
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

He who holds the cards

Kyaa!! I am so embarrassed, I hugged Spade without realizing it. He thought I would despise him but how could I knowing that he did it for us or that father probably made him do it using our family artifact the slave driver which could control anyone to a large extent. It's been almost two minutes and neither of us are letting go... do I let go first? How long are hugs supposed to last again? Argh! Spade my notice the fast beating of my heart and he might think that I like him or something...wait do I stink now? I haven't even taken a bath yet jeez... Seriously isn't this hug taking a long time? Could it be that he doesn't want to let go? Could he like me as well? Jeez! What am I thinking all of a sudden...but what if he does? I have to ask him... no I shouldn't.... but I want him to know how I feel....but he might not feel the same...I was not prepared for this!!

"Spade....um....I have something to say....please don't turn to me just yet....you see I haven't felt this way about anyone....and um its you often in my mind....What I mean to say is-" I was cut of by Spade's snore... He was asleep!!! Jeez and I was about to confess to him, thank the heavens.

I lay Spade's head in my bed and he slept so peacefully, I guess the guilt has been baring down on him since yesterday and he couldn't rest...I understand, it might not have been easy going through what he had and blaming himself for so many dead... Now I'm feeling tired too, I wonder if I can lay next to him... would he mind? I mean it's not like there's any ill contempt, and I've read about it done a lot by friends...I can't resist Spade I'm sorry. Right next to him I lie down as well and I clung to him close enough that I can hear his breathing, my hands in his chest and I feel his heartbeat, it is a slow beat, a calming one just like him...before I could notice I start to doze off and my mind rested in him.


Perseus is the only person who knows about Lacquer's location and he took advantage of his absence immediately and counter-attacked the palace knowing that Lacquer would object. The Vengeance members however are thirsty for blood. He contemplated where best to strike, he could attack Spade's base and destroy it completely including the 50 children he had in his care but that might compromise his cover and it's not quite the time for Spade's little base to be made used of.

Back on the waterfall cave where they interrogated him, some interesting things was hidden in there by Spade like outlandish trinkets and odd clothing but what fascinated Perseus the most is the writings safely hidden in a chest. It was detailed and crammed being 6 full back to back pages in total but it was incomprehensible for Perseus because it was written in a different language, no it had different alphabets as well. He decided to take one to try and decipher it but then he came upon an even more fascinating writing. Lacquer's letters to his dead child whom only a few close to the royal family know of and something Alfron mentioned a few years ago.

The letters was something that Spade could have used against him so Perseus read it quickly and it contained:

Dear Anakin

My dear child if your reading this then it might be before your death sentence, by this time I'm sure you hate daddy for giving you away to bad men but please know that it broke my heart doing this to you and I had prayed countless times that it would have been me in your place. Everything I ever did had been for our home and this is my final and greatest sacrifice. King Achmed gave an offer, in exchange for the life of one, the whole Cebunilla will be spared and this endless war would finally come to a conclusion, normally I would jump on that offer but not after knowing that it was your life that was at stake. I didn't want you to die my dear boy, I begged Achmed to take me instead a million times but he wouldn't allow it, he tested my will in the hardest way possible. Please know Anakin that daddy really does love you and I have treasured you more deeply than I ever thought I could, that's why it destroyed me to be forced to do this to you. The day they took you away is the same day that my heart stopped beating, losing your mother when she conceived you shattered my heart and now I feel as if the enemy has trampled and destroyed the pieces by taking you from me. I understand if you despise me for betraying you, I know your mother detests me in the afterlife. You will be remembered forever Anakin, your name chanted by those whom you have saved and I shall forever carry the burden of taking away your future, because now mine seems so dark. What point is there to living without you as my light? I had hoped to one day see you grow up big and strong, you would have been quite popular with the ladies, you would have had many good friends, and I would have always loved you each step of the way, but now I can't, I would have fought the world for you but like you, I also have parents who wanted me to protect it and they had died to ensure that as well. To keep my promise I needed strong resolve, one that I forever shall despise. I don't want to take any more of the remaining time you have my dear child. Just know that your father loves you...even when you think I don't.

Yours sincerely, Lacquer Tidelode

Perseus upon reading this letter found it utter garbage, it was all sentimental bullshit that only the Perseus of the past would understand, but for his mission he threw away the developing humanity he had and in turn that gave him ironclad resolution but took away any genuine emotions that felt remorse or sorrow. The only thing of use he found out is that Lacquer's child is Anakin and his wife died giving birth... he simply could not understand what value this would be to Spade. This wasn't a weakness, its an excuse, no a testimony to the kind of change one could achieve in sacrificing others...this is the only true change there is, one born of sweat and blood.

Perseus decided he would take a gamble and attack the palace with his main target being Blade and the royal girls, they are the greatest cards that Spade holds and despite not being a present threat, if ever Spade decides to unlock Crystal's full potential who Alfron claims is equal to his own then that would cause a great nuisance for him.

Perseus' strategies aren't as open and savage as Spade's, no his is discreet and subtle with his main preferred weapon being poison, quiet and deadly leaving the opponent dead before they could realize they have been attacked. What he wanted now was to inflict damage so he had a nasty plan in mind, back in his days hunting his father warned him of various herbs and plants he must avoid because they are poisonous, the very same ones that he often uses to kill animals but for this day he decided to use it to kill humans. One such toxin is called the death apple, one coming from the Manchineel tree and it has been said that one apple is enough to kill 20 men and because of the fact that hunters have greatly declined as most settled to farming or have been killed by magical beasts, this poisonous plant became a hidden weapon that only hunters and herbalists could recognize. By its appearance alone it wasn't much different from a peach and its taste is sweet and tasty, easily assumed to be harmless but at the very least it could cause skin rashes at worst an instant death.

The use of this plant had been seldom as it was not all too common and the surplus of food meant that people no longer needed to try exotic fruits. Perseus however knew this and decided to hide it among different fruits and hide these baskets all over the dining halls and to ensure that he would hit the royal family as well as the pawns like Blade and Spade, he made sure to put some of this death apples and the milky saps of the tree in the food that is served to them.

The effects of this poison is not immediate but the longer it gets the worse it becomes. It won't be long now until the food is taken by the soldiers or some people in the palace come into contact with the contaminated waters. Perseus felt satisfied knowing that no one will know he did it and even if they knew what caused the poison, there would be little they could do to cure it, his Perseus' father had once told him that other than magic, they could only pray that their body is strong.

Not long after, the palace had a large commotion. Soldiers would fall down from the dining room with blistered skin and choking. Some had bathed and suffered irritations, and some had passed in the few minutes after their intake of the fruit. The cooks were immediately killed and everyone rushed towards the healers which considering the hundreds affected soon became overworked. Rexcarius immediately called upon the herbalists and sages to find he cause of the poisoning as he tried to mitigate the damage and commanded that no one touch the waters nor the food.

Thankfully he had yet to touch the food and he could still use his magic to heal those most important, this was a gigantic blunder that could cause him a lot of men and backlash from the citizens and he came to wonder who was the culprit. It had been someone with free access to everywhere in the castle, someone clever enough to pull this off, someone who was absent in the dining halls and bathing areas and someone who had a grudge against the royal family mainly as it heeded the biggest of the poison, one person came to mind and that was Spade.

Rexcarius became agitated of how he simply assumed that Spade would despise him but not make a move until after the rebellion, what good could causing havoc in the palace possibly do? Spade was smart enough to pull this off but he was too much of an idiot to think that Rexcarius would let him go free after this big tantrum of his. Rexcarius was enraged because of the gal that Spade had, after everything he has given him, after all that he asked him of he would just betray him in the worst possible way and at the worst possible time. If Lacquer strikes at that moment, his full proof plan and protection would be null and for the first time he would be unsure of his own victory. After sending the apothecaries to mend the situation, Rexcarius sent his unharmed men to find Spade Escroc but leave him alive. Spade will come to witness Rexcarius' full brunt and a simple death by stabbing is too kind for him. No one is messes with Rexcarius not even an overconfident brat from another world, Rexcarius muttered to himself.

Meanwhile Spade remains resting next to Crystal, unbeknownst to everything that happened and the longer he slumbered the more ensured his death became. Perseus aimed for the arm but instead hit bullseye putting his enemy to a position not even Spade could possibly handle on his own.