
The Cop And The Serial Killer.

Learning about the past is not as easier as it sounds. Because when you learn about the past, then you want to fix it in the present times. However the future and the realism of the situation makes it very difficult. Keep reading with The Cop, The Serial killer And A Connection.

Mahjabeen_Shah · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Part 2

Xander's POV


I groaned loudly from my sleep and saw that it was 6:00 in the morning causing me to scowl.

I accidentally threw it across the room.

Let's just say that I and mornings don't work very well.

After seconds later, I heard my phone start ringing causing me to groan even more.

I reached for my phone and answered it mentally stabbing the person on the other line.

"Officer Xander, I know it's really early inthe morningbutSelena trinyhas killed anotherperson" Officer Stiles stated really quickly causing me to shake my head confused but I slightly understood part of it.


"I'll be there, text me the address" I quickly started scrambling out of bed.

I quickly dressed myself placing my phone in my back pocket.

I sprinted to my car and checked my phone as soon as it vibrated.

Officer Stiles had sent the address and I quickly drove there.

I just hope Selena had left some clues this time.

She always did at most of her crimes, well a signature.

S.T encrypted in his wrists.

When I mean by encrypted, I mean she used some sort of sharp object, probably a knife to tattoo her signature.

It was how I knew it was her.

Many others tried to become copy cats of her but her signature was different from theirs.

Hers was neater.

Clean cut.

At times, I was impressed.

And at times, I was sick.

I finally reached the location and already there were so many police officers crowded at the scene.

I groaned at the fact that I wasn't the first one there but I bit back my anger.

I got out walking over to them and saw a man lying in a pool of blood.

Blood of his own, I guessed.

He had a bullet wound in his head, but I knew that was the last stage of how she killed them off.

I took out some gloves from my front pocket and wore them.

I looked at his hand to see all of his fingers were cut off.

First stage.

I ripped open his shirt and saw slashes against his chest causing me to fall back in disgust.

2nd stage.

I looked to see his pants had blood dripping from his private area.

3rd stage.

I got up quickly, ripping the gloves off my hands as quickly as I could.

"Who was this," I asked one of the officers who was closest to me.

He stepped a little backwards due to the sight. "Jason drummer, white male, 48 years of age" he stated and I nodded, urging him to carry on.

I knew Selena.

She didn't kill a man for no reason.

"I looked at his previous history and he seemed to have convictions of rape, sexual assault, human trafficking" she stated as her eyes widened at the envelope she had opened.

I peeked at them to see pictures of girls who were naked, or in their undergarments, bloody with Jason present.

I looked away.

I could the officer was new here.

When you've worked for 10 years in this place, everything seems to no longer have an effect.

It's the first years that's the worst.

Let's just say, sometimes it feels like you can see the victims lives.

But you can't help them.

Reach for them.

Stop them.

"Officer Xander, come on here" I turned my head to see Officer Stiles signalling me to follow him.

I nodded before noticing a letter in his hand.

"She left it here, I'm guessing for you," He said anxiously and I nodded feeling myself take a long breath.

I slipped open the letter, turning to see Officer Stiles peeping his head over my shoulder.

'Be careful who you show your weakness with. Some people cant wait for the opportunity to use them against you'

I shook my head confused and turned to see Officer Stiles with a worried expression.

What did this letter mean?

What rivalry does Selena have with me?

I saw Deputy Efron walking towards us and I sighed placing the letter into my pocket not risking him seeing this and taking into his hands.

I wanted to find her on my own.

"Officer Xander, you need to try to find her as soon as possible else we'll take the matter on our own hands, we can't risk loosing any more innocent people" He snapshot at me and I looked at him confused.



Pardon me, innocent lives? Deputy all these people have multiple criminal records and have had multiple offences, they aren't innocent." I said. I get that we need to find her asap, I just need a little more clues" I finished off leaving these mouths slightly agar.

"I understand, but this serial killer cannot kill these people, she needs to leave it with us" He sighed and walked away from us.

I nodded and left the premises.

I walked back towards my car but stopped noticing Officer Stiles followed behind me.

"Xander, we need to find her asap, I get that she used to be your --"

"I know Henry, ok I'm trying and I think I know where she might be going next ok, I just need to connect the dots," I said cutting him off from saying the next words which I couldn't bare to hear.

He sighed. "Okay, Text me once you find out," he said with a slightly defeated look on his face and walked away.

Ok, so he wasn't going to help me connect the dots.


As I drove back to my apartment, I couldn't help but think back Selena.

Selena Triny.

She's 28.

Her birthday was a couple of days ago.

July 22.

Brunette Latina.

5ft 5.

Her first victim was her dad.

Ricardo Triny.

He had convictions of rape and sexual abuse.

He had multiple stab wounds in his chest and back.

He was 40 when he was killed while she was 11.

10 when her parents had divorced.

Mandy Triny, her mother.

She took the blame that night he was found dead in the house.

I don't think she could bear having her daughter go to jail.

But I don't think she cared too much about going to jail as the person she wanted dead... Was dead.

But she had killed herself a couple of months later in jail, she used a couple of rocks, sharpened and slit her wrists.

Probably she writes her initial in people's wrists.

They never found Selena though.

And so she's been on the run ever since.

But I'm guessing she had taken shelter somewhere with someone, who had taught her to use a knife properly and to get her serial killer life started.

I just wish I had known this earlier.

I finally reached home and instantly notice my front door left open.

What the fuck?

I'm pretty sure I locked it when I left the place.

I quickly got out my gun and wandered around my house to see that it was in a complete mess.


Was I fucking robbed?

I turned around to the kitchen to see a note placed on the table.

"To my son, never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard and good times. Learn from everything you can. Be the man I know you can be" -mum.

I looked around to see if anyone was here but the place was isolated.

I gripped onto the note.

It was her handwriting. I mean maybe it was here before anyone had come into the house

But why would mom write me a letter?

She would've called me or something.

I mean I was in Canada while she was in Texas.

I quickly got out my phone and tried to call my mom but it went straight to voice mail.

Shit, she always picked up the phone so why wasn't she answering right now?

I called her again and she finally answered causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

Before I stiffened.

It wasn't her.


Dun dun dun

Who was on the phone? you probably actually could guess. If you don't, well you'll know if you read on.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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