

In a world where power reigns supreme, Subh Born into a family of revered beings, he is the only one without supernatural abilities. When tragedy strikes and his grandmother is brutally murdered, Subh is falsely accused, cast out, and left to navigate treacherous waters alone. Determined to unearth the truth and reclaim his rightful place, Subh embarks on an epic journey filled with danger and discovery. Alongside unlikely allies, he delves into the dark underbelly of his family's legacy, uncovering long-buried secrets that threaten to unravel everything he holds dear. "THE CHRONICLES OF SUBH: ECHOES OF FURY" is a gripping tale of redemption, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a hero who defies fate itself. Join Subh as he battles against all odds, forging his own path and challenging the very fabric of destiny to emerge triumphant in the face of adversity.

silverhorn · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Amidst the chaos of battle, a sudden shift in the atmosphere draws the attention of all present. The clouds darken ominously, crackling with bursts of purple lightning, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield. An unfamiliar presence looms in the shadows, unnoticed by the supreme beings engaged in combat.

Emerging from the darkness with an air of mystery, a figure steps forward, commanding attention with each deliberate stride. This enigmatic being, shrouded in an aura of authority, exudes an unmistakable sense of power and wisdom. Alongside them stands another figure, equally unfamiliar but radiating a restless energy that hints at untapped potential.

Unbeknownst to the other supreme beings, these newcomers possess a formidable strength of their own, their identities concealed in the cloak of night. With a silent determination, they move forward, their intentions unclear yet their presence undeniable, a silent force waiting to reveal itself.

The atmosphere seemed to tense, a rippling wave of power surging through the air. Vihangam's sharp eyes caught the movement in the distance, a pair of figures emerging from the shadows.

"Vihangam - And who might you two be?" Vihangam sneered, arrogance dripping from his words as he addressed the newcomers.

"Sarvajaya and Samarth," came the reply, the voice belonging to the taller of the two figures, Sarvajaya. His tone was calm, yet there was an underlying current of authority that brooked no argument.

"Vihangam - With lip curled into a sardonic smile. Ahh two more fools come to face their demise," he taunted. "And what pray tell makes you think you can stand against us?"

"Sarvajaya - His gaze steadily, a mysterious aura surrounding him. We are merely passing through," his voice carrying an edge of mystery. "But your actions have disturbed the balance, and we cannot allow that to continue."

"Vihangam - With laughter filled with scorn. Passing by you say? Such a trivial explanation for your presence here. Perhaps you are here to witness our triumph."

"Sarvajaya - Remained unwavering, his eyes gleaming with an unfathomable knowledge. Our purpose is our own," he responded, his voice carrying a weight that seemed to echo through the darkened sky.

But before Vihangam could utter another word, Samarth's patience snapped like a taut string. With a ferocious roar, he lunged forward, unleashing a barrage of powerful energy blasts toward Vihangam, the force of his attack thundering through the air like a wild storm.

As Vihangam continues to taunt, Samarth, unable to contain his anger any longer, channels his fury into a devastating attack. With a fierce battle cry, he unleashes "Pralaya Vajra," a cataclysmic thunderbolt that surges towards Vihangam with unstoppable force.

kruraksha halts Samarth's attack with a swift movement of his hand, creating a shockwave that dissipates the Pralaya Vajra.

Kruraksha - (halts Samarth's attack with a swift movement of his hand, creating a shockwave that dissipates the Pralaya Vajra) "He taunts Samarth, mocking his display of fury, feeling the heat of his rage rising."

Samarth is on the brink of losing control. However, Sarvajaya intervenes, placing a calming hand on Samarth's shoulder. His voice, carrying the weight of wisdom and authority, advises Samarth to exercise restraint. He warns Samarth of the grave consequences that could befall the universe if he were to unleash his power without caution. Samarth, gripped by Sarvajaya's steady presence, eases his tense muscles and reclaims control over his emotions.

With unwavering composure, Sarvajaya observed the chaotic scene unfolding before him. "There is a hidden hand guiding these villains," he stated, his tone measured and deliberate. "An unknown force manipulates them, yet it underestimates our strength."

"Sarvajaya - His voice, calm yet commanding, cut through the tension like a blade. Come forth, the shadowy presence," he declared, his words a solemn invitation to conflict. "Face us, and we shall dispel the veil of deception. Know that even the might of these three villains is insufficient to halt us."

With a nod to his allies, Sarvajaya remained steadfast, ready to confront whatever darkness lurked beyond the veil.

With a haunting laugh that echoed through the ethereal realm, the shadowy figure emerged from the veil of darkness.

"Unknown - He chuckled, his voice carrying a chilling undercurrent of malice. Ahh you have very keen eyes," he continued, his tone taunting yet calculating. "It was your insight that led you here, to this moment of reckoning."

"Unknown," Sarvajaya's voice resonated through the dimension, carrying an air of command and mystery. "We meet at last."

But before Unknown could respond, Samarth, fueled by rage and impulsiveness, unleashed a mighty blast of energy, aimed squarely at the shadowy figure. However, to their astonishment, the attack seemed to dissipate into the ethereal mists without leaving a trace.

"Is that the best you can muster, Samarth?" Unknown's voice rolled like thunder, teasing and taunting in equal measure. "A pity, indeed. I had hoped for a more... impressive display."

The supreme beings watched in silent fury as their comrade's attack failed to leave so much as a scratch on their new foe. Emboldened by the lack of effect, Unknown continued to mock Samarth, his laughter ringing through the ethereal realm like a chilling overture to an unfolding catastrophe.

But before Unknown could respond, Samarth, fueled by rage and impulsiveness, unleashed his most potent attack yet: "Nirvana Shakti Nova"! With a roar that reverberated through the cosmos, he channeled all his energy into a concentrated burst of power, unleashing a cataclysmic wave that surged toward the villains with unstoppable force. The very fabric of space-time seemed to tremble as the formidable energy of Samarth's attack threatened to tear apart the battlefield.

Unknown, unimpressed by Samarth's display of power, easily deflected the onslaught with an Oblivion's Embrace. He taunted Samarth, ridiculing his efforts as nothing more than a pathetic display of futility. This only fueled Samarth's fury further, igniting a burning desire within him to prove his worth and overcome this menace.

As the battle rages on, the clash between Samarth and the enigmatic Unknown intensifies. Samarth unleashes his signature move, the "Eternal Sunder," a devastating blast of cosmic energy capable of tearing through dimensions. Unknown counters with the "Void Rejection," a dark energy surge that repels Samarth's attack and threatens to engulf him in its sinister grasp.

"Unknown - Well well I didn't think you can be capable of this. Now, so I shall also respond with my all power."

As the battle reaches its zenith, Unknown finds himself overwhelmed by Samarth's relentless onslaught. Despite his best efforts, he struggles to deflect Samarth's powerful attacks, each strike chipping away at his defenses. With desperation in his eyes, Unknown summons his ultimate technique, the "Apocalyptic Annihilation," a cataclysmic force capable of erasing existence itself. The very fabric of reality trembles as the devastating power of the attack threatens to consume everything in its path.

With a silent command, Sarvajaya halts the flow of time itself, freezing every atom in the multiverse and universe in a moment of eternal stillness. In this frozen instant, he channels his unimaginable power into a technique known as "Cosmic Barrier." This mighty forcefield stands as a bulwark against the Apocalyptic Annihilation, halting its devastating advance and protecting not only the multiverse but all of existence from imminent destruction.

Realizing the potential of Unknown's power, Sarvajaya delays his strike. Instead, he contemplates a different approach. With a gesture of his hand, he channels his spiritual energy into a transformation, turning Unknown into a mystical weapon of incalculable potency. Now, Unknown exists not as a threat, but as a tool for the greater good, a sword of unparalleled might waiting to be wielded.

"Sarvajaya - Hmm I should give him a name. Let's think what should be he is powerful as hell. So it should be Amarvajra."

SB1 nods as time resumes its natural flow, the chaotic battlefield now quieting into a tense calm. SB2's eyes scan the surroundings, searching for any sign of Unknown's presence, but find only the remnants of the fierce battle that had unfolded moments ago.

"Samarth - Goes to Sarvajaya. Do you know where did he go?"

"Sarvajaya - With a grave air. I am afraid even my visions are obscured when it comes to Unknown. Maybe he slipping between the cracks of reality."

Satisfied with SB1's response, SB2 relents, understanding that some mysteries are not easily unraveled.

All the SBs - Thank you fellow people for saving us.

"Sarvajaya - Its alright but its not good for you to ask help from outside. You are the supreme beings that control whole universes. You should be more powerful, work hard and become powerful."

All the other SBs - "Yes we will work hard to become strong. But can you tell us who you are..."

The supreme being 1 and 2 are not here they have already left from there.

With a grand sweep of her hand, Grandma concludes her tale.

"And so Subh, what have you learned from this epic saga, woven from the fabric of destiny itself?"


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