
Chapter 29

Poppy lifted a bite of honey-soaked crumpet to her mouth, and gave him a perplexed glance. "Are you feeling well?"

"It's too warm in here," Harry said irritably, while lurid thoughts went through his mind. Thoughts involving honey, and soft feminine skin, and moist pink—

A knock came at the door.

"Come in," Harry said curtly, eager for any kind of distraction.

Jake Valentine entered the apartments more cautiously than usual, looking a bit surprised as he saw Poppy sitting at the breakfast table. Harry supposed the novelty of the situation would take a little getting used to on all sides.

"Good morning," Valentine said, uncertain whether to address only Harry or include Poppy.

She solved the dilemma by giving him an artless smile. "Good morning, Mr. Valentine. I hope there are no fugitive monkeys in the hotel today?"

Valentine grinned. "Not that I'm aware of, Mrs. Rutledge. But the day's still young."