
The corruption within’

Takemichi thought he had left the dangerous world of gangs and his former friend Mikey behind. But when Mikey shows up at his workplace, Takemichi realizes that he can't escape his past. Mikey is now a ruthless and psychotic criminal, and Takemichi is scared for his life. But something in Mikey's eyes makes Takemichi believe that the old Mikey is still in there somewhere. With a heavy heart, Takemichi decides to try and save his friend. But in doing so, he must confront the moral ambiguity of his actions. How far is he willing to go to bring back the old Mikey? And can he do it without getting caught up in the dangerous world of crime and violence once again? As Takemichi tries to navigate these treacherous waters, he finds himself caught between his loyalty to his friend and his own survival.

Alice_Soleil · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Feelings Between Friends

Takemichi walked towards Hinata's apartment, feeling nervous and unsure. He had known her since childhood and they had been close friends for years.

He knew he could count on her for help, especially with something as difficult as going over his feelings in regards to Mikey.

When he arrived at her door, Hinata answered and smiled warmly at him. They hugged and caught up on each other's lives before Takemichi revealed the reason for his visit.

He told her about his past with Mikey, and how he had fallen deeply in love with him. But over time, Mikey had become violent and cruel, leading a gang that terrorized the streets.

Takemichi could see the anger in her eyes when he mentioned Mikey. She disliked Mikey for the pain he had caused Takemichi, and she didn't want to see him hurt again.

She knew all about Mikey's cruelty towards others, and how possessive he had been towards Takemichi. She had seen how he had treated her friend in the past - like a prized possession, to be guarded and protected at all costs.

She could see the pain in Takemichi's eyes as he talked about Mikey's possessiveness. He had been jealous of Takemichi's friendships with others, and had gone to great lengths to keep him close. Takemichi had felt trapped and suffocated, but he had been too afraid to leave.

Takemichi knew that Mikey was cruel, but he couldn't help but to feel a sense of loyalty towards him. After all, Mikey had been his friend, and in many ways, he still cared for him despite his fear and suffering.

Hinata listened intently as Takemichi poured out his heart, sharing his conflicted feelings about Mikey and his desire to save him from himself.

But as the conversation went on, Hinata began to paint a picture of just how cruel Mikey had become. She told him about the people he had hurt, the lives he had ruined, and the power he wielded over others. Hinata also reminded Takemichi of how he had suffered under Mikey's possessiveness and how it had made him feel trapped and suffocated.

But even as Hinata talked, Takemichi couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing for Mikey. Despite everything, he still felt a strong connection to him, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing him. He knew it was dangerous, but he couldn't help it. He had to save him, no matter what the cost.

Even if her concerns grew, Hinata decided to set them aside for the moment. She knew how much this meant to Takemichi, and she didn't want to discourage him from following his heart. Instead, she offered her support, encouraging him to be strong and reminding him that she was always there for him.

"I don't know if this is the right decision, Takemichi," she said softly. "Mikey can be really dangerous, and I don't want to see you get hurt. But I trust you, and I believe in you. If this is what you feel like you need to do, then I'll be here for you every step of the way."

Takemichi looked at her, his eyes filled with gratitude. He knew how much Hinata cared about him, and he was grateful for her unwavering support.

As the hours ticked by, Hinata couldn't help but worry about what lay ahead. She knew that Mikey was a dangerous person, and she feared for Takemichi's safety. But even as those worries gnawed at her, she pushed them aside, determined to be there for her friend no matter what. In that moment, all that mattered was Takemichi's happiness and well-being, and she was willing to do whatever it took to support him on his journey.

As they continued to talk, Hinata also noticed the low self-esteem that plagued Takemichi. She knew that he needed a boost of confidence if he was going to confront Mikey. So, she reminded him of all the good things he had done in his life, and all the times he had helped her and others.

She told him how much she admired him for his kindness and courage, and how she believed in him. Hinata also shared her own struggles with self-doubt and how she had learned to overcome them. She encouraged Takemichi to focus on his strengths and to believe in himself.

With Hinata's encouragement, Takemichi began to feel more confident. He knew that he couldn't do it alone, but with her help, he could face Mikey and try to save him.

And yet- He would rather keep Hinata from getting herself further involved and running into danger. He had a long way to go but with Hinata's support, even if she wasnt by his side he knew he wouldn't falter.

The conversation between Takemichi and Hinata had been intense and emotional, but it had also been enlightening. Hinata had helped Takemichi to see the situation with Mikey from a new perspective and to understand just how dangerous he could be.

Takemichi had always known that Mikey was a powerful figure, but he had never fully grasped the extent of his cruelty and the suffering he had caused to others.

As he thought back on their conversation, Takemichi realized that he needed to be careful in his approach to Mikey. He couldn't just walk into his life and demand that he change. He needed to be strategic and thoughtful, to find a way to get through to him without putting others in danger.

With a newfound sense of determination, Takemichi thanked Hinata for her help and headed back home. He knew that he had a difficult road ahead, but he was ready to face it head-on.

As he walked, he thought about all of the people who had been hurt by Mikey, and he vowed to do everything in his power to bring an end to the violence and suffering that had been caused.