
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Moving forward

I never saw Alfron as a brother, he was always just father's child and an heir to the throne but seeing what is left of him now I do not feel anymore hatred, I only feel sorrow remembering all the times that we were together albeit trivial memories, I feel regret for all the times I chose to be his rival than his big sister, and I sympathize with him who felt the constant need for attention and gratification and the only two people who always gave it to him betrayed him and made him choose between his blood and his bonds, I cannot begin to describe what a bewildering thing it is to have the same blood running on another's veins nor can I explain why it affects a person so badly. I can only say that what has happened to Alfron is a sad play of fate.

Carrying him back home was one of the hardest things I have ever done because the moment I did I came to accept that this was not just a joke or a bad dream, no this is the truth, the sad fate of my brother who died not wanting to betray a father who barely blinked upon seeing his remains, the sad fate that even his own big sister didn't care about him, the sad fate that the people who he wanted most to see the most could not even see him before he turned to stone.

I have never seen Crystal like this, despite everything this poor girl has been through, she has never wept in front of anyone, she has always shown a kind smile and she had always been the first to console anyone, she was like a light to those who knew her well enough and I was terrified of that light because it shines so bright that it hurts to go near but most of all I was petrified with all of the darkness in me being revealed. I had shunned her for many years, I was scared of what she was capable, and I was scared that like our mothers we would share the same fate of destroying ourselves and the man we came to love.

I have no interest in Spade in the least, he is arrogant, weak, and devious but I understand why Crystal would notice him being a person with inconceivable immorality but with unpredictable kindness, very much like our father. The first day with him was unforgettable in many ways, for one it was the day I almost got defiled but it was also a day where he saved me. Although he did not plan to do so, being with my father for so long I have come to an understanding of his unpredictability, a similar aura Spade puts of which is probably why Father has came to like him. Spade for the most part did nothing to help me, he kept hinting to his lessons as if pompously proving his lesson's importance but in dangerous situations like the one we were in talking wouldn't help, by its peak when the abductor killed his comrade to have his way with me, I noticed his silhouette who had just been secretly watching for who knows how long and I have come to witness his utter conceitedness, showing not even the slightest concern for me. I already gave up by then because there was some odd magic that prevented me from using mine and I did not have the physical strength to break free, I gave up...what else was I to do? I did lose hope but at the very last minute he did save me and throw away his hidden agenda, I knew that when he said that he came to rescue me and the slave driver reacted, he didn't plan to save me but he did and till this day I don't know why.

I worry for Crystal if this is the man she wants to be with, I worry that one day when we least expect like what happened with my mother, Spade will abandon her when she needs him the most because men like Spade and my father, they always put their self interest above anyone else's and although sometimes they act in accordance to morality, I cannot depend on such inconsistent values, I will protect Crystal even if it means stealing Spade away and break her heart. You'll come to understand one day why my dear sister, sometimes because I love you, I will have have to break your heart but in times of mourning like now I shall be the one to mend it . I will try to become the good big sister I have failed to be once.


Lacquer's planning was once again interrupted by news from panicked townsmen about another large army found in the outskirts of Filgras the eastern town that has been burned down last night. The scout claims that the soldiers seemed furious as they marched forward to the town that had weakened defenses and because of the trust people have him, news always go to him before the palace which is why Lacquer had no choice but to protect his people despite his own forces being weakened from last night, with any luck then the army would surrender before any blood is spilled.

He took a small fragment of his main army, just shy of 10 squadrons and headed towards the terrified villagers and gave them the assurance that they needed. Moments after, the ground began to rumble and masses of armed soldiers stood in front of the once secured village, the leader is a well known fighter going by the name of Dante the inferno. Dante came forward facing the lionhearted Lacquer with a furious expression, flames would burst from throughout his body in random intervals representing his heated emotions.

"Leave now before any blood is shed" Lacquer warns with great audacity.

Dante looked insulted by Lacquer's injunction especially after seeing the vast number of severed head of his comrades that has been put as if showing their might but at the same time insulting Bronsleyt's people.

"If you think killing our allies will terrify our men then you are sorely mistaken! UZVARA VAI NĀVE!"

Upon Dante's battle cry the army attacked, out numbering Lacquer's by double the amount. With all their might Vengeance tried to hold them off having the tactical advantage and high ground but the sheer amount of soldiers overwhelmed the vanguards and the soldiers kept moving forward under Dante's fiery lead.


With Dante's powerful spell, a great flame exploded around a certain circumference relative to Dante's location, it was a terrifying sight for the onlookers and for the snipers hiding in buildings, it spelt the end for them for it spared none except soldiers wearing the Bronsleyt garments. Lacquer protected his men but a whopping quarter of his army was wiped out by that one spell alone. Lacquer once fought along Dante on their war against the Heidcheyser army but it is only now that he came to witness his full potential and regretted that they no longer fought along side each other.

This move was powerful even from a sorcerer's view and as Dante is now, he was far stronger than Zyderine who showed great prowess in magic and not even Alfron and Crystal combined could defeat him as they are now but Dante is not the only one who has reached his peak, although Lacquer is passed his prime, there is just some things only the Grim Strategist can do.

As the army came forward, Lacquer came closer and as well as protecting his men with his magic condensing in the air, he started to make it thicker and thicker until it became visible in bright glowing light until suddenly the light vanished and the clouds darkened, from those clouds bright yellow spots similar to stars glowed, one after another until it formed the shape of a pentagon, the longer people stared the more details the stars formed until it stopped, now complete it was similar to a man holding a spear, truly a beautiful sight to see but suddenly the stars drew closer and the shape turned into reality and back on the ground Lacquer has completed his casting.

"Auriga" A calm but murky voice was the last thing the soldiers noticed as the stars came falling down and a giant emerged killings those not destroyed by the impact and then the fog cleared. Two figures remained in the battle field, and behind them their armies recovering and preparing magic spells of their own.

The man by the entrance of the village came forward unshrouding himself with flames that from afar was comparable to a demonic figure. Dante had seen that spell before and when Lacquer was in his prime even and it had made the difference in their strength painfully clear but Dante is no longer the coward deserter that Lacquer once trained, no he is now a strong man of his own and now is the time he took his stand showing the strongest man he knows the full potential that he has honed through the years.

Lacquer calmly walked towards Dante not needing any showy armor, just the residue magic from his spell was enough to terrify anyone who had not seen it before. As the two figures collide the magic power was immense but one was most clearly superior, Dante still fought on because it is all he can do now, it was because of him that the arrival of reinforcements was late, it was because he sent the first half first because he wanted to steal his soldier's wife, and now he is filled with regret for his sin only created a bigger one, perhaps he continues to fight not because he is brave but because he wants it all to end, he couldn't escape his sins no matter where he ran hence he just decided to burn in his own flames, but take the enemy along with him.

Lacquer continues to stall despite having the ability to end this one on one fight quickly, he wanted the villagers to flee peradventure he missed a soldier and he decides to take out his wrath on the civilians. While Lacquer continues to overpower Dante, giving back twice of every attack taken, Dante uses his ultimate move, one that destroys everything in his sight, upon witnessing this the Bronsleyt soldiers flee because whatever the outcome is, their presence there would only bring more harm to themselves for they know that without Dante they would have no hope of defeating Cebunilla.

Before releasing the spell, Dante looks at Lacquer one last time, he remembered all the days serving under him, those days that was filled with meaning and danger. He longed for those days but he understands that he is now just a relic of past times and that this new era is one that not he nor Lacquer belongs in anymore.

"Brigadier Tidelode, This is farewell"

"Godspeed, Colonel Foinix"

And with that Dante revealed his final spell, "Hellfire" and as he uttered those words the whole Filgras Village was destroyed creating an explosion that can be seen from miles away, the Bronsleyt soldiers upon seeing this bowed their heads and commemorated their fallen comrades, they witness Dante Foinix' final spectacle and que their surrender. both sides have taken enough damage and they have lost their will to fight, if ever Cebunilla still thrives then Bronsleyt will put down their swords, it was greed that started this war yet the irony was that both countries once swore allegiance to destroy the very same greed.

The village of Filgras became something out of a description of hell, barren, flaming, and filled with dead corpses but through all of this, deep inside, the town square remained unharmed and all the villagers and soldiers despite not knowing how they got there rejoiced, even the devil himself could not defeat their beloved Lacquer they chant, the alias Grim Strategist became the Star Saint and people rejoiced Lacquer's name but little did they know that this would be the last appearance of the legendary sorcerer.