
Kahedra the city of magic

Oribel and indigo arrived at Kahedra a few days later. As soon as they got there the rented a room at a local motel that also had free stalls for animals like horse, big cats, and big dogs. Animals like these were normal to have for travelers and for wealthy people for transport. The next morning oribel went out in the city to get food and information on Gala. Once she was finished eating she went out asking people if they know who Gala. So far no one has never even heard of him. At the end of the day she was walking home when she heard running and screaming behind her. She turned around only to be knocked to the ground. She wasn't given a chance to even open up her eyes when she was yanked into alley way. She looked at the person who caused the problem and saw a centaur girl around her age. "Please don't make any noise" the girl asked as she took her hand off of Oribels mouth. Once the group of people were gone the two girls stepped out of the alley way and looked around to make sure it's clear. Once they knew it was clear, Oribel looked at the girl and got a good look at her. The centaur girl had. Short pixie auburn hair with goat like ears that were facing downward, she had doe brown eyes that were big but it fit her features, she had a brown animal like nose that was dry from the cold night. She also had thin clothes that left her freezing, and she had brown hooves. " I'm sorry for bumping into you, I'm jade bank." Jade says in her high pitch voice. "It's fine I'm oribel by the way." Oribel said slightly still a little bruised from her fall. "Since I'm talking to you may I ask a question?" Oribel asked as jade nodded. "Do you know who Gala is? He's a monk and I need his help." Oribel asked. " oh yeah I know him, he helps me sometimes when I get in trouble. I can take you to him Tomorrow if you want." Jade says with a joyful look. Oribel agrees and the said they would meet at a local store near by tomorrow. "See you tomorrow Oribel!" Jade yelled as they both went home.