
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

The art of conversation

Someone told me in my past life that no matter how powerful I can ever be, if I keep on acting selfishly I will never be loved. To that I say to hell with love! Some who loves you will still put themselves first, like a wife telling her husband she loves him everyday but once in a while go off do an affair, or a parent who seem to think raising a child is an investment to fend for them after retirement. Love is pathetic, temporary, and rellies on someone else. Fear is much better.

Upon accepting my terms Rexcarius quickly moved and as I exit Garreth's mansion, my slaves—well no they're freed now, my pawns came to meet me and bid their goodbyes.

The three I've left in separate areas where still confused as to what happened but Blade and Claudia came to me immediately and bowed.

"Master Spade, thankyou for freeing me and granting me an own name. I shall forever be in your debt"

Blade bowed like a Knight to his king, swearing complete loyalty. Claudia remained silent but bowed deeper than Blade and was shivering trying not to cry.

Something traumatised this girl and I fear it may burden her later on. I can relate to that for I have also experienced pain that numbed everything good in the world.

I bid my goodbyes to them saying some inspirational shit like you deserve a new life, or don't waste this second chance and all that shit and finally I gave them clear instructions. This had been hidden agenda ever since Rexcarius told me I was leaving.

I am holding a lottery. Pop quiz, why is the lottery the single legal gambling prominent in most countries? That's simple, because the government is the one who benefits the most being able to take as much money as they want as well as having absolute control, many of call it the "Poor man's tax" seeing as the poor are the main target of these scams.

For the majority of the poor the lottery is their one chance for rising up the social ranks and away from poverty. A small cost high benefit game, it's too good to be true. Well it is though, statistics say you are 8 times more likely to be struck by lightning and 5 times more likely to be murdered than to win this one in a couple trillion chance of getting the correct combination.

And even if you do win and become a millionaire almost half of the winners had still went bankrupt and winning would put a target on your back which makes you lose either way but people will still hold on to that hope.

I'll use that hope and trample on their dreams, the 20 quil they'll be spending everyday to earn the 150,000 quil I gave my slaves in 5 attempts will make it 100 quil and as our money rises will up the benefit until more and more play and eventually this will be our gold mine.

I told Blade to rig the first round and publicly announce it. The winner shall be the poor loan shark who I know will jump at the chance to earn that much money, I always pay my debts don't worry and you'll be getting twice of what I owed you and 4 times what my father did, aren't you happy Mr. Creditor? Well you shouldn't be because it's very likely that you'll be killed by your own guards as they steal the money seeing as they were so quick to betray you before.

And then as more people people bet the jackpot will keep rising and rising until it becomes almost half the money of the entire village. We will have them on their knees to get their own money and once someone wins he'll have more influence than the chief himself and after the Chief inevitably tries to regain authority by raising the tax or adding more guards, the now poorer villagers will rebel and worship the lucky winner who I predict will be very arrogant by then.

My plan of revenge is becoming clear in my head. 0f course while they focus on the jackpot winner they wouldn't notice that almost half of what the jackpot prize should be is held by Blade and the rest and it will keep growing until eventually Blade will hold the authority in a whole village and it will spread.

I can barely hold my excitement and not laugh maniacally as I think of this plan. I told this to the five and they were shocked not just to the ambitiousness of this plan but its high chances of success as well.

Since the lottery can be rigged their loss is close to nill. However Blade was the only one who truly understand the intensity of this plan but I ensured he wouldn't rebel as somethings I read in the books I stole was that a knights oath is magic and once it is taken only death and slavery can remove it.

I sell all my belongings as I leave but before I could get in my carriage, Claudia stopped me. She held on tightly to my arm as she struggled to speak.

"Take… me… with… you"

Before I could reply Rexcarius cut me off.

"Sure, you can be Spade's personal maid. I'll have it prepared"

That old man is planning something. Making her a spy perhaps? Well that doesn't matter as he fails to comprehend how attached to me this fragile and broken girl is.

"Alright, if it's alright with you Claudia I want you to accompany me to the Castle"

Claudia cheerfully agreed as she climbed up to my carriage but once again Rexcarius interrupted.

"You should ride with me Claudia because we'll pass by my tailor to get you suited for a maid outfit first"

Claudia looked to me for confirmation, I just simply nod allowing her to go with the Rexcarius. Ha! Beat that old man, her loyalty to me is higher than your royal ass has.

As I enter the carriage another maid enters as well. Perhaps to see my qualifications? Or maybe inform the King if I do anything suspicious.

"Greetings I am Spade Escroc"

She remains silent.

"Good day to travel isn't it?"

She again doesn't talk. Wow I didn't have anyone act as cold to me since I slept with my boss' daughter that one family day our company had.

"What's your name?"


She said sharply but her voice cracked, huh she must be nervous. Maybe she had instructions to only answer certain questions. Well Pharise this is a three hour ride, it doesn't matter what instructions you have I'll have you cracked before the second half of this ride.

"Does the King often travel to villages to check it's condition?"

Pharise looks by the window ignoring me. So questions about the Rexcarius is no good huh? Alright.

"How old are you Pharise?"

She continues to look at the window with a blank expression. Personal questions are also no good.

"Look I'm just trying to make this trip a little less unnerving , I might not have mentioned it but I have never left this town and now not only am I leaving but also moving towards the castle, I feel nauseous"

She glanced at me for a brief second then looked back at the window. Aha! So you do want to talk. About travelling perhaps?

"Do you travel much Pharise? I don't know how you can get used to this constant shaking"

"If… you look… at the window… it becomes less unbearable"

Firstly terrible advice for someone with motion sickness but alright I got you talking.

"There is nothing to do though, what do you do then?"

She went back to looking at the window. Doctor we're losing her prepare the defibrillator!


"Do you meet alot of interesting people travelling?"

She continues to ignore me. Clear!

"The horses must be exhausted no?"

"I take care of the horses and make sure they get enough food and rest"


"Did you ever ride one?"

"I did, it was… terrifying"

"How so?"

"I was a kid and the horse suddenly galloped. I almost fell down"

"What happened? Did you fall down?"

"I was saved"

"By whom?"

She didn't reply and started to drift away. One must always have a follow up incase a conversation grows cold.

"Hey can I tell you a secret?"

She glanced at me but remained silent.

"I'm terrified that the majesty's children might be stubborn and arrogant"

"King Rexcarius' children are amazing, the eldest, Lady Zyderene is very hardworking and patient, the youngest, Lady Crystal is kind and humble and Sir Alfron—"

"Is the rotten egg?"

"N-no!! Sir Alfron is very talented and strong, h-he treats us maids kindly"

Hoho I was hoping you'd hate the middle child and we can use him as friendly banter but I detect a different strong feeling for him hahaha I went in search for copper and I found gold.

Alfron was the key to getting Pharise talking and in our 2 hour conversation I have learned a lot about the condition of the Palace. First is a competition between the eldest Siderene and second Alfron for the throne, second is the abuse Crystal received from the two and third and most importantly is that Alfron is playing around with the maids.

Pharise didn't say all that but some of her words point to that and how Alfron often makes advances to her but she's afraid she might have misunderstood which from experience is I know she didn't and if he can do so with such skill he must also be doing it with someone else.

The journey finally ended and Pharise and I had a secret friendship by the end of it while I had a few bullets to fire against the King's children.

As I enter the Palace I was surprised at it's size and while I stood astounded Rexcarius called his three children which I shall be mentoring.

First who arrive was Alfron who is indeed handsome, with a fit build and his long blue hair made him look like the basic player portrayed in many movies.

I approach him and try to shake his hand and in a split second he slaps it away and strangled me.

"You're the mentor? Your too young and stink of commoner! Get out of my sight filth!"

"Now now Alfron it's no good to judge a book by it's cover, after all I can destroy you right now if I wanted"

I warned him calmly and he retorted and tightened his grip.

"Why don't you try then?!"

"How about I tell your father you've been sleeping with the maid then? Or better yet how about your fiance?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

He loosened his grip and lowered his voice.

"Just from the minute I saw you I could already tell everything you know and don't know about yourself Alfie, now if I were to guess which one I'd pick her"

I pointed at the maid accompanying him who's hair was messy and had the look of guilt all over her.

Upon seeing who I pointed at Alfron loosened his grip even more. Bingo! Now to deal the final blow.

"Now this can go two ways, one is that you keep strangling me at which time I reveal all your secrets and not just this one or two you let go of me, act nice and maybe I'll teach you how I found out"

Alfron became more docile and shaked my hand with the look of defeat and resilience, he will come to despise me and I will make him fear me.

Next to greet me was Zyderene.

"I'm impressed you managed to tame my little brother so quickly but I'll say this once, I do not find you fit to teach and I will make sure you don't last till the second lesson"

As she said that and shook my hand she left hastily not allowing me to speak. Lastly was Crystal who was as humble as Pharise described and she greeted me with a bright smile and said.

"It's very nice to meet you Sir Escroc, I shall be in your tutelage"

Now at this stage the tension between the three has yet to collide but I'll add fuel to this fire and have them pinned against one another.

Rexcarius beware of my revenge for it shall be cold and I shall take away your power, wealth, and family all because you just couldn't let sleeping dragons lie.

You've awakened my wrath so I hope your prepared my flames.