

After those day the earl,prince,bussines partner,the fellow reapers and viscount went to their estate.The empress were have meeting at greenhouse while their assassin prepare the tea for them at kitchen.Yunho and Bian Han happily chitchat,but Kaede minds off thinking about the yesterday night incident.Liphea notice it and tap her right shoulder.Make ninja girl look at mage girl.

"You alright Kae-chan?"

"Yeah,I'm fine just thinking"

"About Grim reaper and demons isn't?"

Kaede nods slowly to answer her questions.

"Is they treating you?"

Liphea as know the motherly like she must make sure her long-friends,best friends or her majesty in secure and being protected by her or someone else that she trusted.

"No,it just piss me off"

Kaede clench her teeth.Liphea sigh and nods her head as she agree.

"Well not just you,I been flirting by blonde reapers,Yunho meet the demons maid with triplets demons they getting her way and said they must keep their eyes on her as their master order make Yunho feel annoying by it.Lastly,Bian Han get creepy jokes by silver reapers.So you meet who?"

Kaede told that she meet the head butlers of Phantomhive estate and Trancy estate.Willaim and the not so lady-like red reapers.Kaede get annoying by them asked many question.Then all sudden the double Charles come in.

"Waahhh,that's look delicious ~"

Grey said while his mouth drooling look at the Victoria sponge chocolate cake that Liphea made.Make the mage girl blush a little how close he is with her almost their nose touch.

"G-Grey please move I need to prepare the tea"

He chuckle and nods,he move aside and let the assassin work.Phipps notice that Kaede kinda zone off.He walk to her with tap her shoulder.


"You spilled the tea"

Kaede look indeed,this is first time she make mistake in this.She quick to search towel to wipe the tea and take another tea cup.She sigh softly,Phipps helped her.

"Let me help,since yesterday you drown your energy most than others,so it's fine people make mistake sometimes"

He smiles,make the girl kinda melting with his gentleness.

"Y-yeah thanks"

While Bian Han and Yunho have mischievous smirk to their friends.Well,Yunho have crush on Agni because Agni have helped her when Hannah and triplets getting her way.Agni said that a lady like her need a man to accompany along her and he make sure that he be her guard someday.For Bian Han she loves have chat with Finnian or Finny for short.Finny even he have unnatural strength but he's cute and innocent in her eyes.They now smile like an idiot.But of course Liphea and Kaede knows about it and look at them with mischievous smirk.

The mask and shadow assassin notice it and look away with blushing mess.The double Charles can't read the room and let them be.Liphea and Kaede thanks to them for helped.Liphea give one cake of Victoria sponge chocolate cake to them.

"Thank you and here enjoy it then we will take a leave"

Liphea smile but somehow Grey blush a little and nods to her.While Kaede give Phipps the honey dango.

"I hope you enjoy Japanese sweet that I made"

Kaede didn't smile,Phipps smile at her and have a little blush on his face.

"Thank you,and it's look like delicious"

Kaede nods the four assassin get out from the kitchen.

"Man,if I know Liphea here all the time I should talked with her"

"Well,I hope that I can meet Keade again"

They enjoy their crush homemade sweets.

"It's good"

While at greenhouse,the four assassin mouth open wide and their eyes with their eye widen open.

"I-I'm sincerely apologize but can you repeat what you said I might not getting focus"

Liphea asked,make Queen Victoria chuckle along with other empress.

"We assign you guys work with my Guard Dog and spider.With that you guys need to make teamwork.You guys can meet them today at Phantomhive estate my guard dog.Also bring my butlers okay,there will be Lao,Prince Agni,reapers and my guard dog finance Elizabeth Midford also know as the genius swordwoman.That's all now you guys may excuse"

They sigh heavily and Liphea get the double Charles they prepare the carriage.Lucky it fit for them.Phipps and Kaede at outside to make sure the horse doesn't get wild.Bian Han,Yunho,Grey and Liphea inside.Liphea and Grey sit next each other.Make the couple control their blush.There a curve,Kaede almost fell into Phipps laps bit lucky for her she can balance her body to stay still.But unlucky for Liphea she in Grey embrace.


"I-I don't mind"

They blush harder.Then they arrive at Phantomhive estate,they greet by Sebastian.Kaede sigh heavily but lucky no one heard her except the demon.Sebastian smirk mischievously and his famous fake smile.

"Welcome to Phantomhive estate,the others have waiting for you guys.Please let me guide you guys to them"

He then glare at Kaede with flirty glare and soft smirk on his face.Kaede mutter under her lips,Phipps notice it and asked her if she alright or not.Kaede looked at him and nods.That made Sebastian feel jealously.

'What is this feeling is this the people called jealous?'

Sebastian just sight softly and let Kaede be with Phipps together.Soon she will be his and he make sure about it perfectly.