
Chapter five:all shall bow to the cosmic emperor part 1

He suddenly heared a voice,that disturbed him from his thoughts,master master,I can feel some energy coming out of that weak caterpillar ,when he heared the divine dragon,he was surprised and he quickly check the corpse of the caterpillar,but he suddenly saw a stone that is inside the caterpillar,he walked towards the stone,when suddenly a pressure came from the sky,but out of that pressure came a hand,the hand was a very big hand,but the hand felt somehow illusory he was surprised because of how could a hand come from the sky,it looked like the hand was trying to grab the stone,he was a little afraid of the hand,that is when he suddenly thought this is his kill,so how dare some stupid big hand,want to come and take his kill,he suddenly shouted ahhhhhhhhhh,he ran towards the stone,and within seconds he reached the stone and took it,the hand suddenly paused and when it resume it started coming towards him,his heart suddenly started accelerating,he suddenly took a deep breath and he suddenly started running but mysteriously the hand was following him,he started running zigzag but the hand didn't leave him it was still following him,then suddenly there was a scream,it was the dragon that screamed and it suddenly started crying,master I am going to die with you,ohh master I am going to die with you,and I am still a virgin,please master run faster,run faster,we are going to die,I am just five thousand years old please master run faster,ahh master it is already catching up to us,he suddenly heared his master voice shit up,we are gonna die,I just came to this world,I am fifteen years old,and I am also a virgin,I haven't even have a girlfriend,I am still so young why he suddenly heared his master crying,the dragon was stunned,so me and master are a virgin,he suddenly heared his master voice again,I thought a dragon can't become a man,especially a divine dragon,the dragon almost vomited blood,we dragons are

the men of men,us divine dragon are the king of men,us divine dragon can mate with a female dragon for a year without rest,our skills in bed is divine,and us divine dragon must have at least one thousand concubine dragon,he suddenly heared his master voice,and me I want to sleep with all the most beautiful woman in the world and form an harem,I will protect all my woman's,and anyone who lay a finger in them,I shall kill them,but how would I protect my woman if I can't even protect myself,the two virgins suddenly started crying, ahhhhhhhhhh,we are going to die,oh heavens please help us,oh divine god please help us,oh divine dragon help u,he suddenly paused, and said aren't you a divine dragon,the dragon was stunned to death,he suddenly heared his master voice

oh divine dragon fork them,his master suddenly disappeared from the real world,the hand which was pursuing them suddenly stopped and looked at the area,but it couldn't find it's target,and it suddenly went towards the sky and it's disappeared,never to be seen again,I guess,

there was suddenly a flunctuation in the air and there appeared a boy,as the boy appeared,he kissed the ground,I survived,I survived ahahaha,I survived at last,there was suddenly a dragon beside the person,but the dragon was only a few meter long the dragon suddenly said master you are a genius,a genius,a super genius,I wish I could just kiss you,hey no need to get to emotional,and if you dare get close to me,I will kill you right now,and oh I thought a divine dragon is supposed to be brave,even more braver than a lion, aren't you a man,a man of man,well then why are you scared of that big hand,the dragon suddenly speak,master have you forgotten we are both men,and you were also crying,so don't blame me for crying,in our dragon rules,when you are with your master,you do everything you master does,like now if your master is crying,cry with him,so that is why I cried with you master,he suddenly heared his master voice,what about if your master dies,then will you die with me,the dragon suddenly shifted the topic, hem master,do you know why I told you to take that stone the dragon suddenly stopped,because it could hear it's master muttering something in a low voice,he listens closely he suddenly heared such a shamelessly dragon,a dragon of shame,if you see the dragon chicks it turned to a shade of pink like it was blushing,there was a sudden interruption in it's thought,what is the use of this stupid stone,oh yes the dragon suddenly spoke,this stone will make you go to the heavenly realm and you shall choose your bloodline,he saw a question mark appear on his masters head and there was confusion on his face,he heard his master voice,I don't understand what you say,from his memory,the way people of this world awaken their power is entirely different,they do not go to somewhere like the heavenly realm and choose instead they say that the heaven itself choose their martial soul for them and he couldn't understand something doesn't he have the cosmic emperor bloodline,I know your thoughts master,but have you forgotten that you are the cosmic emperor,how can this weak heaven decide your fate,your fate is your fate and only you can decide your fate,and for your second question, didn't you have the cosmic emperor bloodline,well this is the explanation,the cosmic emperor bloodline fuse with a martial soul,so the only way to become powerful is to have a martial soul,if your martial soul is weak then when the cosmic emperor bloodline merge with it,it will keep improving the martial soul until it becomes more powerful,but no matter what a weak martial soul is still a weak martial soul, it will improve the grade of the weak martial t soul but if you meet a person with the same grade as your improve Martial soul you would be instantly defeated,when he saw that his master did not understand,he explain in a simple term,there are twelve heavenly realm,the first heavenly realm is the weakest,while the twelve heavenly realm is the strongest,but legend says that there is a thirteenth heeavenly realm,the last realm,they say that the martial soul in the thirteenth realm is the most powerfulest of all martial soul,that it isn't a martial soul but a legacy, the last cosmic emperor tried to enter the thirteenth heaven but none of them could,it is like it isn't their Destiny to inherit the legacy,and oh before I forgot this important thing that will help you,the more heaven you climb the more the temptation that it will bring and you must resist that temptation,if you can't resist the temptation it will be your doom,and about your last question which is that you have never seen this stone before,well this stone can't be seen by a mere mortal,only a powerful person that can see it,and the reason you can see it is because of you have the bloodline of the cosmic emperor in you and we need the energy in the stone because of you would need a powerful energy to transport you to the heavenly realm and the energy inside the stone can surfice, so are you ready to go to the heavenly realm,okay I am ready,then goodbye master,space suddenly shifted and what happened next surprised him because he appeared in a brightly white place the place was filled with different colour,in the different colour there was a picture there,and they were like thousands of those energy,but there was suddenly a temptation in his heart,but with the temptation there was suddenly something calling him in his heart,he was surprised because the dragon never explained any of these to him,he focused and looked at the picture inside the glowing light and what he saw surprised him because he saw martial spirit from his world,some of them were powerful martial souls from his world,but without hesitation he said I am not interested,space suddenly shifted and there appeared a white light but this time the light was more brighter than the first heaven,but what surprised the voice calling him was becoming more stronger,and the temptation was becoming more stronger,but without even looking at the light he suddenly said,I am not interested, then space itself suddenly shake,he did it until he reached the tenth heaven,in this bright place his will was already shaking,it looked like it will collapse soon,but he still kept on going and the voice that is calling him became stronger,and the temptation has become so much that it is already shaking his will,with a shred of hesitation he aid I am not interested,the moment space shifted and there was suddenly a bright light,in that bright light there was three pictures,the moment he saw those three pictures his will suddenly broke,and he started walking towards one of the picture,like an hungry wolves,he reached the front of one of the picture and wanted to touch it when suddenly the voice that was calling him became stronger,and the voice helped him rebuild his will,there was suddenly a cold voice which said I am not interested,then space shifted and there appeared a glowing light,in those glowing light there were two picture that appeared In those glowing light,but surprisingly the voice that was calling him was not coming from the two picture,and there were no more temptation in his heart,or with his newfound will he can't feel any temptation in his heart,when he saw that the voice calling him was not from here,he suddenly said I am not interested,this time space didn't shift,but it looked like all the twelve heavenly realm were joining together to form something, suddenly there was a sudden loud boom it sounded like the bomb on earth, with the loud boom there was suddenly a pressure in the air,but surprisingly the pressure never affected him,there was suddenly a booming voice,The God of war has awaken,the God of war has awakened,The God of war has awakened,

In the deva realm,there was a room and in that room there was a middle aged man,but even though the middle aged man was sleeping,his face contain an indescribable charm,his breathing contain an indescribable rythym,and if you check around the room,you would see countless dust in the room, strangely the dust never touched the man, suddenly the man eyes opened the eyes was emotionless,like it didn't contain any emotion,the middle aged man suddenly said the god of war has awakened,then after saying that it closed its emotionless eyes,

In the fire realm,there was a young man,the man looked like a twenty something year old man,the man was sitting on a throne,when he suddenly saw some people that suddenly came in front of his throne,but his face didn't show any surprise his face was just emotionless,the man on the throne suddenly spoke,dear fellow gods what a surprise visit,one of the gods suddenly spoke we are not here for any of your bullshitting,we are here for a more important matter,the broken statuebof god of war has been rebuild,you know what that means,no impossible I thought he has been sealed away how could he have awakened,we don't also understand but we know that when he comes he shall kill all gods,and he is the only god who can kill a god,us gods can't kill each other but he can kill us,

in the heavenly realm,he suddenly saw a giant person this giant was so big that we shouldn't even call it a person,but at the back of this giant there was suddenly a chain,a chain that is so big,he suddenly started moving and started moving towards the giant,and after he reached there he suddenly touched the giant leg and suddenly the giant started to become smaller and smaller until suddenly the giant became the same hight as the person who touched it's leg,and it suddenly became a blob of light and it suddenly entered him when it entered him there was a sudden loud roar in his body