
Bind Myself to You – Part 1 

If you like music while you read, try "God Damn You're Beautiful" by Chester See.



When Voss got past his shock at my sudden declaration, he was beaming and took hold of my arm, clapping my shoulder with his free hand.

"Very happy for you, Sir. And I'd be honored to witness your vows."

It was a grief that there would be no romance for my wife, no flower arches or royal gardens. But I prayed that, like me, it was the union she anticipated, more than the experience of achieving it.

I kept telling myself that, but it didn't truly soothe my nerves until Hildie returned half an hour later, her travel bag thrown over one shoulder, and her cheeks pink with heat because she'd clearly been running.

She dropped the bag just inside the door and rushed to me. I took her hands and pulled her over to the window, while Voss gave us a few moments while he went to the records room to write up a marriage certificate.