
The Counterattack of True Gold

Shocking Reveal! The fake daughter of the Qiao family for 18 years was unexpectedly visited by her biological parents overnight! The true daughter is unparalleled in beauty, but the fake daughter has become the target of public criticism. Everyone was waiting to see her joke, but who could have imagined that there was a shocking secret hidden behind her background! Qiao Nian, a girl who has lived in the Qiao family for 18 years, has always been regarded as a useless and uneducated person. However, when her biological parents appeared, everything underwent a revolutionary change. I thought I would return to a poor and destitute life, but I didn't expect my biological brother to come and pick her up in a luxury car. Surprisingly, my biological father is a professor at Tsinghua University! This made those who had been looking down on her instantly dumbfounded. The mystery of Qiao Nian's background shook the wealthy families around the city, making her the focus of attention. She broke free from her past difficulties and began to demonstrate her true strength. The top scorer in the college entrance examination, live streaming tycoon, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage... one after another, her reputation has been exposed, and the hot search around the city continues, causing those who used to mock her to face each other. The scumbag parents turned green when they saw her achievements. However, Qiao Nian's path of counterattack did not stop. The arrogant and mysterious man, who is rumored by the powerful officials in Beijing, will one day lose control over a woman. He blocked her in the corner of the wall, muttering with crimson eyes, "Baby, when will you give me a place?" This girl, who was once mocked by everyone as a rural person, has now become his most precious treasure. Qiao Nian's path of counterattack was full of obstacles and challenges, but she always adhered to her beliefs and ultimately achieved success. She not only proved her strength and value, but also gained sincere love and family affection. Those who once looked down on her now look at her with new eyes, and her story has become a popular tale among the wealthy families around the city.

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35 Chs

Chapter 17 I don't want to save a dead person

Jiang Li knew he would do this and said helplessly, "The surveillance footage on the section of Wangjiang South Road shows that just now Chen Chen fell into the river to pick up something... It's been a few minutes since the person fell down, and there's no surveillance over there. The specific situation is still unclear... Don't worry, I've notified the nearest fire and rescue team to hurry over, and I'll come over right away..."

Black Huiteng slammed on the brakes and almost hit the roadside green belt!

Ye Wangchuan's eyes were filled with black and white light and shadow, and his breathing couldn't help but tighten, as if he was being choked by someone, unable to breathe for an instant.

The scene of my cousin dying and leaving an orphan is still vivid in my mind, and my only wish is to ask him to take good care of Ye Qichen

He suddenly stepped on the gas pedal and rushed towards the location given by Jiang Li.

"That child's face is frozen blue and purple, I'm afraid it's hopeless."

"It's so pitiful. It seems like I'm only 5 or 6 years old, so I drowned at such a young age. How sad my family should be."

"Has the ambulance not arrived yet?"

"I just made a phone call. The traffic control at the intersection ahead is at least half an hour before we can drive in."

"I also called."

On the shore, the onlookers formed a circle inside, chattering and discussing non-stop.

Qiao Chen and Fu Ge finally squeezed in and saw Qiao Nian wet all over, burying his head as if he hadn't seen so many people around him, constantly pressing the child's chest with his hands.

"What is Sister doing?" She looked curious.

Fu Ge was slightly surprised to see that Qiao Nian still knew first aid and said, "She's doing CPR for that child. It's a first aid method."

Qiao Chen saw him staring intently at Qiao Nian, feeling uneasy in his heart. He pouted and murmured softly, "Sister, when did she learn this? Don't just learn to act recklessly after watching it on TV? That child is still so young, why not wait for the doctor to come over?"

Fu Ge also felt that Qiao Nian should not hastily give first aid, after all, he is not a professional. In case a child has some major or minor issues, he cannot explain them clearly afterwards.

He lifted his chin slightly and took out his phone, saying, "I know people from the city hospital. I'll give them a call and ask them to come over quickly."

Upon hearing that he knew someone from the city hospital, the onlookers looked at him in surprise.

You should know that the city hospital around the city is a third class hospital, and it is very famous among the hospitals in the surrounding urban areas. It is difficult to register normally, and not everyone can know the doctors inside. Xin Bi Qu Ge

An old lady couldn't help but praise him, "Young man, kind-hearted person!"

Qiao Chen followed along with You Rongyan beside him.

Only Qiao Nian felt the sound beside her making a noise. Her snow-white melon seed face was written with annoyance, her whole body was wet and dripping with water. Her seaweed like hair hung on her shoulders, and her shirt and T-shirt were wet and pressed against her neck. On her snow-white neck, there was a bloodstain from a child's scratch, and blood beads were still emerging.

Red and white intertwined, the monster is amazing!

Watching her press for half a day, the child lying on the ground had not yet spit out the water from her stomach, and her breathing was becoming increasingly weak.

She took a deep breath and didn't want to jump down and save a dead person on her own.

Don't worry too much, take out a small cloth bag from the bag and open it.

"What is that?" Qiao Chen pointed at what Qiao Nian had taken out and asked.

Some people in the crowd also saw it and recognized what was in Qiao Nian's hand: "Like acupuncture and moxibustion?"

"The little girl still knows acupuncture and moxibustion? What does she do with acupuncture and moxibustion?"