

In a world where power reigns supreme, Subh Born into a family of revered beings, he is the only one without supernatural abilities. When tragedy strikes and his grandmother is brutally murdered, Subh is falsely accused, cast out, and left to navigate treacherous waters alone. Determined to unearth the truth and reclaim his rightful place, Subh embarks on an epic journey filled with danger and discovery. Alongside unlikely allies, he delves into the dark underbelly of his family's legacy, uncovering long-buried secrets that threaten to unravel everything he holds dear. "THE CHRONICLES OF SUBH: ECHOES OF FURY" is a gripping tale of redemption, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a hero who defies fate itself. Join Subh as he battles against all odds, forging his own path and challenging the very fabric of destiny to emerge triumphant in the face of adversity.

silverhorn · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Subh sat in silence, overwhelmed by his encounter.

Outside, Sarva called out, "Subh! Can you hear me? Is he sleeping?" Frustrated, he shook Subh awake. "You pig!"

Subh jolted awake, confused. "What happened? Earthquake?"

Sarva chuckled. "No earthquake. Were you sleeping or meditating?"

"No, Guruji! I was really meditating," Subh insisted.

Sarva laughed. "I was just joking. Good job."

Subh's face lit up. "Now I get it, Guruji."

"Hmm," Sarva acknowledged.

"Guruji, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask what you want to know."

"What is your full name?"

Sarva's expression turned thoughtful. "My full name is Sarva Devananda."

Subh's eyes widened. "Sarva Devananda?"

"Yes, is there anything else?"

"Nothing, Guruji. That's it."

"Okay, let's continue your training. You still have a long way to go."

Subh returned to meditation, focusing on unlocking his chakras. As he delved deeper, a surge of energy transformed him. With each chakra unlocked, he felt power and understanding flow through him.

Unlocking his crown chakra (Sahasrara) granted him cosmic energy and universal awareness. His third eye chakra (Ajna) expanded his perception beyond the physical realm. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) gave him articulate speech and command over elements. His heart chakra (Anahata) infused him with love and compassion. The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) ignited his inner fire, granting courage and strength. The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) awakened his creative potential, and the root chakra (Muladhara) grounded him.

Through unlocking his chakras, Subh gained mastery over the fundamental forces of existence, becoming a beacon of light and power.

"Subh, now I will tell you why I taught you chakra control. This training is a lost art as powerful as spiritual power. Those with spiritual power have infinite potential to become strong."

Subh, with a sad expression, asked, "Does that mean I can't become strong with chakra power?"

"Did I say that?"

"So, I can become strong?"

Subh, with a mix of determination and curiosity, looked at his mentor, eager to understand the full extent of what lay ahead.

sarva continued, "The power of chakras can be immense, allowing you to manipulate the very fabric of reality. However, the drawbacks are significant. Chakra control requires immense focus and discipline. The more powerful your chakra techniques, the greater the strain on your body and mind. Overuse can lead to severe fatigue, physical injuries, or even a permanent loss of your abilities."

Subh's eyes widened as he absorbed this information. "So, the stronger I become, the more careful I must be?"

"Precisely," sarva affirmed. "Unlike spiritual power, which flows naturally and harmoniously with your being, chakra power demands constant vigilance and balance. If you lose control, the consequences can be dire."

Subh nodded, feeling a renewed sense of responsibility. "I understand. I'll train hard to master my chakra control, but I won't neglect my spiritual growth. Both paths are important."

SARVA smiled, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "That's the right attitude, Subh. Remember, true strength comes from balance. As you continue your journey, you'll learn to integrate both chakra and spiritual power, becoming a warrior like no other."

With these words, Subh felt a surge of confidence. He was ready to face the challenges ahead, armed with the knowledge of both his strengths and limitations. The path of spiritual ascension was fraught with trials, but he knew that with perseverance and wisdom, he would overcome them all.

"Now, you have to control your chakra and fight me with all your might. But you must close your eyes and sense me."

"But Guruji, aren't you too old to fight?"

"Hahaha, do you really think I'm too old for you?"

"Yes, Guruji. If you fight me, it could be a problem."

"Don't worry, kid. I'm not too old. Prepare for the fight."

"Yes, Guruji!"

Subh closed his eyes, focusing inward to sense his mentor's chakra. The air around them grew tense as they prepared for the sparring session. SARVA moved with a speed and agility that belied his age, his presence a blur of motion that Subh struggled to track with his senses.

Despite his eyes being closed, Subh could feel the shifts in the air, the subtle vibrations of SARVA's movements. He dodged and parried, his confidence growing with each successful block.

"Good, Subh," SARVA called out, his voice filled with approval. "Your power is increasing. You can use it freely now. There is no blocking on your power as there was when I first saw you."

Subh felt a rush of energy surge through him, his chakras glowing with newfound strength. He launched a series of powerful attacks, each one more precise and forceful than the last. SARVA deftly countered each strike, his movements fluid and effortless.

"You've come a long way," SARVA said, his tone both stern and encouraging. "But remember, true mastery comes not just from strength, but from control. Focus your energy, let it flow through you naturally."

Subh took a deep breath, centering himself. He visualized his chakra, guiding it with his mind. As he did, he felt a harmonious balance within, his power stabilizing. With renewed determination, he launched another attack, this time with a perfect blend of power and control.

SARVA blocked the strike but nodded in approval. "Excellent, Subh. You are beginning to understand. Keep this balance, and you will be unstoppable."

Their sparring continued, each clash of chakra-infused strikes echoing with the promise of Subh's potential. SARVA's pride in his student was evident, and Subh's respect for his Guruji deepened with each passing moment.

As the session drew to a close, Subh felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. He had not only improved his chakra control but had also unlocked a deeper understanding of his own potential.

Breathing heavily, he opened his eyes and looked at SARVA, who stood with a satisfied smile. "Thank you, Guruji," Subh said, bowing deeply. "I will continue to train and grow, honoring your teachings."

SARVA placed a hand on Subh's shoulder, his eyes filled with wisdom and kindness. "You are ready, Subh. Your journey is just beginning, but I have no doubt that you will become a beacon of light and power in this world."

With those words, Subh felt an unwavering resolve. He was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that with SARVA's guidance and his own determination, he could achieve anything.

"hm now lets eat. i have amde a meal for you"

"what! guruji did you make a meal?"

"yes i made it because you were training for atleast 1 to 1.5 years."

"huh 1.5 year its just a year wait what did you say guruji 1.5 years how can it be i didnt even get hungry nor fell sleepy"

"when a person is unlocking its chakra they dont fell hungry or sleept because chakra give them energy thats why you didnt fell hungry or sleepy"

"ohh but still i didin;t fell that this much time had already gone!"

"because you were concentrating and all your focuse was on chakra control thats why you didnt focuse on time."

"thats must be the case"

sarva had alredy gone to dinning table "do you wanna eat or i eat it all?"

"nooo i want to eat its my first time eating the food that my guruji had make"

"hahaha then come and eat or food will get cold"

at dinning table

"subh do you know there is a gurukul for spiritual power users just down the hills."

"is there i dont know about that"

"ok there is a gurukul who teaches to the people who have spiritual power but not all power users just the people who have passed the test can enter the gurukul. so you have to be prepared"

"but i dont want to learn from gurukul i want to learn from you."

"it's not about teaching powers its's about world lesson it can only be learn by travaling in the world"

"but i dont want to leave you this early"

"dont be like a child you already 15 you should know what is good for you."


"there is no but. i have already said what i wanted to say i will tell you the day when you will leave"

"i understand guruji"

"dont be sad its not that its last time we are meeting we will meet again. so dont be sad"

"ok guruji. but you said gurukul only take the pwerson who have spiritual powers but i dont have then how can i take admisiion in it?"

"dont worry i will do something about it its my problem dont worry about it."

"ok guruji"

"now eat and goo back and sleep"

"ok guruji"

"now eat fast and then go to sleep tommorrow i will take you somewhere"

"where guruji"

"its an surprise for you. if you can get it"

"what do you mean by if i can get it?"

"lets see it tommorrow"

"fine i am done eating"

"ok then clean the plates and put them at there place then you can sleep"


after eating subh washes all the plates and then goes to sleep while thinking about the surprise that sarva told about"

what do you think what will be the surprise of the sarva.

silverhorncreators' thoughts