
The Counterattack of True Gold

Shocking Reveal! The fake daughter of the Qiao family for 18 years was unexpectedly visited by her biological parents overnight! The true daughter is unparalleled in beauty, but the fake daughter has become the target of public criticism. Everyone was waiting to see her joke, but who could have imagined that there was a shocking secret hidden behind her background! Qiao Nian, a girl who has lived in the Qiao family for 18 years, has always been regarded as a useless and uneducated person. However, when her biological parents appeared, everything underwent a revolutionary change. I thought I would return to a poor and destitute life, but I didn't expect my biological brother to come and pick her up in a luxury car. Surprisingly, my biological father is a professor at Tsinghua University! This made those who had been looking down on her instantly dumbfounded. The mystery of Qiao Nian's background shook the wealthy families around the city, making her the focus of attention. She broke free from her past difficulties and began to demonstrate her true strength. The top scorer in the college entrance examination, live streaming tycoon, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage... one after another, her reputation has been exposed, and the hot search around the city continues, causing those who used to mock her to face each other. The scumbag parents turned green when they saw her achievements. However, Qiao Nian's path of counterattack did not stop. The arrogant and mysterious man, who is rumored by the powerful officials in Beijing, will one day lose control over a woman. He blocked her in the corner of the wall, muttering with crimson eyes, "Baby, when will you give me a place?" This girl, who was once mocked by everyone as a rural person, has now become his most precious treasure. Qiao Nian's path of counterattack was full of obstacles and challenges, but she always adhered to her beliefs and ultimately achieved success. She not only proved her strength and value, but also gained sincere love and family affection. Those who once looked down on her now look at her with new eyes, and her story has become a popular tale among the wealthy families around the city.

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35 Chs

Chapter 11 Don't avoid seeking medical treatment for mental illness

In a quiet alley on Wangjiang South Road, Black Huiteng slowly stopped.

Qiao Nian took off her seat belt, picked up her bag, and said to the man in the driver's seat, "Thank you."

Ye Wangchuan's jaw slightly raised, with one hand resting on the steering wheel and the other on the side of the car window. The brown Buddhist beads wrapped around his fair wrist, as if imprisoning a lazy sleeping lion. He glanced at the door on the roadside and didn't see anything special about this place, saying; "Do you want me to accompany you inside?"

Qiao Nian didn't want to refuse even if she wanted to; "No need, I can just go in by myself."

Ye Wangchuan squinted his eyes and didn't speak.

Qiao Nian couldn't wait to get rid of him, closed the car door, waved his hand, and said, "I'll go first, Brother Ye."


Ye Wangchuan watched as she walked into the two-story white building with familiarity, sat in the driver's seat, and took out her phone.

He has lived in Beijing for a long time, but he has a clear idea of the land price around the city.

The house that Qiao Nian just entered is located in a prime location in the south of the city. Any storefront in this commercial area is expensive, and a place like this that resembles a private studio is unlikely to be cheap.

Jiang Li told him that Qiao Nian's former foster parents had some small money at home, but it was very bad for her. She couldn't even bear to go to a better school.

How could she know about such a place? Does it even look like it comes frequently?

He took a photo of the white mansion.

Soon, news came back.

[I know here! There is a psychological clinic on Wangjiang Road, where doctors are notoriously difficult to arrange appointments with! The prices charged are also very expensive. You... are not feeling well? If you are mentally ill, don't hesitate to seek medical treatment!]

Get lost

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows after replying to the message with one hand and looked at the girl who had already entered the door.

A psychological clinic?

Is the price expensive?

He had read Qiao Nian's materials, which were ordinary and unremarkable. However, after encountering them, she didn't look like what was written on the materials at all.

He was about to reply to the message when suddenly, his phone screen lit up with an incoming call display.

Ye Wangchuan picked up his phone and spoke in a deep and hoarse voice, "What's going on?"

"Master Xuanye, young master, young master is missing!"

His face suddenly darkened, his jawline tense like a knife, and he had no intention of meddling in the psychological clinic anymore. He suddenly started the car, turned the steering wheel, and told the person over there, "Where are you?"

The black sedan swept away from the dust -