

starting world- Game of Thrones Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen SI My English is shit so pls bear with it. Disclaimer: I do not own Game Of Thrones. If I did, Jon wouldn't have got that shit ending to his story. Everything you may recognize belongs to GRM and HBO.

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17 Chs


[287 AC]


*muffled noises* ....,He heard some voices,

When he just opened his eyes, an intense pain hit him, and before he could comprehend anything he fainted again.

He felt like he was in a dream and memories poured into his head. after some time he gradually came to his senses and understood that this situation was the legendary transmigration. And he was now none other than Jon snow or the Aegon Targaryen or simply the bastard of Winterfell. what a complicated situation, he didn't know if he should be happy that he is an mc and heir to the iron throne or if he should be sad that he was titled a bastard, sigh~.

He has all the memories of his last life, But he only remembers the knowledge without much emotion. Well, it was itself a good thing, so he won't linger in past and live his new life. fortunately, he has a system that's a bit like a gamer, and with his future knowledge, he would be able to survive in this shitty world.

Jon looked around, he was in a white space that seems to be some kind of mind space or consciousness. He called the system in his mind.

[Welcome, Host]

[The system is called The Conqueror system which helps the host in conquering the world.]

[You have slept in your bed, it restored your HP, MP, and Stamina to their maximum whatever ailment you may have been nullified.]

[Continue to status screen - yes or no?]

He replied "yes" and another screen popped up.

Name: Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen

House: Stark, Targaryen

Age: 6

Lvl: 1

Exp: 0/100

HP: 50/50

MP: 50/50


STR: 3

END: 3 (how much damage you can take.)

PER: 3

DEX: 3

INT: 12

CHA: 1 (due to bastard status)

AP: 10 (attribute points)

Title: 1. Prince that was promised, 2.Bastard of Winterfell., 3.The Hidden Dragon.

Trait: Wolfblood: Blood of the first man runs through your veins. you can become a powerful warg. Greenseer ability could also be possible for someone of your Bloodline. you are resistant to cold.

Dragonblood: The blood of Old Valirya runs through your veins. Your blood is magic. You may develop the ability like Deanys the Dreamer and have Dragon dreams as you mature. It is also possible for someone of your bloodline to hatch a dragon egg and become a dragon rider. You are resistant to fire.

Perks- 1) Gamer's Mind

2) Gamer's Body

3) Bastardry (-4 cha)

Perk Points: 2

Available Perks:

*Sword Proficiency: As the Title described, you become proficient in wielding a sword. As you continue to practice and grow confident, you will unlock further improvements in this category.

Cost: 1 perk point

*Bow Proficiency: As the Title described, you become proficient using a bow. As you continue to practice and grow confident, you will unlock further improvements in this category.

Cost: 1 perk point

*Centaur: How good are you handling a horse? Are you good enough to be known as a half-horse, half-human? This perk helps your overall handling of horses be it for a leisurely ride, jousting, or battle. The horse and human almost become one.

Cost: 1 perk point

*Warg: You are the blood of the First Men. You can share the mind and body of your chosen companion (s). But beware, if your mental fortitude is low, the beast may take over (Renders Null due to Gamer's Mind perk)

Cost: 1 perk point

*(You will earn 2 perk points per 2 levels. As you progress your character, more perks will become available to you. Warning – Higher level perks will cost considerably higher)

Skill Screen

Skill: Martial

Sub: Sword (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Bow (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Club (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Strategy (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Leadership (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Horse Riding (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Hunting (Lvl. 1 10/100)

*The more you study or practice a Martial skill, the higher your level will grow and may eventually evolve into a more rewarding skillsets

Skill: Social

Sub: Orator (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Singer (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Dancer (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Conversationalist (Lvl. 1 10/100)

*The more you practice a Social skill, the higher level you will achieve and may eventually evolve into a more rewarding skillsets

Skill: Scholar

Sub: Language

Old Tongue (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Common Tongue (Lvl. 2 10/100)

Valyrian (Lvl. 1 0/100)


Smithy (Lvl 1 0/100)

Agriculture (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Herbalist (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Alchemy (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Biology (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Bestiary (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Economy (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Politics (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Magica (Lvl. 1 0/100)

*The more you study a Scholar skill, the higher your level will grow, and may even help you in other aspects of your life

Skill: Intrigue

Sub: Sneak (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Pick-Pocket (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Lock-Pick (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Tracking (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Subterfuge (Lvl. 1 0/100)

Blending (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Lying (Lvl. 1 10/100)

Observation (Lvl. 1 0/100)

*The more you practice an Intrigue skill, the higher your level will grow, and may even evolve into a much higher rewarding skill set or become essential in other aspects of your life.

Inventory: 10 cubic meters (empty right now)

[Note: an average person has about 10 attributes]

*Ding.. opening beginners package - 10AP, 2PP, Observation Skill.


'well that's good, but I have to simplify the system screen. I will explore the system later because first I have to deal with the situation I am in.

'right now I am 6 yrs old, Robb is also 6, Sansa is 3 and Arya is 1 yr, old toddler.'

According to the plot in the book when Jon was 6 yrs old. Catelyn prayed to seven for him to die and the next day Jon had fallen sick and got pox and maester declared that he will not live. and for the first time, Catelyn felt guilty and prayed to seven to save the boy and promised to take care of him as her son; in the end, Jon miraculously healed the next day, but Catelyn broke her promise, and still hated him.


'So Jon died and I took his place, well I have to take full advantage of this situation and manipulate things to get maximum benefits. Oops! I am waking up let's start acting.'