
chapter 1:The ninth generation

A boy was in the classroom and suddenly he heard PA!!, it sounded like a gunshot and before he knew he felt pain from his back he fell down from the chair ,fell on his knees,the last word he heard was a scream and then blacked out but something was glowing on his body and if you see glowing round thing on his body it somehow looked like a bead and it suddenly glow brighter but this time it glow towards the blue colour it suddenly disappeared nobody in the classroom knew about the glowing bead,after all there is nobody that will hear gunshot on earth and will not run away

As the bead suddenly disappeared it arrived in a grey space and suddenly there was a white glow ,although it was flickering but it looked like it was forming a person out of nothing, suddenly it stopped flickering like it has stabilize, suddenly a face appeared out of nowhere and the the body but mysteriously there were no legs,if you look at the body it felt illusory.but after an unknown time the face suddenly had emotion but crazyly enough his face was not filled with sorrow for dying but instead his face was full of hunger like he has not eaten for days but there was no food except for the glowing bead he didn't hesitate to rush to the bead although he didn't

have legs but mysteriously he was flying like superman on earth.

if the people of earth see as he is running they would be stupidfied because of his speed not to talk of him flying like a super human.The boy fly and suddenly reached the glowing bead and swallowed it without hesitation then mysteriously he disappeared and appeared in a grey world but this time it was different because of there is something glowing white although it was flickering on and off

but he suddenly heared a language he has never heared until now but he mysteriously understand the language and the language said






And from his left

He heared a booming voice .


There shall be chaos in the whole of heaven

For the cosmos shall shall bow at his might

for his rage shall consume all af

For his will shall burn all

For the nine heaven shall shake at his will

The voice suddenly stopped then something suddenly happened as the glowing bead burst apart in his soul and if you look at the glowing bead or should I say fragment it somehow looked like a crystal a round crystal

at that,the soul suddenly started moving towards the white flickering light,but the soul

moved looked like a hungry beast like it saw it food,and it suddenly arrived at the flickering light without hesitation he swallowed it but what happened next was unexpected,it somehow looked like it soul was getting stronger because the soul that was illusory suddenly started getting real but I guess it wasn't enough, but funny enough the soul didn't feel satisfaction it was still like a beast

and started moving quickly and arrived at another flickering light and swallowed it the same thing happened again it went to another flickering light but still it didn't feel any satisfaction at all and went after another flickering light,after an unknown time and after swallowing countless flickering light it may be billions,thrilions or uncountable,but if you look at the soul although it didn't get bigger nor smaller but it didn't feel illusory but more like a body a human body,but it still

somehow felt illusory like it was intangible

but there was a problem because the more he moved forward the lesser the flickering light he encountered then suddenly he didn't encountered any flickering light again but he encountered something worst a bigger light but this light was not flickering but stable and mysteriously he felt a suction force his speed suddenly increasead and in a moment he arrived near the light he mysteriously disappeared and arrived in a colourful place

it was different from the gray space but also somehow different because there was a pressure in the atmospheres it became hard to fly and he became slow in speed but was flying steadily but he could not fly up at all so he agreed to his fate and keep flying down

before he knew he arrived at the ground but mysteriously he never touched the ground even though he did not plan to stop

something strange suddenly happened as the clear sky before suddenly started flickering thunder and mysteriously there was no rain but the thunder was was getting stronger as the soul started running or should I say flying as it suddenly felt killing Intent from the sky although he could not understand the killing Intent but it somehow knew it was dangerous like it inate power so he fly but he couldn't fly up so it started moving forward but it felt like the thunder thunder was following the soul

but it never strike down like it was cautioning the soul but the soul suddenly arrived at something like a graveyard because there was sudden eereness in the air but the soul still flew into the graveyard and after like like five minutes of flying and trying to loose the thunder he suddenly saw five humans although they were still young like fifteen years old but if you look closely you would see one injured person among them it is like the four were bullying that injured person and suddenly saw fire appeared in one of the person hand but strangely the fire was not burninig the hand and it felt like he could control the fire and he suddenly threw the fire on the injured person instead of the injured person should catch on fire the fire was like a bullet but stronger than a bullet it suddenly pierced through the injured person and came out f the other side and flew away the injured person suddenly fell down and died the four people looked at the body in sarcasm and ran away,the soul suddenly appeared at the dead body and strangely disappeared inside the body and after several minutes the hands of the dead body suddenly started moving but it was moving little suddenly the dead body suddenly utilized it hand to push it's body of the ground and stand on it two feet it all happened in the blink of a eye

but if you look at the new risen body eye you would see tears falling down

Am a waste,oh god am a waste oh god am a waste he started crying like a little baby

you foolish thunder you are the cause of everything like the thunder was angry it striked beside him and the boy still abused it like he was not scared of the lightening and it suddenly disappeared from the sky like it saw it was an hopeless case the case, but the boy was still not satisfied and cursed at the sky again but this time the thunder didn't appear,after cursing for half an hour and seeing the thunder not appearing he switched his focus towards his new body memory

and from what he could tell he was an orphan and he lived in the tang Wu continent and in a small continent and the people of this world have a mysterious power like controlling the element but only him in this world hasn't awakened the mysterious power and he is fifteen years old almost going sixteen this year but he hasn't awakened any powers this is the power stage of this world

power levels

F (lowest)







Sss(highest in the mortal world)

half divine grade

false divine grade

true divine grade


false gods

true gods

universal being

earthly being

divine being

heavenly being

That was all he could could gain from the deaceased body memory,but he could not help but feel like heavenly being was not the end ,

but there was something baffling about fate,because the name of this body is max,and his name is also max,he could not help but feel baffled but when he could not find the reason,he shifted his attention towards the bead or should I say crystal,he couldn't see it but he has a feeling that he could see it,but how could he see it when it is inside his body,if he was on earth he wouldn't think it was possible,but with everything that he is facing he would not dare not to believe that he can do it so he tried it and it worked he suddenly saw the crystal and his soul