
The convergence

The convergence just contains me talking about various stereotypes and peeves about the various types of fanfic. If you have been reading fanfic for the past 4 years then you would start noticing the patterns. Give this book a go. [This book does not contain reviews on books. I just write about what I have seen in the past 4 years]

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A bit about this book

I will just talk about the different fanfics out there. The different things we have come to expect. I am not a good author but I do hope my grammar will meet everyone's expectations. See the tags for the topics I will cover. I may also cover some other important topics that has been quite controversial. This will include topics such as self-inserts, mary sue characters, harems among others. Feel free to comment and keep the discussion going.

If you wish to speak to me then feel free to use my discord shay#1581. Though no spamming please.