
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 The legend of the Conqueror begins

Long ago on a small world. In a hospital a lady has a child. She smiles and says "I am going to call you the Conqueror welcome to the land of the living!" At that moment a man covered in blood enters the room and says "I am here where's the baby?" The Conqueror's mom says "Right here honey I named him the conqueror!" The Conqueror's father says "IT'S A BOY!" At that moment moment the Conqueror opens his eyes. The entire world is destroyed from the tremendous power of the Conqueror. The Conqueror is protected by an energy shield but his parents were lost. The Conqueror floats through space until someone finds him. That person takes the Conqueror on board their space ship they say "Hello little guy what's your name?" The Conqueror doesn't speak. The person spots a name tag around the Conqueror's neck they read it and says "The Conqueror what a name I am The Lone Wolf I am a Destroyer I was killed ten times and now I am back and I am only fourteen right now but what are you going to do about that? So where's your family? Or are they dead?" Someone walks in and calls out "LONE WOLF WHERE'S MY FOOD I'M HUNGRY!?" The Lone Wolf says "Killer I want you to meet The Conqueror!" The Lone Wolf shows Killer The Conqueror. Killer says "Where'd you find him?" The Lone Wolf says "In space let's keep him!" Killer says "Let's not keep him let's put him back where you found him in space": The Lone Wolf says "Come on Killer I want to keep him!" Killer says "Not going to happen I won't allow it I will not live here and take care of a weak baby it's not going to happen!" The Lone Wolf says "We are keeping him or you and me no longer have a deal Killer!" Killer sighs and says "Fine I will put up with him for now!" The Lone Wolf says "Thank you Killer oh and happy fourteen birthday make a wish!" Killer says "I wish the Conqueror is going to become a powerful person" The Lone Wolf says "Don't get your hopes up he's probably never going to come close to being as powerful as you are Killer" Killer says "Let's test him by having him take over a world with weak fighters shall we?" The Lone Wolf says "What world do you have in mind Killer?" Killer says "Earth two I want Earth one to get stronger fighters but Earth two is strong enough" The Lone Wolf has the spaceship take them to Earth two as she puts the Conqueror in battle gear to protect him from damage. They arrive and Killer puts the Conqueror on the planet's surface and says "Conqueror I want you to take over these humans can you do that?" The Conqueror begins to walk away. Killer calls out to the humans "I AM KILLER AND THIS IS THE CONQUEROR HE WILL BE TAKING OVER YOUR WORLD STOP HIM IF YOU CAN! Good luck kid" A man yells out "ATTACK!" All of the humans attack the Conqueror who tries to protect himself but is unable. He is tackled and dog piled he says "Help me" Killer says "Help yourself or you can't live with me and The Lone Wolf boy" Killer leaves. The Conqueror snaps and sends everyone flying. He begins to rise up into the air. The humans call out "WE SURRENDER YOU WIN!" However the Conqueror can't control his power and energy attacks shoot out of him destroying everything in sight. Someone yells out "WE SURRENDER YOU WIN LEAVE US ALONE PLEASE!" The Conqueror ends up destroying the world as an energy shield saves him from the explosion. The planet's destruction is reversed as the Lone Wolf rewinds time and Killer saves Earth two from the Conqueror's energy attacks. After that is finished Killer takes the Conqueror back to the space ship and says "What was that? Why did you destroy the planet?" The Conqueror says "Could not stop myself" Killer says "You have no control of your power do you?" The Conqueror shakes his head to answer with a no. The Lone Wolf returns Killer says "This kid has no control of his power he is going to end up blowing us both up" The Lone Wolf says "I have just the thing to help him!" The Lone Wolf takes out a necklace she puts it around the Conqueror's neck. Killer says "What's that supposed to do?" The Lone Wolf says "Help him control his power better that's what it does" Killer says "I hope I does help him control his power I hope it does" Five years later. The Lone Wolf says "Conqueror it's time to eat!" Killer says "Where's the kid?" The Lone Wolf says "I don't know help me find him" An explosion is heard. Killer says "That was the training chamber!" Killer runs towards the Training chamber where he finds that it has been damaged he finds the Conqueror inside smiling at him. Killer gets angry and says "GET OUT NOW AND NEVER RETURN YOU ARE BANNED FROM USING THIS ROOM CONQUEROR!" Killer picks the Conqueror up and brings him to his food. Killer says "He damaged the training chamber I thought he would be be able to control that power by now!" The Lone Wolf says "He's only five give him some more time!" Killer says "After dinner I am dropping him off on an uninhabited planet where he can learn to use his power" The Lone Wolf says "He's too young he won't make it on his own Killer so if you do this I will never forgive you!" Killer says "I will live with that" After dinner Killer kicks the Conqueror off the spaceship and onto the surface of an uninhabited planet. Killer says "Take care and try your best to survive" Killer leaves The Conqueror alone on that planet. The Conqueror watches the spaceship fly off. That's when the Conqueror is attacked by a spider like monster it tries to eat the Conqueror. However it is sent flying with an energy attack instead and lands next to the Conqueror dead. The Conqueror eats the Monster and moves into a cave hunting spiders for food and drinking their blood for water.