
THE CONCEPTION OF A ZOMBIE KING ( Will be republished )

After the apocalypse began, a group of teenagers bounded by friendship continue to survive. In the course of rising to the top, they meet several people and join sanctuaries to keep themselves safe. Some of them actually eventually turn into zombies but they are different types of zombies, especially so for Marvellous the leader of the group who becomes a lightened powered zombie. They continue to strengthen until they are strong enough to defeat the Zombie overlords.

Marvvy · Fantaisie
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28 Chs



The sound of a vehicle approaching the RV woke Marvellous from his meditation, taking note of the happenings in the RV, he saw his friends laughing at their own jokes as they passed time. Obviously none of them had noticed the approaching vehicle.Taking action quickly, he ran out of the RV and climbed to the top to inspect the surroundings. His actions however did not go unnoticed by his friends.

"What is going on ?" Larry asked.

"I guess he sensed something . . . " Timothy said jumping out of the RV to join Marvellous on the RV, "Marvellous what's wrong?" he asked.

"Shhhh . . . Keep quiet" Marvellous replied, "Someone is coming".

"Are you seeing anything ?" Timothy said, "cause I can't . . .". Just then the sound of a vehicle approaching interrupted him.

A truck driven by a girl their age appeared as the vehicle's sound got closer and stopped in front of the RV. How long was it since they last saw humans like themselves, and suddenly a truck driven by a girl their age appeared. Opening the door, the girl jumped out and slammed the door shut before running frantically towards them.

"Who are you . . . And why are you in a rush ?" Marvellous asked. He still had his guard up in case of any funny movements by the new girl, 'it's not every time some stranger appears before you like this. Especially not when you are at the middle of no where in the bush' he thought.

However, the response of the stranger was not what they expected, "Get your mini house out of the way and run !!!" she replied. Without stopping even for a second, she continued running towards them like her life depended on it - which it did actually.

"Look here now lady, you have to tell us what is wrong before we can . . ."Larry began to speak only to stop half way through. A cacophony of loud noises drifted towards them at that instant.

"What the hell is that ?" Marvellous asked, a sense of dread building within him. "They are here !!!" the stranger screamed taking only a glance behind her before she continued running to the RV. At this moment, she was only a few feet from it.

Upon hearing the stranger's scream and the dread in her voice, they focused on the area where she was coming from, and the sight their brains processed caused their eyes to twitch . . . ZOMBIE SWIFTS !!!.

The first person to take action was Marvellous, grabbing his gun, he began to fire shot after shot accurately hitting the zombies. Following his actions, his friends burst into action, shutting the door and climbing the RV, they began to fire shots at the zombies.

Turning back and seeing the new girl standing beside the RV without joining them, Mod said "Climb up lady, we ain't gonna be responsible if anything happens to you".

Killing a few zombies was piece of cake to them, killing swifts was just troublesome, but killing hundreds of swifts was nerves breaking. Cocking her gun, the stranger hurriedly joined them on the RV and began to fire shots of her own.

'She might be a frantically scared lady, but she is definitely a significant addition to the team' Marvellous thought. 'Well it's quite normal for her to be this good given that she was able to survive till now. After all, in this era without sufficient power it is hard to survive'.

Few hours later, the zombies were totally wiped out albeit with a few crazily heart crushing moments when it seemed that one or two of them were going to get bitten. Despite working closely together few hours ago against a common danger, the teenagers were still wary of the stranger, and kept their distance from her. On the other hand, Roosevelt had been analysing the group during their joint battle against the zombies, she was also quite surprised seeing them in action. Their behaviours seemed a little childish but they knew when to be serious.

"Hey" one of them walked up to her and said.

Despite being surrounded by clowns, the guy who approached her was very composed and had not even so much as smiled within the last hour although at that time they were mostly under attack by swifts and no normal person would be willing to smile in such a situation. Naturally this fellow was none other than Marvellous.

"Hey" she replied.

"What's your name ?" he asked.

Normally, being asked for her name always made Roosevelt want to put a wall between her and the curious person which was one of the reasons why she had a terrible social status before the apocalypse, but this fellow just seemed to radiate an aura of trust despite his cold looks.

"Roosevelt . . ." she said, "the name's Roosevelt Cabello".

"Roosevelt" Marvellous repeated, "Well Roosevelt my name is Marvellous and these are my friends, that guy over there is Basit, the slim guy is Mod, that lady over there is Rose and . . . and that's all of them" he said.

If anything was of note, it was the fact that the introductions were unnecessary. In the past hours since she joined them, they had called themselves countless times that she already took them to heart.


Cold hands grasping hers brought Roosevelt back to the real world struggling to break free only to realise that she was alone in the farm house where she saw the truck. Unsure of what she was doing there, she ran a quick check on the house but found nothing strange. The truck was still outside the house and had apparently never left the front of the house, the chair

where she had slept was still moist with sweat. At that moment she suddenly realised that she had been DREAMING!!!. Hurriedly, she scanned the house to be sure that she was not forgetting anything before hurriedly making her way out of the house. As she got into her truck, she could not help but remember her dream and wondered who those teenagers were.


Marvellous suddenly sprang from the top of RV where he had taken as his bed, he recalled the content of his dream and tried to understand to no avail. He got down from the top of the RV and entered to meet his friends discussing.

"It's quite strange for us to be having the same dream don't you guys think ?" Timothy asked.

"I mean we are in an apocalypse not some magic world" Larry said.

"A zombie apocalypse at that" Ebbie said.

"So what does the dream have to do with this ?" Kiki asked.

"And besides the ultimate question is that girl, what's her name again?" Mod asked.

"Roosevelt, her name is Roosevelt" Marvellous replied.

". . . " One by one they asked questions that were on their minds whether answerable or not. If there was anything they specialised in, it was noise making and as the occasion presented an opportunity they seized the golden chance and utilised it to the maximum. Marvellous however sat at the top of the RV, he was a lover of silence and seemed to find comfort in it. Unfortunately, his friends only seemed to specialise in making noise which at times made him wonder how they had been getting along. Sighing helplessly, he could only immerse himself in meditation raising his guard and senses in case of sudden attacks.

     To normal people, sitting still for two hours was extremely boring but to Marvellous, it was just a warm up. After meditating for two hours, he suddenly leapt down and stormed the RV alarming his friends and within a second, about a dozen guns were pointed at him, all cocked and ready to release fire at any moment. This was the apocalypse, everyone that had managed to survive to this point had attained the habit of staying on guard at all times, even when sleeping. Zombies never gave signs before they attacked and this was one of the reasons why most of the early sanctuaries fell at the beginning of the apocalypse.

"At least apart from making noise and having fun, it seems you guys know when to be serious" Marvellous smirked, of a truth he was also surprised at the actions of his friends. 'Seems I've been worrying too much' he thought.

"You should not underestimate us idiot" Ebbie said visibly shaking in anger, papa she had been scared sense less.

"We could have killed you ! . . ." Larry howled from behind.

"Let's just hope you can back your own words mister . . ." Mod said, "You seem to be looking down on us this days because we like taking things slow and cool. After all we . . .".

Before he could finish his sentence, Marvellous made his move and few minutes later, they were all floored leaving  him standing. "Let's get moving, there seem to be a warehouse up front" he casually said.