



Time for harvesting is up and Johan is anxious. As each year, Samuel Wild will come to keep the cotton. Then he forwards it to the NEW ISLAND. He wants to be the lone beneficiary. But Johan seems determined to prevent this once for all, even if this will cost his life.

For this, he climbs the White Mountain to join his grandfather for advice.

Indeed the BIG ISLAND is constituted of a wide meadow surrounded by a huge amount of rocks and mountains. There are only ten farmers in the meadow and Johan is among those.

Charles, his grandfather lives at the top of the white mountain, where there nature provides him with the needed inspiration to meditate. Just his cabin remains within volcanic rocks since the age of forty.

Now, he is a man of eighty. He is a big erudite, and known for his wisdom. He is a rare man that still remains spiritual in this materialistic era.

When Johan arrives, he finds himself in front of a man with a long white beard, wrinkled face and wearing a white suit. The man looks like those big wise masters.

"You should harvest the cotton tonight and keep it hidden on the NEW ISLAND where Samuel rests. When Samuel comes show him your field on fire", Charles says.

Johan has inherited this farm on the BIG ISLAND. He has pursued his parents' cotton agriculture. With this his parents led a descent life. His farm is constituted of a wide house of ten chambers arranged in two floors. The house is made of wood and conceived in a western style. The earth that surrounds the house is fertile and it yields many kinds of plants despite the major agriculture of the cotton.

But since the arrival of Samuel from the DRAGON LAND, things have changed.

Samuel is a middle-aged man. He is a blond fat man. He has a scar on his forehead and a bald head. He is bold. Samuel used to monopolize the BIG LAND that is constituted of seven islands, and to keep its resources. He possesses a palace on the NEW ISLAND.

From his aeroplane, he takes a look at the field that is on fire. His aeroplane lands on the airport. With anger, he crosses the airport and goes to Johan that he considers as the full responsible for this fire.

With insolence, he enters Johan's home wearing a grey flannel suit. He is accompanied by his two bodyguards. He shakes Johan's shoulders with violence.

His wife, his daughter, and his son surround him. They remain alarmed inside the sitting room. The chamber is wide and the walls are covered with multicoloured tapestry where turquoise colour dominates. The tapestry fees were covered with the first Rosa's salary.

"You have a beautiful daughter", he says touching her chin with his dirty hands.

Rosa looks at Samuel with her green eyes that resemble a turbulent ocean.

Johan keeps away Samuel's hands. His bodyguards beat him in return. Johan falls down and blood flows from his nose.

Rosa cries and with the help of all the family members, she tries to help her father to get up.

"You have forty-eight hours to collect the cotton harvest money value or I will marry your daughter", Samuel says with a sarcastic smile and eyes stuck on Rosa.


"Dad, I will marry Samuel. It is the only solution for ending the cotton harvest conflict", Rosa says.

"No, my dearest, the cotton is hidden in a safe place. I will sell it and we will all leave for another country".

"Samuel has an eye on this full archipelago. He will know fast about it and will kill you", Rosa says.

Bob, her brother, replies, "Rosa is right. With Rosa's marriage we will be able to resolve all our financial troubles and cut the blood path that Samuel Wild may settle for us".

Melanie, who is Johan's wife says, "You can never sell the cotton harvest. We should leave now".

"OK! Tomorrow at dawn, we will leave the BIG ISLAND", Johan replies.

"Dad, where will we leave for?"Rosa asks.

"We will head to the serpents locality. It is just some feet from here".

At dawn, all the Wilbrand family members leave. A frozen breeze surrounds them and the star light is their guide. Fear to be caught by Samuel surpasses their nostalgic feeling to leave their home forever. They take the flying train that will arrive there, to the SERPENTS ISLAND, in one hour.


In the space station omega, a crowd shouting is heard over the train. Terror is settled within the passengers at the sight of some guards wearing black suits and with bald heads.

Indeed, they have landed their helicopter on the train and start to oversee the folks one by one. When they see Johan, they push all people blocking in their path and start to hurry to catch him.

The family members want to flee the guards but Johan, then Melanie, Rosa and Bob are caught and led to the helicopter.

Henceforth, they become Samuel's prisoners.


Samuel's palace is a high tour. It contains ten floors. Each floor contains a long corridor and twenty chambers. The metallic movable walls are covered with a golden layer. They bear wide windows made of mirror. There is an escalator. The waiters and guardians staff is constituted of some robots and some human beings. They are everywhere. There are luxurious furniture inside the chambers made of ivory and gold. The tour is in the middle of the NEW ISLAND. It is shining and at its top a golden skeleton is hung.

"Tomorrow, your daughter will be my bride. I have prepared everything for the ceremony. I have two last empty rooms that will belong to you and your family. Your living cost will be your work endeavours in my palace", Samuel says when catching a high laugh that lets the palace walls tremble.

Rosa is a beautiful woman. She is slender. She gets a long black hair and wide green eyes that resemble a pair of emerald gemstones. She has a snow white skin. Rosa is prepared as a bride and feels as if she will be buried instead. She feels an oppressive mass on her chest and today her life has ended.

Her tears drop on her phone wrist watch where she notices a message from Robert her lover that says, "I love you forever. Missing you!"

Fearing he will be hurt by Samuel, she erases immediately all his references from the phone memory. That device constitutes the last remaining object from her past.

Samuel enters the bed room for living the nuptial night when Rosa falls apart on the floor.

Samuel thinks that it is just a bride scenario trick. But, when trying to wake her up she remains unconscious.

Her parents come in a hurry and try to rescue her but she remains in the same state until the doctor arrives.

Doctor Philip says to Samuel, "Congratulations! Your spouse is pregnant."