
The Cosmos's Strongest

The world was all normal for a 15 year old boy living in London until he saw the horrifying scene of his foster mother. Then he was abducted by something called a dark Walker. And then he woke up in the body of an 8 year old kid, which was then followed by many extraordinary events. It seemed that the boy was transmigrated to another world. which to the boy's delight was a world where Mana and many other fantasical things existed. His main objective was to become The Cosmos's Strongest. Join him on this journey filled with mysteries and dangers of the universe. Author:- This novel has magic and all the stuff that's definitely sci fi but I try to make it a bit relateble to science.

Nile_Clad · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Dark Figure

A boy with brown hairs and dark brown eyes who looked to be around 15 years old could be seen sitting on his bed with a phone in his hand.

He was reading a text that his friend had sent him.

/did you ask your mom permission for the party/

The boy put the phone on his bed after reading the text and headed down a flight of stairs.

He stopped in front of a door and called out while knocking on the door "Esther, can I come in."

He waited for a few seconds but still didnt get an answer so he called out again but this time with a louder voice "Esther, can I come in."

Still, nobody answered the door so he just spoke about his reason for coming "Harry's having a party at his house and he invited me, can I go. All my friends will be there, I will be back by nine so please can I go."

Even after a minute of waiting he still got no response.

Anybody in this situation would have thought that she wasnt home but he had seen her in the house just 10 minutes ago and he also hadnt heard her leave. He thought she was probably in a very deep sleep so he just left the house without her permission but didnt forget to leave a note on the house's front door.

He also texted her, if she didnt notice the note on the front door.


It was around 10 o'clock at night and he had returned home a bit late.

"Shit, I am pretty late. If only I hadnt agreed to play that shit of a truth or dare game, I should already be on my computer watching anime." He whispered while opening the door silently.

He had expected Esther to call him at least once by now but to his surprise she didnt call him nor did she read his text.

After opening the door he silently closed it while he tip toed to his room but stopped on the way, as he saw came across her room.

"Esther are you okay?" He asked in front of the door. He was getting concerned as to if she is okay or not, normally she would be watching tv at this hour but she was still in her room.

While he was waiting for an answer he could a faint metallic smell from Esther's room but he didnt make much of it.

After waiting for a minute or two he still hadnt got an answer. The boy got scared as his head went through different reasons for why she was not replying, there was also a possibility that she was out of the house and not in her room, but she wouldnt go anywhere this late without at least telling him.

He was very concerned so he opened the door.

His body froze when he saw the scene that was being displayed in front of him.

Never in a million years would he have thought that this was the reason she wasnt answering.

His supposed foster mother, Esther was lying on the ground with her organs spilling out.

The organs in her torso were shown along with the messed up skull and limbs. It was as if someone was learning about human anatomy but wasnt very good with the dissection of the body. It was also like someone removed all the organs and was forcefully putting them back inside but had a bad job doing it.

Her intestines, stomach, kidneys, lungs, heart, femur, jaw, brain matter, etc were being displayed out of her body.

Blood was pooled everywhere, it was just centimetres away from the door.

His body was petrified but his head was freely moving and inspecting every inch of the gory corpse that lay in front of him.

It took a few moments for his body to be back in his control and the first thing he did was to puke. This was the most disgusting and repulsive thing he had ever seen.

He had seen gory images in movies but it was very different in real life.

He had taken a few steps back from his original position and was reaching for his phone in the pocket, which he did and dialled 999 but after he had dialled and called the number, the phone dropped from his hands.

His hands were too weak to hold on to the phone.

He was so shocked when seeing the scene, that his blood pressure had dropped to a frighteningly low point so much so that he passed out cold on the ground.

Right when his eyes were about to give up, he saw a dark figure on the wall, he couldnt see properly but he noticed a humanoid black thing was arising from the walls and finally his eyes gave up.


In a very dark room which seemed to extend endlessly was slightly lit by the screens of multiple monitors.

A man was sitting on a chair in front of the monitors and looking at each of them very carefully despite the large numbers of screens to look at.

The man had white hairs but his face and body was like that of a person in his late twenties. He also had shiny purple eyes which were glistening with white spots in them. He was wearing clothes which were only made of one colour, black.

He was brought out of his attentive focus on the monitors by a person who had appeared out of a black smoke. "Sir, there seems to be a malfunctioning camera on the planet Earth. You should go there and rectify any problems." The person who had appeared out of the black smoke said.

The person was wearing the same dress as the man with the white hairs but his facial features were hidden with the black smoke that was still on his body.

The man in white hairs replied "Yeah, yeah, I will go there right now." He said in a tired tone as he vanished from the chair. After the man with white hairs left, the person who had come the give him the information left too.


The boy from earlier could be seen lying unconscious on a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown.

His eyes started twitching until they opened up.

His eyes were hit with a bright light making them irritated. He stretched his right hand to rub them but was stopped mid way by the catheter which was connected to a bag containing iv fluids.

He looked around in confusion as he didnt know where he was. It took him a few seconds to realise that he was in a hospital.

His mind went through the events that brought him here. As soon as he recalled the scene of his foster mother, he was hit with a feeling of disgust, which after a while slowly started change into a feeling of sorrow.

He was thinking how? Who? Why?

'How in the hell could someone end up like that. Only an animal would do something like that and the way how the organs were literally out of the body, it was easy to find out that isnt an animal who did it. Even if it was, what the hell was it doing in such an urbanized area?

It was probably the work of a human but who in their right minds would do such a thing and for what.

Maybe Esther had some people who held grudges against her, but only a psychopath would do something like that. Actually, even psychopaths wouldnt do something like that, and for most of all why would anyone hold grudges against a woman who works at an adoption centre?'

He was thinking of various things related to the incident but was stopped, when he noticed a dark smoke emerging out of the ceiling.

It was the same dark smoke that he had seen when he was just about become unconscious.

Slowly the smoke started to take the form of a humanoid creature. It sent chills down his spine when he saw the dark figure, it was like he was in a horror movie.

The black smoke started to eat the room and had already covered half of the room, it was complete darkness but he was still able to see the dark figure which was coming closer to him second by second.

The dark figure which had stretched its dark smoky hands towards the boy, was slowly creeping on his chest.

The boy who was scared shitless couldnt move. His face filled with dry tears and red eyes was just staring at the smoky hand as it reached for his chest.

Until finally he could feel a touch on his chest.

As soon as the smoky hand touched the boy's chest, the darkness which had almost filled the whole room along with the dark figure, which was hanging from the ceiling and the boy who was lying petrified on the hospital bed, disappeared.

The catheter or the tube which was transporting iv fluids from the bag to the boy's body, along with the hospital gown, were still present in their previous position albeit fallen.

The start may seem a bit gory but dont worry the rest of the chapters wont be this gory.

If there are any spelling or grammatical mistakes pls comment

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