
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 Marry's confession

Marry lands the spaceship and says "Here we are Earth three!" The Conqueror says "This is Earth three?" Marry says "Yes this is Earth three so what would you like to do here Conqueror?" The Conqueror says "I would like to get some kind of armor to protect myself from damage some weapons to fight with something to help me control my power and I want to learn how to use a spaceship" Marry says "Okay but you know I can teach you that myself right?" The Conqueror says "You can? That would be nice thank you!" Marry says "Yeah anytime after all I kind of like you and you know what I will also help you look for all of the battle gear and I will pay for it for you but you have to promise me something in return" The Conqueror says "What is it you want?" Marry says "If I do this for you than you have to protect me from harm can I trust you?" The Conqueror says "Yeah you can trust me and by the way what's your name?" Marry says "My name is Marry so do we have a deal Conqueror?" The Conqueror says "What's a deal?" Marry says "You don't know what a deal is? How long did you say that you were on that planet for? The Conqueror says "Let's see I arrived when I was five years old so I was there for nine years" Marry says "Nine years and you arrived when you were only five?" The Conqueror says "Yeah just about" Marry says "Who else was there with you?" The Conqueror says "No one I was alone until you came" Marry says "That's messed up I am sorry you went through that but a deal means you won't go back on your word so if I buy your battle gear and teach you how to fly a spaceship you will protect me from harm do we have a deal?" The Conqueror says "Yeah we have a deal" Marry says "Good to hear so ready to get your new battle gear Conqueror?" The Conqueror says "Yes I am ready" Marry and the Conqueror leave the spaceship. They land in some grass. The Conqueror freaks out afraid. Marry begins to laugh she says "What's wrong haven't you seen grass before?" The Conqueror says "What's grass?" Marry says "I should have known this would happen with that planet not having grass and all" The Conqueror says "Why are you laughing?" Marry says "Your reaction to grass is funny grass can't hurt you grass is your friend just close your eyes and begin to walk" The Conqueror closes his eyes and starts to walk in the grass. Marry says "That's it you see grass is your friend not your enemy!" The Conqueror opens his eyes and says "Grass is good" Marry says "Yes grass is good ready to begin the walk?" The Conqueror says "Yes I am ready" Marry and the Conqueror begin to walk into town. They arrive in a town of magic and enter a building. Someone says "How can I help you today?" Marry says "We would like to see your battle gear!" The person says "Which one of you will be using the battle gear?" Marry says "He will use it he is shy so don't scare him!" The person says "Over here sir" The Conqueror follows the person to a machine they say "Okay could you please stand still well I use this machine to find out how powerful you truly are!" The Conqueror says "Sure" The person straps the Conqueror into the machine and walks away. They then use magic to start the machine. Marry says "So what does this machine do anyway sister?" The person says "Just what I said it tells you how powerful someone is that's all" Marry says "It better only do that he is protecting me now" Marry's sister says "That guy? He is fucking weak I don't even know him but I can still use my special ability to see his power and he is a fucking weakling!" Marry says "No he's powerful I can just feel it" The machine completes it's job. Marry's sister looks at the results and can't believe what it says. Marry says "What's wrong? Tell me the results" Marry's sister says "He has to die kill him before it's too late he can't be allowed to live! Marry where did you find this man?" Marry says "What's wrong with the results?" Marry's sister says "The results read that he hasn't even been able to use one percent of his true power and yet he has mastered hyperactive mode and on top of that there seems to be no end to his true power and that's with this necklace on take it off and you have the end of everything he's too powerful Kill him before it's too late!" Marry says "Not going to happen" Marry's sister says "What do you mean sister?" Marry says "Do you know why I need protection?" Marry's sister says "No why do you need protection you haven't done anything wrong?" Marry says "That's where you are wrong for I am really The Great Evil and I am being hunted by everyone so I need protection" Marry's sister says "It's a joke it has to be if you are the Great Evil than who does that make me?" Marry says "Nothing but a pest I was never your sister I was only using you and now that I have the Conqueror I no longer need you but because you were such a big help I will give you thirty seconds to get away!" Marry's sister says "No you can't be serious" Marry says "Fix seconds six seconds seven seconds!" Marry's sister begins to run away Marry says "Eight seconds thirty seconds times up die you ugly bitch" Marry hits her sister with an energy blast. Marry's sister says "What did you do to me? What was that?" Marry smiles and says "Death has come for you!" Marry's sister blows up from the energy blast. The machine is turned off and Marry says "Conqueror it's just too cruel save me!" The Conqueror says "What happened where's that other girl?" Marry says "She was murdered by him!" Marry points at a man who is walking into the building he says "What did I do why are you pointing at me?" The Conqueror Burns the man alive. The man screams as his body burns. He runs away bystanders say "What is going on? Why is that man on fire? We have to save him!" Another bystander says "No don't I know that man he is the famous burning man he runs around pretending to be on fire but he uses magic to make others think he's on real fire but he uses illusion magic let's enjoy the show!" Another bystander says "That makes complete sense let's cheer him on!" All of the bystanders cheer on the man he says "What is wrong with you people I am on fire why does that make you cheer? Someone please help me before I burn to death!"