

After Ryan left mom went on talking about him all day. Maybe she's just as infatuated with him as I am. I've never felt this way about someone I barely know, except for Pete in first 5th grade. I guess you can say that we were dating for a while until he moved back with his dad in Colorado. Mrs. Alis walks downstairs from my room holding trays with glasses on them that look like they might tip over any minute now. "What is your mother going on about" she whispers to me. What I would truly like to say would be very hurtful and if there's one thing that u should know about me is that I try my very best to hurt people. "Oh she's just really excited for the new worker to start. It's been awhile since Mr. Anderson left and some work needs to be done" I lie. I mean work does need to be done but moms only excited because she has a chance to get laid. Would Ryan actually be ok with that? My mother's rich, beautiful, and everything a man would want but he doesn't seem like the type to go out with just anybody just because of their money. "Aren't we all" Mrs. Alis says winking at me walking into the hall to continue dusting. After hours of thinking about Ryan, it hits me. He's not in the royal chain line and I am (unfortunately). Which means theres no way that we would EVER be able to....

whatever....he's only here for work anyway and I'm pretty sure he's married and I'm the last person he's thinking of right now. After what feels like hours upon hours I do everything and anything to get him out of my head and still....nothing works.