village.

Soon, Doctor Liu from the neighboring village arrived.

After taking Ming Zhu's pulse, she appeared listless while Doctor Liu inquired in detail about her headache.

There was indeed a bump on Ming Zhu's forehead.

It was the result of hitting a rock when she jumped into the river.

However, it wasn't serious, just a bit red and swollen.

Doctor Liu prescribed some more medicine for Ming Zhu, for external application, and emphasized a few precautions.

The Wang Family all acknowledged his instructions one by one.

Ming Zhu wasn't looking at the doctor to get medical treatment, but rather to see the level of medical expertise in this backward era, which determined the average life expectancy at that time.

She was disappointed. Doctor Liu, despite being a renowned doctor in several villages, didn't have much in his medical kit besides a few silver needles and some plasters.

It seemed she would have to exercise regularly from now on. With such backward medical conditions, even a minor illness could prove critical.

After Doctor Liu left, Ming Zhu faintly heard Old Granny Zhang's scolding from outside the door...

"What? The Eldest Brother's wife wants to see the doctor? If you have the money, then go! Don't you look in the mirror. With the way you don't earn a penny and deceive others all day, you still want to see a doctor? It's just heat rash covering your body. Spend fewer nights getting cozy with your man, and the heat rash will disappear by itself. Stop spouting nonsense. Stop acting like a seductive witch all day. Go help your sister-in-law in the kitchen, cook for Laosan..."

Ming Zhu felt a sense of shame. Was Old Granny Zhang ever at rest?

She could scold anyone at any moment.

The authority of a mother-in-law in the old society was indeed not to be underestimated.

Luckily, she had transmigrated as her daughter, not her daughter-in-law.

Ming Zhu couldn't stay still in the room anymore; the weather was a bit hot, probably around June or July.

She left the room to get some fresh air outside.

It was lunchtime and cooking smoke was curling up everywhere.

The Wang Family lived in a large quadrangle courtyard.

It was built of earth and stone.

The main house had three rooms, and each of the two side wings also had three rooms, all square and sizable.

There were also two smaller rooms, one was the kitchen and the other was the dining room, as you entered the gate.

In the center of the courtyard was a well, and a large date tree that shaded half the yard; the ground was covered in broken stones, and clothing of all sizes from all members of the family hung from bamboo poles propped up by a frame, much of it coarse fabric with patches.

A few Little Beans were picking vegetables at the kitchen port.

As she was observing her surroundings, Old Granny Zhang walked in from outside.

Seeing Ming Zhu, she jumped in fright, "Aiyo, my dear daughter! Why are you up? The doctor said you need to rest more. Quick, go back to your room and lie down."

By Old Granny Zhang's side, a tall and sturdy-looking woman was following, visibly still upset. Upon seeing Ming Zhu, she forced a smile, "Mother is right. Rest up first, dear cousin. Once we finish cooking, we'll call you."

This was Elder Sister-in-Law Lin, with her face covered in red bumps, probably the one who had just been scolded outside.

Ming Zhu smiled and said, "Mother, Elder Sister, it's fine. I feel much better. Is there anything I can help with?"

Elder Sister-in-Law Lin quickly waved her hands, "How could we bother our dear cousin with chores? We'll manage. You focus on taking care of yourself first."

With that, she went to the kitchen.

Old Granny Zhang glared fiercely at Lady Lin's retreating figure before turning back, "Zhuzhu, all you need to do is rest, with so many big folks and little ones around here, there's no need for you to help. Jinhua, come over here, move a small table for your old aunt, and fan her a bit, look how hot your old aunt is getting..."

The little girl, who was picking vegetables and resembled a sprout, obediently responded, set down the Chinese leeks she was holding, and hurriedly fetched a ladle of water from the well to wash her hands, then trotted over.

The way she efficiently set up everything showed she had done this many times before.

Ming Zhu...!

How awkward, right?

She came to help, and instead, someone was arranged to serve her.

What could she do?

Old Granny Zhang spoiled her daughter to the point of madness, and Ming Zhu felt helpless as well!!

Forget it, she didn't dare act rashly now, acting too out of the ordinary might lead Old Granny Zhang to suspect something. In such remote and superstitious villages, if a person's personality changed too suddenly, people might think a ghost had possessed them.

She would just have to observe and see how things unfolded.

By noon, the men who had been working in the fields returned home for lunch.

The meals at the Old Wang Family were ready, too.

Ming Zhu finally got to see all the people currently living in the Old Wang House.

A long dining table.

At the head of the table sat Wang Laozhu and Old Granny Zhang. Wang Laozhu was getting older, of medium height, with a slightly hunched back, but still looked spirited.

Next to Wang Laozhu sat Ming Zhu's eldest brother, Wang Yongfu, a young and robust man with a stature like an iron tower.

Beside him was a tall and sturdy woman, Ming Zhu's elder sister-in-law, Lady Lin, whom Ming Zhu had met before.

After that came the three nephews from the eldest line, Wang Jindou, Wang Jinhoo, and Wang Jinguan, all teenagers.

Next to Old Granny Zhang, naturally, the first seat was for Ming Zhu.

Beside Ming Zhu were a few nephews and nieces from the third line: Wang Jinhua, Wang Jinpan, and Wang Jinshao, all under ten years old.

Especially Wang Jinshao, who was just over two years old, a little bundle no larger than a sesame seed.

Lady Jiang sat at the very end of the table, meek and obedient.

Everyone was waiting for Old Granny Zhang to divide the food.

There were not many kinds of food on the table: a plate of three-edged steamed buns, a bowl of green beans without any fattiness, a bowl of pickled Chinese leeks, a large pot of coarse rice porridge, and a bowl of egg drop soup.

Old Granny Zhang directly placed the bowl of egg drop soup in front of Ming Zhu and also gave her two steamed buns.

The children, drooling with envy, didn't dare to show any jealousy.

Then, Old Granny Zhang gave two buns each to Wang Laozhu, to herself, and to Wang Yongfu.

Lady Lin, Wang Jindou, and Wang Jinhoo got one steamed bun each.

Wang Jinguan and the little ones from the third line each received half a bun.

The plate of buns was quickly emptied.

Lady Jiang did not get anything.

The coarse rice porridge was not rationed, everyone could serve themselves a bowl.

Even for serving porridge, Lady Jiang was the last in line, and when it was her turn, only some rice water remained.

Then, everyone began to eat voraciously.

Ming Zhu felt a bit uneasy seeing this, but with the original host's memories, she knew the rules of the Old Wang Family: the elderly couple, the adult men of the Wang Family, and Ming Zhu herself each had two steamed buns and a bowl of coarse rice porridge per meal.

Daughters-in-law and children over ten years old got one bun.

Those under ten got half a bun.

Of course, Lady Jiang was an exception; she never got a share of the buns. As the third son's wife, her worthless husband was a drifter, often out gambling, returning only to steal and beat people. Old Granny Zhang considered her incapable of keeping or managing her man, useless and incompetent, which is why she held the lowest status in the entire family.