
The Conspiracy (eng)

The one that left by the betrayal in the unknown world, The one that lost in the forgotten land, and  The one that fated cannot love.    As they uprise a conspiracy together against the enemy that closer than they thought WARNING! Plagiarism and Copying this story are not allowed. Please find your own idea to make a story not by stealing other's. Not only me, but other authors in Webnovel as well. You could be inspired, but not claim other's story as your own.   This story may contains Characters Death, Trigger Warning for the derivation personality of the Canon Character, Strong Words and Swearing, also Harem Reverse which pointed to the possibility of the OCFs might have relationships with more than one exo members characters.  Inspired by EXO... note: please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-39T30RaeH4&feature=youtu.be

ELLAMOON · Célébrités
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19 Chs



It was too bright. That was the only thing that appeared in Chen's mind. He didn't even understand where he was right now. All he could see was bright lights and everything around him was white. He tried so hard to guess where he was or whether he can recognized this strange place. It took him several more seconds until he realized this place must be a part of his dream.

He should probably up by now. His father was expecting him in the Royal Atrium this morning to discuss some matters, and he did not want him to be late because it will be just a shame for someone that stood as a crown prince like him. He was about to snap his head and try to make himself up when a voice came out of nowhere.

"Hey you!" It said.

Chen opened his eye in shocked. It was definitely a woman voice and he did not recognize it.

"Yes you. Aren't you going to say something?" It said again. This time he could sense that the voice doesn't sound pleased at all. It was weird because why does she sound mad at him when he didn't even do anything.

"Listen, I'm not mad at you. But I think it just rude to ignore people when they're talking to you." The voice replied Chen's thought.

"Who are you?" Chen finally managed to say. He didn't usually got goose bumps or afraid except for his father. And he found it was strange to feel so intimidated and weak at the same time over a voice. Plus he didn't even saw the face of the speaker.

"Well, that might be a little complicated to answer. Tell me your name" She said somehow try to bend the topic, but the tone in her voice sound like an order.

"I'm Chen" He found himself willingly answering her question when normally he would be annoyed because she didn't even answering his question.

"Have anyone told you that you have such a handsome face? You probably date lot of girls in the country, especially for someone with a rare blood as you." Her words surprised Chen a lot.

First, how come  she knew that he has handsome face when she was out of sight or not anywhere to be seen at least by him. In his opinion someone has to be at least a few meters from someone before judging their physical appearance. But that's should've not surprised him anymore because she seemed to answering his question without the need of him voicing  it out.

Second of all, how come she knew the fact about him as a rare blood. There were only a few people that knew that fact, all of these time he and the other Royal Protector team never show or exposed their real ability nor the fact about them as rare bloods.

"I don't really date girls anymore these days." He was surprised by his own words. He couldn't understand why off all thoughts  that running in his head right now that should be the one thatcome out. Chen suddenly  felt embarrassed with his last words and looked down, he was looking to crystal glass floor and water seemed flowed underneath it.

Suddenly he heard footsteps and a figure appeared in front of him. He traced his face up to saw a young woman in a long black dress stood in front of him. He never saw that kind of clothes wore by the woman in his country or other land in some other planet. Maybe the one from the other land that he had not visit yet wear something like this, he thought.

"I should've known" She said and Chen finally looked into her face. He was face to face with one of the most beautiful face he ever seen. He always thought his mother was the most beautiful woman, but to finally look into someone that could level as her surprised him a lot. Her skin is not fair as his; remind him a lot of his mother who was a part of Iru Race of Wind Bender.

But that was not the thing that surprised him the most. It was her eyes. Chen already study all of his life since a little,  plus he also went to a Guardian school where he made sure to read hundreds of book in there, making sure he knew everything that he possibly should know about his territory, The Galaxy 88. One thing that he underlined was the fact that all being in his Galaxy has particular bright eyes. It was normally; Blue, Green, Silver, mix of a few color and some really light brown colors.

But her eyes were big dark brown that it almost looked black. The darkest eyes Chen ever saw belong to his companion in Royal Protector named Kai. He has light amber eyes that considered dark enough around them but his was nowhere nearly hers. Kai was a rare blood like him, so that's the reason why his eyes were in a color of amber. It suddenly making him suspect maybe this girl were also one.

"Your eyes… " Chen tilted his head in curiosity, blinking his eyes to make sure he was not wrong with the sight.

"Listen with that kind of power from that kind of blood come an unfortunate event, and sometimes even worst, cursed." She said ignoring his words. She reached her right hand to touch Chen in the face and he responded it with his natural habit. He flinched and moved his head away, trying to avoid the contact between his bare skin and her hand.

But unfortunately she managed to reach him anyway; Chen was ready to saw her reaction after touching his skin. She probably would collapse in the floor the next second or maybe if she weak enough died of a sudden heart attack.

"As I said, you do have a handsome face. What a shame you can't date anymore" She said as she now cupped Chen's left cheek and jaw with her right hand. She gave him a sad smile and Chen looked her with furrowed brow. This girl seemed to never stop surprising  him in the last 5 minutes. She seemed alright after touching his bare skin, as the matter of fact she was still touching him right and she doesn't showing  any sign of being hurt, she even gave him a smile to showing her sympathy. She even can read mind.

"Do me a favor would you? There would be a time where you can't trust the people. Even the one that you trusted the most, and at that moment I want you to trusted your heart. And I'm sure you will be okay, you won't even regret your decision because it will bring good not only to you but others. Promise me" She said while tracing  her hand down over his bare neck and clothed shoulder before stopped in his chest right where his heart located.

Chen didn't know why, but he nodded a little while still looking at her.

"I'm not a mind reader as what you thought earlier" She smiled again but this time with an expression as if she was almost burst out to laugh. Chen now wrinkled his forehead to her words, furious but at the same time mesmerized as he realized how beautiful she looked when she smile like that.

"But you said exactly what I thought earlier. How come you're not a mind reader?" Chen asked and now she chuckled, showing of her teeth and made him startled with her sudden action. He couldn't lie that he like the way she chuckled.

"I know, but I'm not one." She dropped her hand that still touching  his chest. Chen sighed at the sudden loose of the physical contact and was about to open his mouth again when suddenly she talked again.

"By the way Chen. Your friends is about to come in from the door behind you." And that made him turn his entire body only to see his own bedroom door are there instead of bright white scenery.

He was about to turn around to face the woman again but she was already gone, along with all whites that surround them earlier. He looked down to the floor expecting the crystal glass, but instead he saw the hard metal one.

A sound of finger scan and the unlocked of high technology door echoed  and someone entering Chen's room. It was one of the Royal Protector Team, Kai.

"Do you know what time it is?" Kai said and walked lazily to Chen. He looked annoyed somehow, but Chen didn't even care.

"Am I still dreaming?" Chen asked frontally making Kai furrowed his brow and smacked Chen in the head with his hand that covered with a metal gloves.

"Ouch! What's that for?!" Chen rubbed the top of his head and stared  at Kai with shocked face.

"I don't care if you are the next candidate of King, you need to get yourself all together and realize you have a duty and responsibility instead of daydreaming in your room Crown Prince." Kai looked  at Chen as if he was having a certain disease.

"Fine. Whatever. Am I late to the appointment?" he asked and switched on his rather serious face of prince mode on. He decided whatever just happened must be his crazy imagination or hallucination.

"Almost, now let's get out from here before the King decided he doesn't want you anymore as his son."

"He can't do that. I'm his only children, there's no way he will fire me as his son."

"Then forgive me my Lord for saying those inappropriate words earlier" He bowed 90 degrees while putting his right hand in his chest. Chen chuckled as he watched him and smacked Kai's head in revenge with his hand that covered with the similar gloves as Kai.

"Okay that's actually hurt." Kai started walk toward the door, Chen followed him a few steps behind.

"Now you know what it feels like" He said happily for being able to smack Kai back in such short periods of time.

Usually Kai would just use his power to run away. Chen watched as Kai laughed and exiting the room. He was about to go out as well when the familiar voice of the women earlier appeared on in his room, loud enough to be heard by him.

"Don't forget your promise Chen." She said. Chen stopped in his track and rubbed his head in frustration before wandering his eyes all around his room that empty.

He definitely not just imagine or hallucinating that. It was for real and it drives him crazy, because apparently it seems like his meeting with the girl  before is not a dream or an imagination nor hallucination. It was reality.

"What the hell?!"
