
Chapter 10:Naivety vs. Reality

"I'll take care of this!"

As I was leading a group of frightened citizens out of the city, I suddenly hears a strange noise coming from a nearby Passageway.

I was shocked by what i saw. Was greeted by a mysterious figure standing in the shadows. The figure is cloaked in a dark robe, and his face is hidden behind a hood.

"Who are you?"I asked Breathing heavily.

The figure laughs coldly. "I told you that i wouldn't let you go that easy."

The figure steps out of the shadows, revealing his face. I was shocked by what i saw its someone that i recognise because it was today that we had our first sparing match.

"Professor Blackwood!"

"You!" I shouted. "Whats the meaning of this, what are you doing here?"

Professor Blackwood sneers."What I'm doing here?" Professor Blackwood sneers. "I'm here to finish what I started. I won't let you humiliate me again."

"I didn't humiliate you. We were just sparring."

Professor Blackwood laughs coldly. "Don't play dumb with me. You know what I'm talking about. You made me look like a fool in front of everyone. But now, I'll show you who's really the fool."

I clenched my fiststs. "This isn't the time for that. We have to evacuate the civilians and deal with the monster that's terrorizing the city."

"Oh right there is a monster there,don't you think that's a little bit strange that the monster coming out of nowhere"The professor said with a creepy smile in his face.

I stepped backward with a fear in my eyes "What did you do professor?"

Professor Blackwood laughed. "I summoned the ancient guardian, the monster you see before you. It's under my control, and it will do whatever I command it to do."

"How did you do this? How did you manage to summon and control such a creature?" I asked, my heart racing with fear.

"It's simple, really," Professor Blackwood replied with a smirk. "I've been studying ancient texts and practicing dark magic for years. With the right incantations and rituals, I was able to summon the guardian and bind it to my will."

"This is madness. You can't control a creature like this. It's dangerous, and it's causing harm to innocent people."

Professor Blackwood laughed. "That's where you're wrong, my dear Lloyd. With the guardian at my command, I have the power to do anything I want. I can rule this city, this country, this world. And there's no one in this world that can stop me."

I gritted my teeth and raised my fists. "I won't let you get away with this, Blackwood. Your thirst for power has blinded you. You're putting innocent lives at risk."

Blackwood chuckled. "You've always been so naive, Lloyd. The world is not a fair place. The strong survive, and the weak perish. I'm just playing the game, and I'm winning!"

I took a step forward, ready to fight. "I won't let you hurt anyone else. I'll stop you, no matter the cost."

Blackwood sneered. "You're a fool, Lloyd. You can't stop me. Look at you you're covered with your blood you look like you might pass out at any moment."

"Yeah i can see that, But that doesn't mean I'm giving up, Blackwood. I'll fight until my last breath."

"How Nobel of you, You feel like you're the protagonist of the story.Let me tell you something you are worthless even trashcan have a value you are worse than trash you hear me you wouldn't even land a scratch on me."

He charged towards me with a lightning speed i couldn't even react he came right infront ofme and He punched directly in my solar plexus. I stumbled backward, gasping for breath

He didn't give me a chance to recover. He launched a series of punches and kicks, aiming for my injured body parts. I tried to block them, but he was too quick for me.

I gritted my teeth, trying to focus through the pain. But the pain was to much for me to handle.I stumbled backward, barely able to stand. Blackwood approached me with a smirk on his face.

"You should have given up when you had the chance, you know that you're not getting out of this You're just a pawn in my game, and I'll crush you like all the others who have stood in my way."

When Blackwood tries to finish me off he suddenly felt an intense magical power shaking through his whole body Blackwood stumbled backward, his eyes wide with shock. "What...what is this power?"

When he turn around he saw a man, dressed in strange robes, Dragging the monster's head like it was a trophy. The man looked up at him with cold, dead eyes, and blackwood felt a shiver run down to his spine. It was clear that this man was not to be trifled with.

"Who are you?" he asked in disbelief. "And how did you manage to kill that monster? It's impossible!"

The man grinned, sly humor in his gaze. "Impossible,you say? I assure you friend, with enough skill, nothing is impossible."

Blackwood maintained his defensive stance. "What sort of mystical power do you command? And what goal brings you to this place? I won't let you get in the way of my plans."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Plans? What kind of treacherous schemes do you have in mind, Blackwood?,Plans to rule this pathetic town! With the monster under your control so no one can stop you."

Blackwood sneered. "You wouldn't understand, stranger. My ambitions are too vast for an inferior mind like yours."

The man chuckled softly. "On the contrary, my friend, simplicity has its own power. But we need not debate goals." His tone sharpened. "I am here to prevent harm to these people. Your release of that monster threatens innocent lives."

Blackwood's eyes flashed dangerously. "These pathetic townsfolk are mere pawns in my rise to power! I will crush any who oppose me."

The man sighed wearily. "So you've chosen tyranny instead of service. A disappointing path." His stare hardened. "But I cannot allow you to inflict further suffering in your lust for dominion. Now why don't you give up, before anyone else is hurt."

Blackwood bared his teeth, his eyes glowing with dark magic. "I will not be stopped by the likes of you."

The man's eyes narrowed. "I had hoped we could settle this peacefully, but it seems that won't be possible." He raised his hand and a bright light emanated from it, illuminating the darkened alleyway.

Blackwood shielded his eyes,momentarily blinded by the sudden burst of light. When he looked up, he saw the man charging towards him with incredible speed.

Blackwood swiped his hands,claws of shadow that slashed at the air, but the man slid between them, untouched. Unexpectedly, the man grabbed Blackwood's hand.

Blackwood was taken aback. He had never felt such strength in a man's grip before. The man broke Blackwood's arm causing him to cry out in pain.

"You're outmatched, Blackwood," the man said, his voice low and dangerous. "You should surrender now before you get hurt further."

Blackwood growled through gritted teeth. "Never! I am so close to achieving my goals!" He summoned more dark magic.

The man let out a low chuckle. "You're an obstinate one, I'll provide you that. But I'm afraid your aspirations aren't worth the lives you're putting at risk."

With a sudden motion, the man broke Blackwood's another arm, causing him to scream in agony. Blackwood could feel his bones grinding against each other, and he understood he couldn't hold on much longer.

"Submit now or things will get worse," the man warned sternly.

Through gritted teeth, Blackwood growled, "Never! I will not be defeated!" He tried channeling more dark magic to cast but he felt helpless.

"You know i don't know who you are but i'm not letting you to get out of this a live"Blackwood said while he was in agony.

The man laughed coldly. "You don't even know who I am, and yet you dare to threaten me? You are a fool, Blackwood."

With a wicked smile, Blackwood tried to destroy his Shadow Essence, when he did that his mana core shattered completely causing his body to heat like it was an exploding volcano. The self-destruct spell had backfired, destroying him from within.

"You fool!" he shout at Blackwood. "Destroying your mana core will not achieve your goals - it will only end your life in a futile explosion!"

Blackwood laughed. "You're a hypocrite, if it is the only way to kill you i will gladly do it!"

The man watched in horror as Blackwood's body began to glow with an intense, dark energy.

"This is not good!" The man says while stepping backwards, but it was too late - Blackwood exploded with a force that shook the entire room.

I was struggling to get back up when I saw Blackwood trying to explode himself.

As the explosion rocked the room, I was thrown back, hitting my head hard against the wall. Groaning in pain, I felt my vision blur and my body go numb. My left arm and leg were badly injured, and I could barely move them. The last thing I remember was the sound of footsteps approaching before everything went dark.