
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantaisie
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64 Chs


Kai took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts, He stood up, His head still hurt, and he felt weak.

"Ken clear up the corpses and gather the bodies. Cyer help me free these prisoners… Gods, my head is killing me." He exclaimed.

"Kai, I don't think I should be the one to free them, you see if they were to give my description to the wolves it would make difficulties to say the least... I apologize but please excuse me from this task. Here are the keys to the prisons."

"I understand, thank you so much, Cyer. This wasn't even your battle."

"I will meet up with you later, Kai, Ken knows where."

"Uhh, sure" Kai replied his head hurting like hell, shaking it, he set to free the prisoners as Cyer walked off into the forest.

Most of the prisoners were very weak, barely able to walk straight. They gathered outside silently as Kai dragged himself to open one cage after another, after completing his task, Ken quietly vanished. so that now Kai was working alone, it was morning by the time Kai got to the last cage.

"That was a long night..."

Inside the last one was a girl, very weak, she was unconscious, and looked about Kai's own age, she looked oddly familiar. Kai proceeded to pick her up and brought her out.

being lifted, she opened her eyes looking at Kai's face a single tear ran down her own.

Kai approached the crowed that had gathered. They were all watching him.

Kai set the girl down against a support in a sitting position and addressed the crowd.

"You are free, all of you, those who are healthy enough, pair up with those who aren't. Support them, you will find ample supplies in that," Kai said pointing at the building the bandits had stashed their loot.

"Those who find their belongings take them, share the rest equally, divide the food, if you think you can survive alone you are foolish these bandits weren't the only threat in this jungle. It's almost a two-day journey to the nearest village, in that direction," Kai pointed this time in the direction that the bandits had brought him in from.

"Maybe less than two I am not sure."

The crowed remained silent, then a person asked,

"Who are you?"

"My name is Kai, and I was brought here last night."

"I... we all owe you over lives, Kai we thank you," the man replied, as the whole crowed bowed in respect and started to move.

"Kai..." a whisper, a dry whisper that was barely audible, came from beside him, it was the girl who Kai had sat down earlier, he looked over at her.

"Can you speak?"

The girl opened her mouth then closed it again and a tear ran down her face.

"Right" Kai turned around,

"Does anyone know her?" He asked.

a man replied, "I am sorry, but everyone brought with her was executed."

"I see," Kai picked her up again and started walking towards the exit,

"Ken be sure to pick up our stuff as well," Kai spoke aloud.

"Wait, where are you going?" asked a person from the crowed.

"I am sorry, but I really have to go, and I know someone who might be able to help this girl. Do what I told you and you will be ok. Oh, and leave this place as soon as possible yourself, I am sure more bandits will be here soon."

Kai spoke looking at the sky to ascertain the time, "I guess this is goodbye" Kai finished.

The crowed bowed once again and set to work.

Kai made his way outside.

"Kenviar Mortem, get your fucking ass here now!!" Kai growled and on cue the smiling figure of the demon swooped down in front of him.

"I will deal with you later, for now my head hurts, my arms are killing me, and I feel sick. While I rest, tend to her. Make her better but first transport us to someplace safe that is an order."

Ken merely nodded lifting both the girl and Kai in each arm and flew away with great speed. landing in a campsite about an hour later,

Placing both down, Kai walked off to sleep inside a set up tent without a word.

"Kai, are you ok?" Wisdom spoke up again.

"It seems you are..." Kai could not respond.

"I think I have figured out what that entity is, I believe he is your demonic part, it's just a guess though based on the happenings for now I restrained him but obviously it's dangerous to let him control you. It is dangerous to let anyone control you. Lastly the power he used was your own. I don't know how or what he did but nothing he did was done using anything other than your being. You must be tired. Rest well."


It was high noon, by the time Kai woke up, getting out of the sleeping bag he recalled the incidents that had taken place earlier. He appeared from the tent. Ken was preparing food, Cyer was nowhere to be seen and the girl was sitting under the shade of a tree with a plate in her hand, eating something. She looked considerably better than Kai remembered but still very weak, she had short black hair and dark brown eyes, her skin was fair but due to the weakness it looked pale. She was considerably beautiful regardless of her weak appearance, with sharp features and a well-toned body. She had this strange grace about her that Kai clearly felt.

They were in a neat location, a meadow, surrounded by cool trees the sunlight poured in the center.

Kai sat down beside the girl as Ken brought over his food.

"Now, explain yourself Ken" Kai said with a sharp look.

"Err... let's see now, well, you were already asleep when I heard them, so well we had discovered the body earlier and well it was concluded that she was killed by someone or something and then they showed up and I was curious so..."

"So, you let them take me?"

"Err, yeah, but I wouldn't let them hurt you, a night in the cage I mean I was going to rescue you anyway..."

"A night in the cage. Was this your version of revenge for me making you eat those bugs?" Kai asked in an overly polite manner.

Ken bit his lip... "uhh, well when I sensed a considerably ridiculous amount of energy, I rushed to you only to find you unconscious along with that mutilated body... and well you know the rest..."

"Ken, you avoided my question, Yes, or No?"

"Y-yes..." Ken replied, "I really am ..."

"Stop, I know you're not sorry in the least. Regardless, remember this ..." Kai spoke... "This is war, and I will get you back accordingly" Kai laughed at the last part, lightening up the mood as Ken took a sigh, "But for the future, don't play such pranks ... ok?"

"You got it boss." Ken answered with a smile.

Next Kai looked at the girl.

"Hello, miss, how are you now?"

The girl nodded replying in a soft, dry voice, which was an improvement from the whisper Kai had heard before, at least, it seemed like talking did not hurt her throat anymore, "I feel much better thank you."

"It wasn't a problem; I really didn't do anything anyway," Kai answered waving his hand smiling "May I know your story?"

"Oh, my name is Delilah, I am the second princess of the southern snow tribe, and the Heir to the throne," she told them, her voice breaking.

"Me and my older sister were with our escort, going to attend an official meeting with some white wolf elders, our land falls under their suzerainty, partially." she paused taking a breath, Kai nodded.

"In our way came this jungle, we were instructed to go all the way around it but our escorts thought of saving time and we made our way through."

"I see, so that's how you got in..."

"Well before we knew it, we were ambushed by them. They killed most of our guards and took the remaining hostage." she had her eyes closed.

"When they found out who we were, they demanded ransom. We could have paid them with ease, but the wolf commander who got the message decided to play hero." her voice, though dry now sounded sharp.

"He attacked the nest, and was obviously defeated, but he managed to kill quite a few of those bandits. This enraged them, so they took it out on us, torturing my sister, defiling her in front me. I was helpless, I could hear her screams. Her agony. They showed no mercy, " Delilah was crying now, her voice shaking horribly as she went on

" ...after they were satisfied, they slaughtered her. leaving her corpse at the spot to show what happened to those who opposed them. My sister didn't even receive a proper burial. I along with our remaining escort was imprisoned again. They executed my companions, … I was set to be auctioned." She finally broke. leaning against the tree, tears racing down her face, Kai extended his hand around her, comforting her. She accepted his gesture leaning over to him as she cried,

"I thought I was going to die there, ... I was so scared ... " she said as Kai comforted her, while looking over to Ken, who looked back, mouthing.


"COMFORT HER!" Kai mouthed as well,

"Miss, Delilah if it's any comfort, your sister got a proper burial, we came across her corpse yesterday... and we buried her." Ken said ignoring the parts in between, and Kai realized why Delilah looked familiar.

Delilah looked up, nodding.

"What will you do now?" asked Kai getting back up as Delilah wiped her tears...

"Go and meet the elders, after my sister I am responsible for my tribe."

"I see. Ken, this is an order, take Delilah to the elders and come back as soon as possible. Keep her in good health along the way," Kai said looking at Ken, who raised an eyebrow,

"I will be fine, don't worry,"

"If you say so..." Ken said as he walked towards their supplies...

"Your friend, he isn't human, is he?" Delilah asked looking at Kai.

"He is a demon, " Kai answered as a black horse like creature came towards them,

"It's still I," ken said looking at Kai, " I thought this way would be more appropriate."

Kai nodded.

Soon Delilah and Ken disappeared into the forest. On cue Cyer entered the site.

"Let's get a move on, shall we? It's just a few miles further" he spoke, looking at Kai who was about to speak as well when Cyer answered the question in his mind, "I intentionally set the rendezvous point here, so that the journey can be cut short."

"You really are awesome Cyer" Kai, answered as he packed up and started moving onwards with Cyer.