
Chapter 62

Nada thought, and actually laughed.


 When Song Xi Gu saw him smile, he thought he was in for a treat and hurriedly said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, why don't I be the host and have a meal together?"


 Nada tightened her smile and replied, "It was a misunderstanding but he did offend me as well, he can apologize and I can not forgive, so I don't accept his apology."


 Song Xi Gu was dumbfounded, he immediately turned back, kicked the manager and said loudly: "Show your sincerity, just move your lips and apologize, just want people to forgive you, are you still so naive at your age? Apologize to me!"


 Wu Fu glared at him and asked in a suffocating manner, "What will it take for you to forgive me?"


 Nada said seriously, "Then slap yourself twenty times and I'll think about forgiving you."


 With these words, both of them realize that Nada is not a lamb but a man-eating wolf, and that this kind of insulting method is even worse than what he did to him before.


 Song Xigu weighed the situation and thought that Nada was more important, so he said to Wu Fu with a tiger's face, "Don't be quick to slap, and if you offend people like this again, I'm afraid that next time, I'm going to give you a direct corpse!"


 Wu Fu face blackened, but people under the roof, had to bow his head, trembling outstretched his hand, gently patted his cheek.


 Nada said, "It's too light."


 He hadn't intended to borrow David's tiger skin to pull the flag, but these two wanted to pull it with him, so naturally he wasn't polite.


 Wufu had to push a little harder and Nada sighed, "Still too light."


 Song Xi Gu couldn't help but say, "Heavy Star, ah, it's best not to go too far when you're a do-gooder."


 Nada said, "Oh, then I'll talk to Uncle Qin about this, and he'll definitely help me."


 Song Xi Gu froze and asked, "You met with Adolf?"


 Nada smiled slightly, "What do you think?"


 Nada said, taking out her cell phone and calling Adolf.


 Adolf quickly answered, Nada turned on the external playback so Song Xi Gu and Wu Fu could hear, Nada spoke to Adolf in a gentle tone, "Uncle, are you busy right now?"


 Adolf looked at the secretary next to him and gave a gesture and said in a gentle tone, "Not busy, Star do you need something?"


 Nada said, "It's dinner time, uncle remember to eat your dinner and don't get busy."


 Adolf's heart was ironed out, "Hey, it's still you, Star, who cares about me, how can Zhong Yue have this kind of heart like you."


 Nada said, "I've ordered you a stomach nourishing medicinal meal from Gohansai, you'll remember to eat it later, so I'll leave you alone now."


 Adolf hung up, savoring Nada's words, and a warmth welled up inside him.


 It's really too much of a loss to give him a son like that, it's better to give him a son.


 Adolf Woods was touched and sent David a message, "You need to fight for it! If you don't fight again, I'll get the heavy star."


 David: "Dad you have a wife of your own and you want to take my wife?"


 Adolf: "..."


 David: "Oh, you don't have a wife, you're jealous of me. Heh heh heh."


 Adolf dropped his cell phone with a grimace and said to his secretary, "Carry on."


 Nada smiles at both Song Xi Gu and Wu Fu once he hangs up, even if he doesn't say a word right now, it's intimidating enough.


 Wu Fu also no longer hesitated, directly to himself with great force, slapped himself twenty slaps, slapped his cheeks red and puffy, like a pig head.


 Nada looked at him and then at Song Xi Gu and said, "I've seen your sincerity, now you can go back."


 Song Xigu couldn't help but say, "That game of yours, I can offer six hundred thousand dollars, I can see that this game is very good, as long as the download volume exceeds one hundred million, just by placing advertisements, you can recover your capital, I'm very optimistic about him."


 Nada said, "No, I've got a buyer."


 Song Xi Gu froze as Nada said, "After all, it's good to have the group at your back, isn't it?"


 Song Xi Gu was completely speechless.


 At this time, Kong Tianhao and Huang Senmiao came back, and when they saw the two strangers, they both froze for a moment and asked Nada, "Who is this?"


 Nada lifted her chin and said, "Song Xi Gu, Mr. Song, and this product manager, Wu Fu, Mr. Wu."


 The two naturally knew who they were, and now that they saw them, they both revealed very angry looks, "What are you doing here? Our game is not for sale to you! Please leave!"


 Song Xi Gu opened his mouth and said, "In fact, I came over this time, besides standing up for you, there is one more thing."


 Nada's clear eyes gazed at him quietly, Song Xigu held back his embarrassment and spoke melodramatically, ''It's like this, I have a sister who has a child left behind, her name is Nada, I saw the text material you left behind in the conference room, casually flipped through it, saw your name, confirmed your identity, and later learned about Wu Fu forcing you to come here to apologize for your loss, and only then brought him here to apologize. I know that Wu Fu forced you to do something, so I brought him here to make amends and apologize. Now she is seriously ill, perhaps your presence can make her better."


 Nada blinked for a moment, suddenly feeling a bit ridiculous, today's events were obviously directed by Song Xi Gu, but he was now saying such things to him.


 If what he said was true, then he was his uncle, and to think more about it, one could also think that Chi Yaoming was his half-brother.


 His uncle is despicable, his half-brother attempted to seduce David, then his mother ...


 Nada steadied herself and asked in a low voice, "How is she?"


 Song Xi Gu sensed his faltering, immediately said, "Your mother is very bad, her man, that is Qi's that Qi Po Jun, he plays very fierce, many small three illegitimate children, but also domestic violence your mother, your mother is now depression severe, suicide several times, and so on, she is afraid that she is really going to die."


 Kong Tianhao and Huang Senmiao a moment of inattention, heard this kind of insider gossip, this time has withdrawn, but also that Wu Fu pulled out, at this time only the two of them left in the office.


 Nada listened without speaking.


 Song Xi Gu's eyes reddened and choked, "She really had a hard life, our family was aware that she and your dad were making friends, but with a family like ours, how could we possibly marry our daughter to a poor boy, so the family wouldn't let her continue to be with your dad no matter what. By my mom to take the lead, call the Xie family, gave 100,000 yuan breakup fee, your father his brother agreed to take the money."


 "Your mom still didn't believe that your dad would break up with her for money, and made a scene in the house for several days, and finally, because she had a baby in her belly and couldn't move it, she stayed home to nurse the baby, but she kept waiting for your dad to come to her, so who knew that something would happen to your dad?"


 "Your grandma also do not let your mother to give birth to you, I told your grandma that so big month, playing hurt body, your grandma just let your mother gave birth to you, but your mother does not know your father is gone, still think he is alive, in order to money do not want to you two, but also postpartum depression, your grandma made the decision to give you to Xie's family, which think that your father's brother will be so heartbreaking. "


 The more he said the more emotional, his eyes red and red, "your mom was still young, your grandma made the decision, married her to Qi Bojun, which thought that at that time also innocent people, after marriage will play so fierce, pressure is not your mom as a person, your mom wants to divorce him, can not be divorced, her life is too bitter."


 Nada heard this and looked away, saying in a calm tone, "You can go now."


 Song Xi Gu froze, he opened his eyes wide to look at Nada but couldn't see any emotion on his face, he was a bit incredulous, in his vision, Nada shouldn't be indifferent!


 How could someone who had never enjoyed the love of a mother or the warmth of a family resist him as an uncle and his own mother?


 Nada said in a cold tone, "Please leave, I don't want to hear you continue your nonsense."


 Song Xi Gu tried to say something more and Nada increased her tone and said, "Please leave or I'll call for someone to kick you out."


 Song Xi Gu had to leave, he didn't expect Nada to still be a cold-blooded and heartless person, this was definitely beyond his expectations, he had to go back and discuss with Zhao Xiang.


 Nada wiped his face, Song Xi Gu felt that he was emotionally invested and genuinely grieved for his sister's pity, but all Nada saw was his fake feelings hypocritical selfishness.


 The more Song Xi Gu was like this, the more he couldn't show that he cared about his mom, he couldn't give him leverage.


 Even he wasn't sure now if his mom was really as wonderful as he thought she was.


 Nada thought about it, but called Adolf and carefully mentioned the matter.


 Adolf is a little surprised to hear this and is all for checking it out for Nada.


 Nada doesn't want to bother Adolf if he can help it, but he doesn't have the connections or the sources, and he doesn't want David to know about it, so he has to come and ask Adolf.


 In the evening he met up with David, who with a look of excitement took off his mask, reached up and pointed to his chin and said, "Look, I'm growing a beard!"


 Nada had trouble understanding his inexplicable excitement, "What's so unusual about ... growing a beard?"


 David said mysteriously, "Look closely, there's a golden beard in there!"


 Nada: "..."


 David said, "I'm guessing it's from eating persimmons... If I ate a persimmon a day, would my few handfuls of hairs turn blonde too? That would be too cool, wouldn't it?"


 Nada: "..."


 His heavy mood of the day instantly dissipated, and he couldn't help but let out a "pfft" of a laugh.


 David added mysteriously, "And yeah, I've heard that if you don't eat meat, you eat fruit, and it squirts out sweetly."


 Nada: "... huh?"


 David said, "Would you like to try it then?"


 He said in a shy tone, "Although I'm meatless, I can be a vegetarian for you."


 Nada: "..."


 Nada said, "No, get out."

Nada soon receives the informational material that Adolf helped him gather.


 Probably Adolf already knew what he wanted to find out, so the information about the Song family was very detailed, down to the history of several generations of business and the whole process of decline.


 The Song family is also an old luxury family, the last century is also the glory of the past, but the family has a love of gambling Song old man, in Macau overnight gambling lost 500 million, the Song family can not get so much gambling money, so they had to sell other assets, put together the gambling money, but also because of this, the Song family is greatly injured, plus the Song family of a few grandchildren are very incompetent, even difficult to defend the Cheng Chengdu, not to mention on the times to keep up with the tide of the wind, and thus left behind by other luxury families, and now has a very low class family, even the heel of the upper class circle can not touch. As a result, the Song family has been left behind by the other big families, and by now, it is already a very inferior family, not even able to touch the heels of the upper class circle.


 The current head of the Song family is Song Jingzhou, who also follows his father's example, loves to gamble, and has gambled the most aggressively, losing a hundred million dollars in Macau nineteen years ago.


 This 100 million is equivalent to 800 million dollars, but even now, the Song family is difficult to come up with 100 million dollars in cash.


 At that time also experienced the same sell villa sell luxury car also gambling capital, but the difference with the Song master can barely pay on the time, at that time the Song family has been declining, sold so many assets, even sold the two imperial city outside at that time as long as 10 million, but now has a value of one hundred million four courtyard, or still can not be, there is at least 50 million of the vacancy, at this time, the Qi family of the Chi Pojun open mouth to say that the two marriage, for the Song family to pay back the gambling capital.


 Song Jingzhou does have a daughter, called Song Hui, very, very pretty, there are quite a lot of rich and powerful gentlemen are pursuing her, Qi Bojun is also one of them.


 The data attached a photo of Song Hui from the age of fourteen to twenty, with skin like condensed fat, bright eyes and white teeth, like a lotus flower in the water. It is indeed very beautiful, and now, it is also the kind of beautiful that can go to be a star without any dead angle.


 But such Song Hui, but and university classmate Xie Qinghe fell in love, according to the description of their common classmates, the two of them are still very much in love. At that moment, Song Hui also has many rich second generation suitors, because of this, there are many obstacles to them, but just did not let the two of them break up, but instead, the feelings are still better, so they fell in love with each other for two years, until Song Jingzhou gambling lost a hundred million dollars.


 The latter is what Nada knows.


 In order to Qi Pojun's promise, Song family up and down are forcing Song Hui and Xie Qinghe to break up, according to Song family has left the nanny aunt memories, Song Hui was dead not break up, but also run away from home, and Xie Qinghe outside to hide for a few days, the two people do not know what faint, actually want to elope together to Singapore, but to the airport, Song Hui's older brother, Song Xigu, temporary water, the two elopement of the news told the family, Song Hui was caught back.


 After that, Song Hui's mother Zhao Xiang stepped in and gave Xie's family 100,000 breakup fee, which was received by Mason, and Xie Qinghe simply didn't know at that time, or Mason smugly revealed it, only to call Xie Qinghe in a hurry to run out of things.


 Song Hui does not think that Xie Qinghe will accept the money, but she has been locked up and can't run out, so she can only cry every day and kneel down to beg Song Jingzhou to release her.


 Song Jingzhou is also ruthless, and Song Xigu and Song Jiyun, who is still in junior high school, knelt down in front of her, saying that if she can't pay back the money, she will be cut off by the casino, so that she can save her life, and also shamelessly, and cried with Song Hui.


 That aunt said Song Hui soft heart, too soft heart, she swore: "Song family had money at that time, Mrs. Song has a lot of jewelry, antiques and paintings, but also like to collect gold bars, I cleaned the corridor when the door of her study is not closed, I can see, that a big safe, which are all gold bars! Golden. The family's car is also a lot, are several million several million, villa is also a lot, when the outside of the family also keep a woman, a month also want to send a lot of money, on this, fifty million is absolutely take out."


 Song Hui was forced to be disheartened by the family, coupled with physical discomfort, was checked out by the doctor to be pregnant, there is hope in the heart, hard to say that they want to give birth to this child, and then married to Qi Bojun.


 When the child was born, did not wait for everyone to react, holding the child and ran away, no one knows how her body that has just finished giving birth to run a kilometer, or because the wound collapsed and hemorrhaged by passers-by back to the hospital, the Song family only know that she ran away.


 The baby was sent away, she spent two whole months in bed to get a human face, and in the third month she was forced to marry Qi Bojun, she had no choice.


 In the end, the postpartum strenuous exercise over the reason, Song Hui miscarried three times in a year, the next year finally pregnant Chi Yaoming, this time did not miscarry, properly born, but the Chi family smacked her to someone else gave birth to a child, and never treat her well, Chi Pojun is just a moment of passion.


 Song Hui this nominal Mrs. Qi, and has not been respected, her in-laws sneer at her, Qi Bojun all kinds of contempt, he has several times in public insulted her in bed with the dead like will not move, even to please him will not, even he spend three thousand dollars can be on the whore, the girl is not comparable. Their attitude, outsiders look at her, do not think she is a person.


 Even her own son despises her.


 Nada squeezed a few thin sheets of paper, tears staining her entire face.


 He wiped the tears from his eyes, but they wouldn't stop flowing.


 "Mom." Nada called out in a hoarse voice.


 No one answered him.


 Adolf probably estimated the time when he finished reading the information, and called him at this time, carefully saying, "Star, don't be too upset, your mom is okay now, she's out, and I've found the address, look, do you want to go and meet her?"


 Nada let out a soft 'hmm'.


 Adolf heard the choke in his voice and sighed inwardly, filled with disgust for the Chi and Song families.


 Adolf comforted Nada for a while, then he had to be busy again, he sent a message to David, let David accompany Nada, and then continued to work, while not forgetting to make a note to the Chi family, to rectify that Chi Po Jun.


 David gets a letter from Adolf and doesn't know why Adolf said that, and when he gets to his dorm room, he realizes that there's something wrong with Nada.


 David carefully got into Nada's bed, and although Nada's back was to him, from his angle he could see Nada's reddened cheeks, and a few strands of hair dampened by the water.


 David jumped inside and whispered, "Stars, huh? What's wrong with you?"


 Nada ignored him, he just wanted to be quiet for a while now, to digest the anger and sadness that filled him.


 David at this moment but read the sad atmosphere that filled the air, he carefully reached out his hand and touched Nada's eyes, and it was really wet, "... stars, you're crying ah?"


 David panicked, "Why are you crying? Who bullied you? --Is my dad bullying you?"


 Nada tried to calm her tone, "No, not your dad."


 David said angrily, "Who was that? Who dares to bully you? To hell with it, there's actually someone who dares to bully you, tell me and I'll take it out for you! If I can't kill him with one punch, I'll lose!"


 Saying that, taking extra initiative, he came over and kissed Nada's reddened ear, his tone dropping, "Don't cry, my heart aches, seeing you cry makes me want to cry too."


 Nada whipped her head around and looked at David silently.


 David look at his eyes red, really is the look of crying, heart is also difficult, his nose is sour, eyes also sour, "Why cry ah? Don't you cry, I want to cry."


 With that, he took it upon himself to move up and kiss Nada on the lips, saying vaguely, "Come on kiss, kissing makes you not want to cry."


 Nada closed his eyes and opened his mouth, letting David's tongue dive in as he stretched his arms and wrapped them around David's waist.


 The heart says softly, Thank you.


 He seems to really like David, and he's not him.