
The Cold CEO Woman

Anita Baker, doesn't expect for the Cold CEO Liam Jackson to fall in love with her and choose her over her best friend Temisa Patrick She submitted a proposal for a job with them but was offered a job as his assistant secretary. She never expected Liam to fall in love with her, but Love happened. What will Anita do when her best friend is supposed to marry him and his fiancee?. Run away for her best friend sake, even though she knows she loves Liam and has slept with him in his office, or stay and accept his marriage proposal to her?. Read to find out?.

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbain
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

Anita can't say anything again after their mother leave them and walk back to the room to be with their father.

She sigh and stare to Flora whom seems worried and they walk back to sit on the couch.

"What do you think is the problem?" Esther ask Flora and Flora shakes her head and respond, "I don't know, but am worried is something serious."

They sit back on the couch waiting for their father or mother to step out and talk to them.

Anita sigh and finally walk back to her room as she doesn't know what the problem is either. She believes her mother will let them know about it even though her father doesn't want too as she saw her father was already dressed to leave to work before receiving whatever news that made him devastated and she prays silently in her heart, "let it not be that father has lost his job."

Anita murmurs and walk into her room, feeling his screams echoing in her mind has something to do with his office work and she sit on her bed and take up her phone to type her letter of application to the Benson group, that she previously want to send to them and she begins typing..


Back in the Benson residential villa.

Liam doesn't say anything to his father about his new plan and change in the female staffs dress code as he already discussed it with his mother, and her outburst wasn't what he had expected, as she has always supported him and he knows his father's reaction won't be different from his mother as they behaves alike.

He sigh and dress up to leave for work as he will be leaving to work from home.

He stand up from his bed and take his bath first, and he rush into his bathroom and does all the necessary scrubbing of his hard and toned handsome chiseled muscles.

Later he step out from his wide bathtub and ties his sparkling white towel round his waist as he walk out to his room to dress up.

He decide to give Brown a call first as checking his wall-clock time he sees is already past 7am and he knows he will be arriving late to examine the female staffs dressing seductively hot himself.

"Hello boss!" Brown speak first as he pick up.

"Hello" Liam respond.

"Good morning boss" Brown says.

"Morning, Don't forget my orders as of yesterday. I emailed you late as I had some business discussion with father and his friend whom arrived and joined us for dinner."

"Okay boss, Your order has already been implemented early this morning, as early as 6am that some of our females staffs are arriving, we let them know from the entrance gate" Brown respond.

"Good!. That's all I have to say to you for now, see you in the office," Liam replies.

"Okay Boss, I will be expecting you."

"Good." Liam finally end the call and he smirk.

"Now is time to get to business and stay focus" He says as he walk happily to remove his exquisite grey color suit from his wardrobe hanger and hold it out.

He wears it and apply his perfume and hair cream, combing his short black hair and brushing his short breads, he wears his black shoes before staring at his handsome reflection in the mirror.

He finally step out from his room as he walk out from his room corridor upstairs and takes the stairs going downstairs to the dinning to have breakfast with his parent.

Mr Taiye is already sitting in his usual dinning seat waiting for his breakfast and to see Liam before Liam leave to work as even as is Friday morning, he still need to see his son before he leave for his first day in office.

"Good morning father" Liam greet his father as he finally step downstairs to the living room and walk into the open dinning room to join his parent for breakfast.

"Good morning son" Mr Taiye respond, and Liam get closer and take his seat.

"How was your night son?" Mr Taiye ask.

"Fine father" Liam respond as he sit.

"Good morning mother" Liam greet his mother as she walk to the dinning and sit while the maids walking behind her serves their breakfast to the dinning table.

It's fried eggs and tea with toast bread for breakfast.

"How was your night son?" Mrs Juliet finally ask him.

"Is fine mother" Liam replies happily and he dives into eating his food and starts chewing on his bread and eggs.

"Son, you didn't even waited for me to prayed first before you started eating" Mrs Juliet says and Liam pause.

"Oh!, Am sorry mom, I forgot," he stop eating the toast bread and keep it down in his plate and he stare to his mother.

"Is okay son, I will be quick with the prayer" Mrs Juliet replies faintly and Liam nod.

"Let's pray" Mrs Juliet says as they shut their eyes closed and she gives out a short prayer and end it and they starts eating.

Liam is quick to finish his breakfast and he drink his tea prepared for him by one of the maids, and as he's thru, he stand up from the dinning seat to leave.

"Am already leaving to work father" he says.

"Okay son" Mr Taiye respond.

"I might not be in office today till next week, let me see how you will handle today's work project.'

"Okay father, You've already retired, So you shouldn't stress about that."

"Okay son." Mr Taiye smile faintly as Liam walk out from the dinning room and out from the mansion.

His driver Israel Nicholas has already prepared his car, as he will be driving to the company's in his latest Range rover sport.

"Good morning Boss" Israel greet as Liam approach.

"Good morning" Liam respond and he walk towards his SUV while Israel open the SUV door for him and he sit in, while Israel gets into the driver's seat and a new bodyguard quickly walk up to them as Israel is about starting the SUV's engine.

"Who's that?" Liam ask.

"His Tosin Williams, New bodyguard assigned to you by Chief" Israel respond.

"Okay, Let him in" Liam says and Israel immediately open the SUV door automatically, while Tosin gets into the front seat and Israel drives out to the Benson group of companies headquarter.

Arriving at the company a lot of chaos and noises are heard as some of the female staffs are seeing murmuring and screaming loudly with the paparazzi taking photos shoots of them.

"We can't take this!."

"We're to dress cooperate and we did, What do you mean by oversized clothes?!."

"I cannot go back home, before I gets back home and return, it will already be late!" Another female staff murmurs.

"Let's wait for the boss!" Another scream out.

"Oh the new boss is already here, This new principle is outrageous!" Another scream as Israel drives into the company parking lot.

The company's bodyguards immediately walks out to block the ladies wanting to step into the company again.

"You're not allowed to step in. Follow the simple new order of the boss or return back home, Your balance as of this month will be paid into your account in full" The head guard, Raymond Martins informs them.

"We want to see the boss!" Some of the young ladies screams out, but the Raymond doesn't respond to them and doesn't allow them in either.

"You have few hours from now to go back home and change your outfits, Failure to sign in for today, You will get a replacement!" Raymond warns them and instruct the security gate guard to lock back the company's gate and only customers are allowed into the company's premises..

Liam step down and walk into the grand welcoming floor of the Benson group and takes the elevator going upstairs to the third floor where his new office is.

"Good morning sir!" The staffs on the first floor greets him as he walk in, walking towards the elevator stand.

They're the distribution team, responsible for packaging already made produces that will be delivered to the market and other supplies warehouse.

Liam ignores them and walk into the elevator while Tosin follows him into the elevator going upstairs to the third floor where his office is.

He doesn't say anything to Tosin whom follows him into the elevator and it takes them up to the third floor.

"Good morning boss!" The workers on the third floor greets him as soon as he step out from the elevator and walk into the third floor receiving lounge.

He walk towards his secretary office first and she stand up immediately and greet him, "Good morning boss!."

"Good morning," Liam scans her from head to toe, seeing she's properly dressed, he nod and the rest of the staffs working on the third floor, also stands up and greets him respectively, as it's an open glass office with separate desks having laptops and other computing requirements use in checking produce and other customers care requirements.

He walk into his office and close his door shut rightly behind him as he's pleased with their new looks as his company has a lot of female workers than males.

He won't be able to concentrate, staring at a lot of charming beauties, even though they ain't of his interest, They will still be deviating his thoughts and he doesn't want that either.

He has never for once fantasized about making out with a female staff in his office, but the very first day he visited to be handed over the position as the new CEO, he started having weird fantasy about having an illicit affair with any of the hot looking female staffs that smiles to him and he knows changing the rule of their dress code will prevent all that silly fantasy from coming to live.