
Child of the Fall - Chapter 0.1

They call him Ethan or Nathan.

He was a very quiet boy, and someone who hates when people talk about him.

They also call him the Child of the Fall, because he is the child who is once destinied to save the world—who now has fallen.



Despite being a heavy sleeper, Ethan immediately woke up from the loud voice of an old man.

He open the door and went downstairs while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

He is currently staying at a cheap inn, one of the most cheapest at that, after all, there's no way for him to afford even the normal ones. A normal inn cost 1 Gold coin per month but the inn he is currently staying is only for 44 Silver a Month , almost half the price of a normal inn.

He then went into an empty table and waited for the old man who called him.

While waiting, Ethan's thought began to wander about his future

'Hm... Although I could still afford an entire year of rent, I'm already running out of money. Together with the high price of products nowadays, it seems that it's also going to be rainy season soon, this is definitely no good development.'

Suddenly, Ethan realized what it meant to be an adult, he finally emphasize what the quote "Money is Everything" means.

Although being only 16 he now face the problems adults have!

A few minutes later an old man in his 60's walk up to his table and sat in front of him. The old man look at the face of Ethan and frowned,

"What's with that gloomy face?"

Ethan recover from his thoughts and face the old man,

"Everyone's problem except from those at the royalty."

The old man nodded as if he understood what Ethan is emphasizing. He then smile and said to him in a teasing way,

"If it's money, then why don't you work as knight? Although being only 16, you have every qualifications to become one!"

Ethan thought for a moment and said,

"No. Even the training itself already cost too much, the food, the living expenses and even the equipment, that's not even investment, just straight up bullshit."

I planned on writing this as Chapter one but decided on it being a prologue.

Murzughkretcreators' thoughts