

The Imperial Palace, evening:

The Emperor was striding down the long hallway leading to his bedchamber. His pace was slower than usual and his steps were heavier.

Cyrim's wide back was solemnly bent. He was aware of Var's honorary sacrifice. Years of painstaking research were dedicated, just to formulate the magic circle.

And in the end, not even all of the mana stones provided by himself the Emperor were enough to save the life of his most loyal subject.

Never once in his life had Cyrim thought about a world were Var didn't exist. The noblest existence of the Empire: that's who Var was to the Emperor.

"Why did you leave me.", the emperor's voice grew colder with every step he took.

He could control everything he wanted. No one would dare to go against him.

Cyrim stopped infront of two majestic golden doors.

"The Emperor's path sure is a lonely one.", he grabbed the golden handle and pushed himself inside the room that made him feel the most uncomfortable. His bedchamber.

Every time before falling asleep, he was forced to think deeply and thoroughly about problems, which had no hope of being solved.

Would his subjects rebel, now that they had their own free will and were no longer controlled by the maker?

If yes, just like Var he was simply waiting for his death to be taken by revolutionists.

Hopefully they would manage the Empire better than him. His subjects to make their own decisions.

Cyrim quietly shut his eyes, suppressing the will to cry. He wanted to run in Vendetta's arms, just like when he was still the crown prince and didn't yet have any responsibilities.


The Pit, at the same time:

Dutti was holding a cup full of hot chocolate in her hands. Holding on to it with dear life. For her it was just too precious, she couldn't even dream of drinking something Vendetta made personally for her.


-I can absolutely not allow this drink go to waste.-

If she was still in her own world, Dutti would have given it at least the rank of an UNESCO world cultural heritage worthy chocolate. Definitely.

With trembling hands she slowly raised the cup towards her lips. Just as she was about to take the first sip of the best hot chocolate she would ever drink in her entire life, the door to her room opened like a flash.


Addax threw the door open and the most precious chocolate in Dutti's world fell to the floor.

"Addax.", with empty eyes Dutti stared at the shards of the broken cup.

-He should just die.-, Dutti raised her head, looking straight into the eyes of the chocolate murderer.

"I will kill you."

Poor Cyrim :(

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