Kaede wakes up early and get dressed,she sigh heavily.She prepare her weapons to bring.When she tied up her shoes someone knock her door and she knew who.
"Milady,you done?"
Sebastian open the door and look at her who wear the mask.She sigh dramatic and look at him.
"Let's go,let me warn you don't bring your master tag along.It might dangerous him"
Sebastian nods and went to his master.She get out and see Phipps who get out from his room.
"Morning Kaede"
He greets with his soft smile and those husky voice of him,make her flustered and her cheeks have tint pinks.
Kaede never feel this before,being shy and flustered.
"Are you alright? you seem uncomfortable"
"I-I'm fine"
Then a smirk from him with smug look,make Kaede feel heat up.
"Or because yesterday?hmm~"
Oh dear,his husky voice make her heart melted.
"N-no I was tired because thinking of the strategy since our group make the first move.This must be success"
Phipps nods and guide her to be in dinning hall to eat breakfast.They happily chat together.Make her own teammates feel jealous.
They done the breakfast,Alois and Ciel stay in mansion,Claude,Sebastian,William and Kaede went out to go the place of the bad guys hide.Yup that's fast and no need vehicles to ride off.
"For girls like you must be have plenty energy because you talked with your crush"
Sebastian smirk devilish but inside his opinion he hates how close you are with Phipps same goes with Claude and William.
But Kaede cut him with put her index finger to Sebastian mouth.Signaling them to keep shut and stand still.Kaede active her byakugan.
"They have 16 people,each group have four of bad bending,evil spirit,rouge ninja and dark mages.My bet they can sense us from here,now follow my plans.Claude you will attack at the point east.William be prepare your death scythe and collect the soul after I make the sign so search high place to prepare yourself.Sebastian attack from the west.The rest let me handle it.Now move"
They quick and do the their jobs.Yup it was successful all the people inside the building can't stand with Kaede.She make explosion into air that sign to William,he collect their souls they look at cinematic record.Yes,Kaede can see it because her special power eyes.Kaede widen her eyes and laugh maniacly,they shock to see her laugh.
"I see now,that's how they play then we should make the right move then (lick the upper lips) they will not leave in live"
She more demons than Sebastian and Claude.They smirk,to see her new side of Kaede.
'She shall be mine'-Claude,Sebastian,William