
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

A sister's jealousy

The match ended with the court magicians needing to intervene to protect the civilians watching and as Alfron himself collapsed having released that immense amount of magic, the whole arena fell silent.

Many stood in awe of the magnificent power Alfron has portrayed while others shook in fear, this is the second heir of the throne and such power is simply one that even a whole army would struggle to defeat. The competitors for the throne fell into despair as Alfron has utterly and completely surpassed even the strongest, smartest, and oldest among them.

A teenager creating such a powerful spell has been unheard of ever since the end of the magic wars where many prodigies emerged from the slums and succeeded in making their homes drastically improve using power and deceit.

I would have loved to be born in that era where utter chaos reigns supreme and the hierarchy is as uncertain as to the stock market.

Now, I have faked fainting to get out of this mess but when exactly should I get up? No one is bothering to take a look at my body so I don't think I'll be brought to the infirmary anytime soon and if I suddenly stand up, all the attention I've tried so hard to pin on Alfron would go to me. Ah damn, I want to lay in bed, my hand hurts, and I don't like crowded places…this is the worst.

At least my hand wasn't paralysed though, that's good. I decide to lay on the ground for a couple more seconds as the crowd becomes smaller after realising the match was over.

"Master Spade!"

Ah, so Claudia is the one in charge of me, coming earlier wouldn't hurt.

"Master Spade are you awake?"

She said as she touched my hand. Ah, shit that hurts!! I try my hardest not to react as she squeezed my hand. Damn, it Claudia do you hate me?!

"Ah I see, you must be tired"

She said as she let go of my hand and it fell painfully to the ground. Motherfu—.

Calm down Spade, calm down. It would be bad if people find out you are faking it. Breathe in, Breathe out.

Then Claudia unable to lift me just dragged me and I swear if there weren't people here I would burn you alive!

Where the hell was the care you gave me last night? You're fired! You're fired! You're fired!

"Claudia, why don't you let Pharise take care of this? She's better at mending the wounded after all"

Whoever said that I'll kiss you when I get up! Thank you woman, you saved me from my airhead maid.

I could feel someone lift my body and as I slightly open my eyes for a second it was Pharise. Wow, you're strong! It's embarrassing but I'd take being carried like a child over being dragged the whole castle any day.

After a while I was put in a bed and I heard the door close but I ain't taking any chances, maybe I'll sleep for a while.

"You can open your eyes now, I know you faked being unconscious earlier"

Ah, so I was found out huh. Well, the jig is up I guess no point denying it.

I opened my eyes and it was Siderene who looked at me with such judging eyes.

"Thanks for bringing me here, but how did you know? "

"Well I would have gone for you earlier but it was just so funny watching you try your hardest not to react while that maid of yours keep hurting you, as for your little trick it's because I have seen you unconscious before and you looked peaceful, earlier you were still the ever thinking,deceitfuy guy I know"

What the hell does peaceful look like? I'm going to have to learn that skill someday soon.

"Ah, so you enjoy seeing me hurt, why not just let me get dragged then?"

"Because stairs were coming up"

I stare at her with worry and as both of us imagine my head being dragged to those stairs we both chuckle for a while.

"Should you be getting up so soon? Yesterday wasn't an easy thing to go through and everyone would understand if you needed some time to recover from your trauma"

"Well I can't stay moping in here as I get left behind by my little brother"

She said as she looked at the window and recalled the astounding magic Alfron released.

"And besides I still owe you one"

She said as she gently grabbed my right hand.


I gasp as she takes off the bandage and cleans my wounds.

"This bracelet, it's a slave driver isn't it?"

I nod.

"And it was my father who put it on you?"

Once again I nod.

"He then put the rule that every time you lie you'll be electrocuted didn't he"

I fall silent for a while as she replaces the bandage with such care that I barely feel the pain.

"You are truly an amazing person Spade Escroc"

"How so?"

"I have never seen anyone use this bracelet to their advantage, nor have I ever met anyone who so casually goes up to their master or even defy the royal family with such confidence"

"What can I say? I've got nothing to lose so might as well be free"

"What amazes me more is how you can put any disadvantage to turn the tables on your enemies. When my father challenged you to chess you defeated him quickly, when that abductor took you away you used his recklessness to make his ally think he betrayed him, and now my brother challenged you to an unwinnable game and you defeated him nonetheless"

"You're overthinking all of this, besides I lost to your brother"

"Yes, but he won in the worst possible way. He was forced to use his hidden trump card and not only did it fail to reach you it also exhausted him as well, meanwhile, but you also get out unharmed and barely any tired "

"You're just being biased, anyone in my state would have had the same outcome"

"Jeez just take the compliment"

"Ah I'm sorry"

"Hey listen um, I've got a request"

"What's that?"

"I want to be your sole student, please retire from teaching Crystal and Alfron"

"Hm? Why would I do that?

"You know Spade, I always get top teachers to teach me, I always get the best schedules, I am always getting the best treatment. My father tells me it's because I'm his favourite"

Well, how humble of you, thanks for sharing…

"But I know the truth, That Father has been keeping the grounds even for us siblings, because even though all the spell treatment and hard work I had I am still below the both of them. Their talent and potential were enough to match 10 years of my top tier training. You said Alfron was better than me and it was true, I can never match him may it

be on magic or anything else. But you, you have neither any power now status and yet you have defeated the two people I admire the most, teach me your techniques. Give me the hope to retain my place at the top, if you do I'll do anything for you"

"Sorry but I am not interested in the power struggle you have, that's none of my business"

"Well, it didn't seem that way when you favoured Crystal! Don't choose her Spade, among the three of us she holds the biggest potential but she is also someone who closely resembles our mother!"

"Crystal has been the most neglected in all of you, any potential she did have has been dulled in the years of breaking her down"

"That spell Alfron released, non of the court magicians could have stopped it right so who did?"

"That's obvious it's the Kin-... No, you're not serious! Her?"

"Without any proper mentor she learned to read and write on her own when she was done she moved on to magic and Alfron might not have noticed but she's the one who will succeed both of us. That's why Father left her alone, she did not need any help to reach her full potential. She's above all us Spade, further sharpening her will only end with you bleeding"

"I see, I'll keep that in mind"

I say as I left. Don't worry Rene, I'll thoroughly shape her into a piece three times your value. Intelligent, Magical, and powerful yes I can see it! The almighty queen Cryshalis. My pawn who I will use to dominate this world and put it into chaos and after I've broken it down I'll create it to a world of my liking!

I headed to the field to resume my magic lessons but before that, I passed through Crystal's room and I decided to visit her.

I knocked on her door and opened it. Crystal was sleeping in her bed alone as the maid seem to have left.

I sat on her chair and opened her notebook and I tried to understand what was written.

"First lesson with teacher Spade

I've learned about some interesting things today! Teacher Spade is just older brother's age but he knew many different interesting things! I learned about negotiation today and boy was it fun to practice it. I was really nervous when I tried it out though as Teacher Spade said so as I lied to get a free ride back home and it was definitely a good lesson. However I have some corrections in the 3 lessons he had. Firstly staying calm might be a good idea but looking calm makes the other person feel unease so maybe try to adjust your expression depending on the situation, Second step is to be a friend which I don't have a problem with for the most part but again adjusting is necessary for serious situations where being a friend just shouldn't work like in a hostage situation perhaps and finally step 3 is my main problem as it should have many variations like instead of limiting the options, making the options so many that the other person becomes tired and just makes you decide, or instead of discouraging the other person to refuse you why not do the opposite and have the other person seek control? Well, that's it for today, I'm just happy that Father finally gave me the same teacher as my siblings, Teacher Spade is really smart and he doesn't tell me lies!"

Wow this girl! By her own deduction, she has made her own hypothesis and some that are even grounded on facts like reverse psychology or the jam experiment. Ah, teaching her is going to be a delight!

" Kyaa"

Crystal exclaimed as she saw me reading her diary.

"Oh excuse me, that was rude of me to read your journal without your permission"

"Ah um, how far did you read?"

"Just this first page"

She sighed in relief and looked back at me.

"So what's up? Do you have anything for me, Teacher Spade"

"Nothing sadly just my thanks"

"Thanks? Why?"

"For saving me from Alfron's spell"

"Ah, no I… hehe as expected of Teacher Spade"

"Casting it must have exhausting"

"Yeah I can't even get up now"

"Well thank you so much for saving my life"

"If you want to thank me, then read me that story your writing on that language I've never seen"

"Ah you mean this? Well I suppose that's fine"

I read her a rough version of Cinderella I translated in my memory. Why do I have one you ask? Well I plan to be a writer in this world too but I just copyright the works in my world. Hehe sue me if you want.

Now my I'm not sure if my memory is right but Cinderella was a furry right? Well anyway I read Crystal the story and by the end of it she was teary eyed. Seriously she almost cried in a Disney movie… Well when I put it that way many do cry in those, but it's fairytale! It's supposed to have moral lessons which when I think about it what is the moral lessons in these stories? Sleep your way to the top, sleeping beauty, French kiss saves lives, Snow White, and It's all about the big d, Beauty and the beast. And you wonder why kids today turn to sluts when these are what they watch.

"That was beautiful!"

"Haha, you think?"

"Prince Charming was so cool saving her like that! He's kind of like you Master Spade!"

I'm flattered but I don't want to be associated with such a person whose name is Charming, you know just from the name that he's been bullied by preschoolers, if you want to call me a character it had better be Jafar. That guy was awesome beating Alladin despite having an omnipotent genie like that, as well as having his girl kiss Jafar on her own accord and at the end he even became an omnipotent genie himself. That guy, kids should look up to him.

Crystal and I chatted for a while and I took my leave. Well there's one more sibling I have to visit.


I called him as he sat in the garden. I guess he is still a few levels above Crystal as he managed to recover his stamina so quickly.

"Oh Spade, it's you"

"Was that your ultimate spell? It was amazing"


I sat next to him as he stated straight ahead.

"What did you show me Spade?"

"I don't know, I've never used it on myself before. What did you see?"

"A man beating me, and from ahead my mother unconscious and bleeding but no she's not my mother and he's not my, hagh! My head hurts!"

"Ah I see, you've seen a glimpse of my memories Spade, which one I don't know because everyday was practically the same beating"

"That… I… you?"

"My mother left my father now, and my father well he sold me to pay his debt. You always look down on other people Alf but that's because you've never known what they experienced and how strong they truly are, one glimpse at my memory and you nearly went crazy, I lived it! I see it even in my dreams! Hell that was really a dream compared to my nightmare of a life"

"I'm… sorry"

"No you're not! All you think about is proving you're better than everyone. If you really are sorry then use that big head of yours and think about others as well who have suffered way worse. Put yourself in the life of others and you'll see how badly your treating. Your maids and your sisters."

Ofcourse I know you won't change but for now teaching you about empathy will come a long way. I may not like you Alfron but you have a weakness anyone can exploit and that's your pride. If I'm going to thoroughly control you then I need to be the only one who can break you down so rejoice, I'll help in making you better.

Name: Cryshalis Serre Valhalien

Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Weight: 46

Magical Attribute: Sol Flora

Likes: Sweets, flowers, Alfron, Siderene, Spade

Dislikes: fire, bitter food, own talent

Strengths: Psychology, Magic, Academics

Weakness: Physical tasks


Control: 20%

Status: She is warming up to me very quickly and respects me fully. Improvement in relationship I certain.